Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Coogee.
- Wedding Cake Island* is a rock outcropping one kilometer away from Coogee. It protects the city from large ocean swells. Pray for many Coogee residents to find protection in the Rock of Ages from the stormy swells of life. (*Thanks to William and Peter Hall for information about this island.)
- The Bondi to Coogee Walk is a six kilometer path of gorgeous views along the rocky coastline, with cafes along the way. Pray for people who will enjoy it today to feel the Spirit’s tug in their hearts toward the God Who created such beauty.
- From time to time, divers can hear whales singing in Gordon’s Bay. Pray for divers who hear those songs this month to also hear a Christian song somewhere that will encourage their souls.
Psalm 96