Guatemala City, Guatemala

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Guatemala City.

1. The building next to the red car lies in disrepair, with hints of what used to be. Unfortunately, physical devastation is just one type of calamity a home can endure. As of 2018, Guatemala had the lowest divorce rate of any nation worldwide ( Pray for Christian families in Guatemala City to build their homes on the Word of God, that they may avoid spiritual devastation.

2. After a 1976 earthquake, Guatemalans became very receptive to the gospel. Today, the country’s average of Protestant adherents is 30%, as compared with the 6% average that other Central American nations have. Pray for the Lord to bless continuing evangelism and discipleship efforts.

3. With the metro area population well over 3 million people, Guatemala City is the largest city in Central America. However, when our Shepherd looks down at the city, He sees more than a mass of people – He looks into individual souls that need Him. Pray for someone your age to respond in faith today to the Spirit’s work in his / her heart.

Psalm 113:3

Thanks to my son for telling me facts about Guatemala that he learned in his high school geography class.


Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Quetzaltenango.

1. Pray for the shoeshiners of Quetzaltenango to have Christian customers, who will have courage/wisdom to witness to them.
2. Across the pavement from the shoeshiner is a memorial gazebo in honor of the one millionth vaccine against tuberculosis in 1997. Today, people with HIV are at an increased risk for contracting tuberculosis. Pray for Jesus to meet their spiritual needs first of all, and also their physical needs.
3. Pray for Guatemalan Christians led to the Lord in the 1980s to still be bringing forth fruit and walking with the Lord.

Psalm 98

Originally published May 31, 2021


Chore, Paraguay

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Chore.

1. Pray for everyone who walks past this fountain today to feel the Spirit’s tug in his/her heart for Living Water.
2. There are four yellow and green benches by the fountain. Pray for each lonely person who sits on one of those today to meet the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.
3. Pray for the light of the gospel to shine into and change the darkest neighborhood of Chore.

Psalm 1

Originally published June 17, 2021


San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of San Pedro Sula.

1. Pray for the salvation of twelve people who attend summer programs in this amphitheater.
2. Pray for Mayan descendants who live in San Pedro Sula to enter the kingdom that will never end.
3. Pray for gang members in the city to trust Jesus and live in His freedom.

Romans 10:13-15

Originally published June 11, 2021


North Arm, Falkland Islands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of North Arm.

1. North Arm is a small farming settlement in the Falkland Islands, which are an overseas territory of Britain. Pray for the people who live/work in the buildings along the cross shaped roads to hear the true message of the cross of Christ.
2. In 2007, there were six children living in North Arm. Pray for those six people, wherever they are today, to love the Lord with all they are.
3. Pray for resources for Christian growth to be available to any believers in North Arm.

Romans 10:13-15

Originally published on June 6, 2021


Antigua, Guatemala

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Antigua.

  1. Pray for Christians passing by this fountain to believe (not just theologically, but practically) that their heavenly Father is kindly dispositioned toward them.
  2. Pray for the Word of God to be widely circulated in Antigua.
  3. Pray for anyone in Antigua with Ukrainian or Russian relatives to turn to Jesus during this time of turmoil.

Psalm 90


Santiago, Chile

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Santiago.

  1. Pray for six passengers riding on these two trains this weekend to hear how to board the “Gospel Train / Happy Day Express” and secure their tickets personally.
  2. Pray for the Lord to encourage a Christian handicapped passenger with the truth that He will make all things new for him/her one day.
  3. “Santiago” is Spanish for “James.” Pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to someone living in Santiago from the New Testament book of James today.

Psalm 24


Jicalapa, El Salvador

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Jicalapa.

  1. This photo is interesting, because zooming in to the sidewalk-inscribed compass rose near the top center, and comparing that with Google Earth’s compass in the lower right corner, reveals that the concrete-inlaid compass rose does not align with the actual cardinal directions. Pray for someone living in Jicalapa who has a form of Godliness, but whose life evidences a void of God’s actual power, to change that today.
  2. El Salvador means “the Savior.” Pray for the Savior’s message to be proclaimed and received in Jicalapa.
  3. Pray for anyone wearing a pearl necklace in Jicalapa today to realize how valuable she is to the Lord, and to love Him in return.

John 14:1-6


Belmopan, Belize

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Belmopan.

  1. Pray for workers in the red and white buildings to hear how to communicate with the God Who made them.
  2. Belmopan is the capital of Belize, and has the smallest population of any of the countries of the Americas (16.5 K in 2010). It’s motto is “City of Promise.” Pray for many residents there to lay hold of the promises of God.
  3. Close to Belmopan are Central America’s tallest waterfalls. Pray for vacationers enjoying those to give glory and appreciation to the Creator.

Ephesians 6:10-18


Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tegucigalpa.

  1. The above statue of the resurrected Christ was completed in 1998, and, at night, is visible to 60% of the city’s population. Pray for someone seeing it this evening to come to Jesus, as He invited all to do in Matthew 11:28-30.
  2. Tegucigalpa means “place of residence of the noble,” and is the capital of Honduras. It can also be translated “place on the home of the beloved master.” Pray for 5 people to receive salvation today, that their hearts may become Tegucigalpa.
  3. Pray for the Wonderful Counselor to be glorified this Christmas season.

Luke 1:37
