Poum, New Caledonia (France)

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Poum.

1. The Bible repeatedly declares that our God is omniscient. Because He knows everything, He knows who each person is that left a footprint in the sand pictured above. Pray for the Holy Spirit to again draw every one of their hearts to long to truly know God.

2. Pray for any Christian employees at the Poum nickel mine to have a Biblical church to attend, and in which to grow spiritually.

3. Pray for a science teacher in Poum’s boarding middle school to embrace the veracity of Scripture’s account of creation, and be willing to stand up for that truth.

Psalm 78:4

This post was originally published on August 25, 2023.


Nadi, Fiji

1. There is a large Hindu temple in Nadi. Pray for those who worship there to turn to the one true and living God.
2. Pray for any Christians who pass by these trees this week to remember Psalm 1, and be like the tree described there.
3. Pray for there to be many Fijian grandmas who love Jesus, and are like Lois in making an eternal difference in the lives of their grandchildren.
Mark 16:15

This post was originally published on April 17, 2021.


Popondetta, Papua New Guinea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Popondetta.

1. Pray for the architect who designed the teal butterfly shaped building above to personally experience new life in Christ by way of the cross.

2. Pray for Bethshan Baptist Church to be continually effective in the areas of Biblical worship, fellowship, evangelism and discipleship.

3. Pray for a worker in Popondetta’s rubber manufacturing industry to hear and believe the gospel.

Psalm 96:2

This post was originally published on April 25, 2023.


Salisbury, Australia

Pictured above is the Len Beadell Public Library, whose namesake has been called “the last true Australian explorer.” A surveyor who led a small crew in building 3700+ miles of roads, including the famous Gunbarrel Road across Australia’s desert, he thus provided access to 970,000+ square miles of bush country. His interest in surveying began as a teenager when he join a scout troop whose scoutmaster was a surveyor. He continued surveying for the Australian military in WW2, and stayed with the military afterwards, using his skills to select a site for atomic bomb testing. He later built roads for a decade, using constellations to help determine latitude and longitude in order to make them as straight as a gunbarrel when at all possible. He named these roads after his wife and three children, one of whom quotes their dad as saying, “First you make the roads and then you take your family for trips on them.” * The hardships of extended bush life took their toll on his health, so Len transferred to other work in 1963, continuing to contribute valuable services to his country, and receiving numerous honors.

1.   Pray for each of Len and Anne’s descendants to have a personal relationship with Jesus, Who is the only Road from this world to the Father.

2.   Pray for someone who frequents the above library to find the key to happiness in walking with God.

3.   All of Len’s roads are still usable today, and 4-wheelers enjoy the challenge of traversing them. Pray for one such adventurer to be saved this year.

2 Corinthians 4:5


See also https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Len_Beadell


Mount Maunganul, New Zealand

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mount Maunganul.

1. Pray for a construction worker doing remodeling work in Mount Maunganul to realize his personal need for remodeling by the Master Builder.

2. Mount Maunganul is the headquarters of Conqueror Virtual Challenges, a program available worldwide to help people become more physically active. Pray for the Lord to bless the efforts of participating Christians, who are striving to be physically fit that they may serve Him longer.

3. Pray for a paddle boarder in Pilot Bay Beach to trust in the God Who is even more vast and wonderful than the oceans.

Psalm 96:9

This post was originally published on June 13, 2023.


Happy Resurrection Sunday!

He is not here, for He is risen, as He said…” (Matt. 28:6)

For the Christian, there is nothing quite like the triumphant joy of Easter morning. Jesus wins! Sin and death are defeated forever; the victory is eternally the Son’s. Hallelujah!

Below are the lyrics for my favorite Easter hymn, written by Charles Wesley. For today, let’s have all our TGP time focus on the adoration of our great Savior. Also below is a link to a full orchestra and church singing “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.” Please open the link, turn up the volume loud enough that the music fills your room, and read or sing the words along with them.


1 Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!
Sons of men and angels say: Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heav’ns, and earth, reply: Alleluia!

2 Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!
Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!
Dying once He all doth save, Alleluia!
Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!

3 Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!
Death in vain forbids Him rise, Alleluia!
Christ hath opened Paradise, Alleluia!

4 Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia!
Following our exalted Head, Alleluia!
Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!


Lake Vostok: Antarctica

Images from wikipedia.org

Lake Vostok is 2.5 miles under Antarctica’s surface, and may contain layers of both fresh and salt water. Russian scientists at Vostok Station drilled for 20 years before reaching the lake in 2012.

1.   About 30 Russian scientists live in Vostok Station in Antarctica’s summer, but only 15 during winter months. Pray for a Christian to be in the next group transferring in, and that at least 2 other people will trust Christ during his/her tenure at Vostok Station.

2.   It is commonly thought that Lake Vostok has been buried for 14 million years. Pray for a team member in Russia who receives and interprets data regarding the lake to genuinely consider the truth in relation to how the lake’s history is dated. Pray that this consideration will be the first step in turning to the light of truth as revealed in the Word of God.

3.   Vostok Lake lies beneath the Pole of Cold, where earth’s coldest naturally occurring temperature was recorded. However, geothermal heating keeps the lake’s water liquid. Pray for Christians around the world who face a spiritually cold climate to themselves remain warm-hearted to the things of God. This can occur because of the Spirit’s work below the surface.

Revelation 22:1,17


Wollongong, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Wollongong.

  1. Pray for the last family who sat at this picnic table to know and rejoice in the love of Christ.
  2. The Flagstaff Point Lighthouse is a fully automated lighthouse that assists ships sailing into Port Kembia. It flashes a white light for 4.5 seconds, then a red light (warning of reefs/headlands) for 3.6 seconds (lighthouses.org.au). Pray for a local resident to see the Light of the World illuminating the safe way to sail into eternity’s port.
  3. A “Gongster” is a person from Wollongong. Pray for a Gongster who has visited the city’s Buddhist temple Nan Tien and is comparing Buddhism’s teachings to the claims of Christ to choose the only way, truth, and life.

John 14:6

This post was originally published on May 22, 2022.


Sunday Series: Oceanian Discipleship / Sunday School Teachers

1. Oceania includes Australia, New Zealand, and numerous island nations / territories in the South Pacific. TGP also includes in this category prayers for the relatively small transient Antarctic population due to its geographical proximity to Oceania. Pray for discipleship and Sunday School teachers in these countries to have practical goals toward helping their class members memorize passages of Scripture. The Word of God is the best thing a teacher can instill in the hearts of students of any age.

2. Discipleship / Sunday School teachers teacher are sub-shepherds of the church at large, carrying out a pastoral type ministry in the lives of their students. Pray for these leaders to themselves have people who minister to, encourage, and challenge them.

3. Pray for genuine spiritual growth to occur in the lives of many small group attendees this week.

Psalm 122:1


Omoka Village, Cook Islands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Omoka Village.

1.  Omoka Village is on the Penrhyn Atoll, one of the fifteen islands that form the Cook Islands. Omoka Village has between 100 – 200 residents, and is the larger of Penrhyn’s two settlements. Pray for the salvation of the next person who enters the Penrhyn Island Council building.

2.   Pray for a young man in Omoka Village to be saved and discipled, and one day start a Biblical church there.

3.   Pray for a worker at the Penrhyn Hospital, located in Omoka Village, to meet the Great Physician and be made new from the inside out (2 Cor. 5:17).

Psalm 96:7

This post was originally published on May 30, 2023.
