Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 96:2

Sing unto the LORD, bless His name; shew forth His salvation from day to day.

1. Calabar, Nigeria: Pray for every set of twins in Calabar to receive a clear presentation of the gospel and put their personal faith in Jesus Christ.

2. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Pray for a Christian to start a Bible study in the apartment complex pictured earlier this week.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for at least one of the requests you remember from any of the other cities featured this week:

Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos Islands

Popondetta, Papua New Guinea

La Villa de los Santos, Panama

Kandy, Sri Lanka


Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 96:1

O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.

1. Manchester, England: Pray for the Father’s continuing provision of daily needs for Christian widows in Manchester.

2. Ballasalla, Isle of Man: Pray for a Biblical church to be planted in Ballasalla.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for at least one other request that you remember from the other cities featured this week:

Dovers, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Hadaliya, Sudan

Kabed, Kuwait

Abuja, Nigeria

Thank you for praying!


Special Request

This evening, Ron Hamilton, aka Patch the Pirate, went home to be with the Lord. With full and glorious sight, he now and forevermore beholds the face of Jesus. The songs and adventures Patch the Pirate leaves behind will continue to stir our hearts to faithfully love and serve our great God.

Please pray for Ron’s family during this time, that they will continually know the Father’s sustaining care. “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.” (Psalm 116:15)


Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 107:15

Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!

1. Lenakel, Vanuatu: Pray that many people in Lenakel would be hungry for the Word of God, and eager to gather whenever they have a chance to hear it proclaimed.

2. Kamina, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Pray for an adult who never learned to read to have an opportunity to come to Christ.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for at least one request that you remember from any of the other cities featured this week:

Jerusalem, Israel

Seville, Spain

Piedras Negras, Mexico

Medellin, Columbia

Thank you for praying!


Saturday Morning Recap

Mark 16:15

And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

1. Nashville, USA: Pray for the Lord to minister this weekend to the hearts of the family members and friends of the six victims at the Covenant School shooting.

2. Kfar Nahum (Capernaum), Israel: Pray for a believer to know abiding strength and comfort from Jesus.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for at least one request that you remember from any of the other cities featured this week:

Graca, Sao Tome and Principe

Rio Grande, Argentina

Izmir (Smyrna), Turkey

Instanbul, Turkey

Thank you for praying!


Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 63:3

“Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You.”

Special Request: Pray for two TGP team members currently serving on a short-term cross-cultural trip.

1. Lubango, Angola: Pray for a gospel outreach to begin to the Ouivamo ethnic group.

2. Havana, Cuba: Pray that today more of the city’s VW Bug and Bicitaxi drivers will hear that Jesus loves them, understand how that love was demonstrated (John 3:16), and believe the Truth in repentance and faith.

3. Your Choice: Pray for at least one request that you remember from the cities featured this week:

Orongo, Easter Island (Chile)

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Dzhiland, Tajikistan

Dublin, Ireland

Thank you for praying!


Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 113:3

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’s name is to be praised.

1. Mikkeli, Finland: Pray that if the people we prayed for earlier at the fast food restaurant haven’t accepted Jesus yet, that they would very soon.

2. Special Request Updates:

➡️ Thank the Lord for three new people who joined the TGP team this week!

➡️ Malachi (young MK in Brazil with E.coli): He is off all life support and dialysis, praise God! There will be months of recovery ahead as he works to overcome heart and kidney damage, but his ultimate prognosis is very good. Afternoon Update: He was released from the hospital and is at home!

➡️ Urgent medical needs for a faithful worker: After making it back home, surgery was deemed necessary and was successful!

➡️ Michael from Walmart: This is a new request for an unsaved worker going through a difficult time in life. A TGP team member was able to share with Michael what his name means (see yesterday’s post), as an encouragement that the Lord is the best One to help in hard times. Pray that God will put other believers in Michael’s life to further explain the gospel to him, and pray for him to receive Christ.

3. Your Choice:

Pray for at least one request that you remember from any of the other cities featured this week:

Mumbai, India

Nusa Tupe, Solomon Islands

Thimphu, Bhutan

Kigali, Rwanda

Thank you for praying!


Mikkeli, Finland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mikkeli.

1. Pictured above is a burger and smoothie fast food restaurant. Pray for the next people who sit at the table above to hear and believe the gospel.

2. Mikkeli is named for the archangel Michael, whose name means “Who is like the Lord?” Pray for a resident of the city to come to that realization, and therefore give the Lord the pre-eminent position in his life that He deserves.

3. The average daily temperature high in Mikkeli for March is 33°. Pray for the person in town who has the coldest heart spiritually to be wonderfully changed by the power of God.

Psalm 113:3


Happy 2nd Birthday, TGP!

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

(Matthew 9:37-38)

On March 20, 2021, Targeted Global Prayer featured its first city: Cochabamba, Bolivia. Today is TGP’s second birthday! It is with sincere gratitude that we thank each person who has joined us in praying that Jesus will be known to the peoples of the world. Together, our prayers have come before the throne of God in behalf of those who live where our feet may never travel.

The long term goal of TGP is to have a full 24-hour’s worth of prayer for each day’s featured city. That translates to 1,440 people praying 1 minute every day. Imagine how much could be achieved for the kingdom of God if that much prayer was offered for the given requests!

While that goal is in the future, there is a step toward it you can do now:

Please invite at least one other believer to join TGP.

You have demonstrated that you value prayer and the gospel by signing up to receive daily posts. Please take another step by asking someone else to sign up as well. Every pray-er and every prayer makes a difference!

For today’s three requests:

1. Please pray that many Christians will join us.

2. Pray that the Lord will answer our daily prayers for His glory.

3. Thank our Father for allowing us to join Him in the Great Commission.

The following are links which may be helpful:

Where to Sign Up:


About TGP

The Challenge

If you have any questions, please email those to

Also, as a reminder, after signing up, a person will receive an email which contains a link to confirm the subscription. This link must be activated before any posts will be received!

On behalf of people you may not meet until heaven, thank you for your faithful prayers!!!


Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 67:1-2

“God be merciful to us, and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, Selah. That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.”

1. Xayaboury, Laos: Pray for a khene player to become a Christian, that salvation’s song may flow out of his heart through his khene, touching others for the glory of God.

2. Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland: Pray for the oldest person in the village to know and love Jesus.

3. Your Choice: Pray for at least one request that you remember from any of the other cities featured this week:

Peawanuck, Canada

Bologna, Italy

Dikhil, Djibouti

Jaww, Bahrain

Thank you for praying!
