This past Saturday evening, my family had the opportunity to be outside at night away from city lights and observe a sky very similar to this one (a real-time view of Monday night’s sky from the Stellarium app).
Near the horizon is the Big Dipper. The two stars on the right side of the cup point to the North Star, which is also the end of the handle for the Little Dipper. The North star, or Polaris, has been the foundational navigational star for thousands of years. Near the top of the screen a segment of the Milky Way can be seen.
With major crises catapulting to the center stage of world events in rapid succession, it is good to step back and reflect on the sovereignty and immutability of our God – the I AM that I AM. He will have the final word, and He cares for His own. That is the guarantee of Scripture, and we can bank everything on the veracity of the Bible.
1. Continue in prayer for the Lord to defend Israel in their current war with Gaza.
2. Pray for an Israeli Christian your age to be encouraged by the above truths today.
3. Although clouds and light pollution often obscure our view, the stars above are still there shining to the glory of God. Thank our Father that, likewise, even when circumstances obstruct our view of His activities and purposes, He is at work and can always be trusted.
Psalm 2