1. From heaven to the Old Testament to the New Testament to today, music has been an integral part of the worship of our great God. Pray for church musicians in all 12 South American countries (and also France’s overseas territory) to be filled with the Spirit as they minister to the Lord and edify believers through their voices and instruments.
2. Pray for a Brazilian church guitar player who has been going through hard times to have the comfort of a song from the Lord in his heart today.
3. Pray for children who love singing about Jesus to always stay that way, worshipping their Father in spirit and in truth.
Psalm 122:1
This post was originally published on March 3, 2024.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Arequipa.
1. Roadside vendors like the one pictured above are common throughout Peru. It is currently summer in Peru, so pray for the salvation of an ice cream roadside vendor in Arequipa.
2. Pray for orphans in Arequipa to come to know the Father of the fatherless through the compassionate care of Christians.
3. Located near four impressive volcanoes, many of Arequipa’s buildings incorporate sillar, a white volcanic stone. For this reason the city has been nicknamed the “White City” (perurail.com). Pray that someone living in one of these sillar homes will also one day receive a white stone from Jesus, as described in Revelation 2:17.
Matthew 9:36-38
This post was originally published on January 4, 2023.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Guayaquil.
Pray for the next person who uses the pictured ATM to come to faith in Jesus.
Pray for the owner of the blue car to do the same.
Guayaquil is the port of departure for many cruises to the Galapagos Islands. Pray for a passenger on one of those cruises who espouses the theory of evolution (the widespread acceptance of which Darwin’s Galapagos trip played a role) to see and accept the truth of the Genesis 1 account of Creation.
Lago Argentino is a glacier fed lake, with some runoff water from the Andes Mountains. The lake’s teal color is from “glacial milk,” mineral sediment suspended in the glacial meltwater. Lago Argentino is Argentina’s largest freshwater lake, and contributes tourism and fishing to the area’s economy.
1. Pray for a visitor to Los Glaciares National Park to see the Creator’s majesty in the views he enjoys, and then recognize the Creator’s right to reign in his own life as well.
2. Many believers around the world have been baptized in lakes or rivers, picturing the salvation that has become the defining moment of their lives. Pray for any Argentine Christians who need to follow the Lord in believer’s baptism to do so.
3. Near Lago Argentino is the town El Calafate, sometimes called by the same name as the lake. Both of the top two World Altitude Gliding Records were set near El Calafate, in 2006 and 2018. Pray for someone living there who has previously heard but not accepted the gospel to do so today, that one day that person may soar even higher than the highest gliding record to live with God in His heaven.
Revelation 22:1,17
This post was originally published on March 26, 2024.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Macapa.
Macapa is located on the bank of the Amazon River, ninety-three miles from where it empties into the Atlantic Ocean on Brazil’s northern coastline. The picture above features a statue of three women doing laundry at the river’s edge. The Amazon River is in the middle background of the picture, with the distant shoreline at the far background. Pray for any woman doing laundry today in Macapa to have the opportunity to have her heart cleansed whiter than any fabric could ever be.
Macapa has about 487,000 residents, and the equator runs through the city. Because of this, it has been nicknamed “The Capital of the Middle of the World.” Pray for someone who will cross the equatorial line today to also cross over the line from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God’s dear Son.
There are a few roads out of Macapa, but most travel to other Brazilian cities is by air or sea. A bridge opened in 2017 that connects Macapa to the country of French Guiana, which is the first road from the country of Brazil as a whole into French Guiana. Pray for the engineer who designed this bridge to meet the Engineer Who not only designed, but Himself is the sole Bridge from mankind to God.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Cusco.
1. This statue honors the most famous Incan leader/martyr in the Great Andean Revolt of 1780-1783. It is located in a plaza where handicrafts are sold on the weekends. Pray that three teenagers inspired by Jose Gabriel Tupac Amaru’s story will also hear about the Rider who will one day mount a white horse to victoriously lead heaven’s armies (Rev. 19:11-16). Pray that those youth will give their adoring allegiance to this Lord of Lords.
2. Pray for an artisan preparing items to sell this weekend to accept Jesus and thus become one of the Father’s own workmanship pieces (Eph. 2:10).
3. Pray for someone eating pesto in Cusco to realize that it is the God of the Bible Who has invented enjoyable food flavors, and to express gratitude to Him for all His gifts.
Psalm 96:7
This post was originally published on May 31, 2023.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Talca.
Pray for people living in Talca whose souls are bowed down like the above tree to personally experience Psalm 145:14.
Talca is known for its wine production. Pray that people seeking to escape life’s pressures through alcohol will instead turn to the only One Who has the answers.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to give Christians in Talca ideas of what they can do to make a difference for the kingdom of God in both their city and the world.
Romans 8
This post was originally published August 30, 2021.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Port of Spain.
1. Pray for two individuals connected with this cruise ship – one vocationally and one vacationally – to become a Christian before the end of the month.
2. As transportation hubs, port cities the world over have long been hot spots for human trafficking. Pray for an individual caught in this terrible life to be delivered in all regards by the power of God.
3. This coming Saturday, August 10, Port of Spain will be the location of “Radiance at the Residence,” a Neon Nights event at a restaurant/bar. Pray for someone holding an early bird ticket (sold out now, but originally $80) to meet a Christian who lives out the true radiance described in Psalm 34:5. Pray for the Holy Spirit to highlight the contrast of those two things – the temporary neon glitzy show versus the lasting light that comes from reflecting the light of God that has shined into a person’s life – to draw the first individual to Christ.
“LORD, You have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.”
Revelation 1:8
“‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,’ says the Lord, ‘Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.'”
From eternity past to eternity future, Yahweh is. As a ladybug can not understand the concept of a light year, time-bound humans can not fully fathom eternity. However, as Ecclesiastes 3:11 states, “…He has put eternity in their hearts…” We know, even from creation itself, that God is and is eternally powerful (Rom. 1:20). He has always been and will always be, extending forever in both directions, as a line in mathematics does.
It is an amazing thing that this eternal God chose to create and reveal Himself to mankind. He breathed His life into us, thereby making living souls who, as a ray in mathematics, have a starting point but no ending point. Our greatest joy is therefore the reality of being in the presence of the I Am forever and ever. The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are His everlasting arms (Deut. 33:27).
1. Pray for a person passing these statutes today to realize that the only person Who should be prayed to is the eternal God Who offers Himself as a refuge.
2. Aruba is a country that is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Pray for someone who will fly from Aruba to Amsterdam this week to, while flying in the sky’s expanse, consider God’s eternality and yield to His claims on that individual’s life.
3. Pray for Christians around the world who have lost a child in the last 24 hours to be comforted by the fact that the eternal God can carry them through even this dark valley, and will forever reunite all believers at the rapture.