James Ross Island, Antarctica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of James Ross Island.

1. James Ross Island is part of an archepelogo that extends closer to South America than any other part of Antarctica. Mendel Polar Station, owned and operated by the Czech Republic, is on the island. Pray for each person currently at the research station (around 20) to have an opportunity to accept Christ.

2. Pray for the salvation of the ship captain who will be transporting the station staff back home around the end of summer (mid-March).

3. At almost a mile high, Mount Haddington is the highest point on the island. Pray for the next person attempting to climb Mount Haddington to think again about any previous gospel witness received, and respond in faith.

Isaiah 45:22

This post was originally published on January 25, 2023.


Wellington, New Zealand

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Wellington.

  1. Pray for people who will sit at these tables today, that when they think about / discuss recent global events, the Lord will interject Himself into their thoughts and draw them to Himself.
  2. Pray for any Christians who may work in the two tall buildings in the background to be bold in witnessing for Jesus.
  3. Pray for landscape workers who mow the grassy area above to meet the One Who made everything from grass to them personally.

Acts 1:7-8

This post was originally published on August 18, 2021.


Daly Waters, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Daly Waters.

  1. This general store sells a bit of everything. Pray for the craftsman who built the barrel rocking chair to come to know the most creative Craftsman of all time.
  2. On this Thanksgiving Day, pray for any Americans in Daly Waters to consider the Giver of all good things, and be truly grateful to Him.
  3. Hanging from the ceiling on another wall of the store above are dozens of t-shirts for sale. Pray for anyone owning one of those to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 3:14-19

This post was originally published on November 25, 2021.


Ouegoa, New Caledonia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ouegoa.

  1. The above photo is part of a 360° view of Col d’Amos, a hill near Ouegoa. Pray for the salvation of the photographer whose shadow can be seen.
  2. Bananas are a major income source for Ouegoa. They are picked and stored in ripening rooms before being sent to another part of the country. (newcaledonia.travel). Pray for a worker in that industry to meet the Master Who supplies his livelihood.
  3. New Caledonia is a French territory. Pray for the next group of people traveling from France to the South Pacific island to include a Christian who can witness to his traveling companions.

Psalm 102:25-28

This post was originally published on February 18, 2022.


Perth, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Perth.

  1. These arches are right by a sign for the Western Australian Museum. Unfortunately, displays there tend to promote an evolutionary worldview. Pray for a student visiting the museum today to also be exposed to the facts of the Genesis account of origins.
  2. Pray that a Christian standing at the waterfront on the right this weekend will be filled with a sense of awe, echoing the song line: “All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea.” (Reginald Heber in “Holy, Holy, Holy”)
  3. Pray for a teacher at the Old Jandakot School to hear and heed one of the Master Teacher’s good lessons today.

John 12:32

This post was originally published on April 8, 2022.


Goudier Island, Antarctica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Goudier Island.

  1. Goudier Island began as a WW2 outpost established by British troops. Pray that a current resident will yield to the Holy Spirit, and thus win the war that wages in his soul.
  2. Antarctica’s summer season is from October – March. During this time, the continent’s population swells to 4,000. Pray that as summer residents are settling in for their stay, there will be Christians sprinkled among them who will make a difference for eternity.
  3. Pray that God will make His Word easily accessible to the people at Goudier Island, via paper or digital copies.

Psalm 99

This post was originally published on October 8, 2021.


Avarua District, Cook Islands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Avarua District.

  1. Pray for a salesman at this motorcycle / car lot to hear about the greatest deal of all time, and realize that there’s no gimmick about genuine salvation.
  2. Edna’s Anchor is a popular diving attraction off the nearby coast. Here, one can see an iron anchor embedded in coral. Pray for the salvation of the next two divers who explore Edna’s Anchor.
  3. Pray for security staff at the Raratonga International Airport to see their spiritual needs, and find the answer to those needs in Jesus.

Deuteronomy 7:9

This post was originally published on February 11, 2022.


Auckland, New Zealand

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Auckland.

  1. Many people enjoy the smell of coffee. Pray for a worker at the Roma Coffee Company to have an aroma in his / her life that’s even better – the fragrance of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:14-15).
  2. A nickname of Auckland is “City of Sails.” Pray for a sailor today to come to know Jesus, the Master of the Sea.
  3. The world’s largest Polynesian population is in Auckland (flightcentre.com.au). Pray for Polynesian churches to be established, that many more disciples may be added to the kingdom of God.

Ecclesiastes 3:14

This post was originally published on February 27, 2022.


Airai, Palau

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Palau.

  1. Pray for pilots flying over the area to look down and see the cross-shaped building, and be convicted of their need to put their faith in what Jesus did for them at the cross.
  2. The US Embassy is by the highway that runs past the cross-shaped building, though the embassy is right above the view of the picture. Pray for nationals who have contract work with the embassy to also hear about Jesus from a Christian while working there.
  3. Pray for school kids burdened down with a lot of homework to meet the God who cares about every detail of their lives.

Lamentations 3:21-23

This post was originally published on October 27, 2021.


Danco Island, Antarctica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Danco Island.

  1. About 5,000 people live in Antarctica during its summer (October – March). The population drops to 1,000 during winter. Pray for scientists finishing up their winter stay to see the glory of the Creator reaching even where they are.
  2. Danco Island is a penguin rookery. Pray that tourists planning to visit this home of 1500+ penguins will think of the care God has for them when they observe how the penguins protect/shield their young.
  3. Pray for scientific discoveries supporting the Biblical view of young earth Creationism to be made and widely publicized.

Hebrews 13:3

This post was originally published on August 23, 2021.
