TGP received a request to be praying for a high school mission trip happening today through Sunday in the Rio Grande valley. It will be led by the same administrator who facilitated the 1990’s mission trips to Pasa Lajitas mentioned earlier this week. Thank you for lifting up this group in prayer as they reach out with the hope of the gospel!
1. Haiti, through which most of the Artibonite River flows, has been the scene of political upheaval in recent days. Pray for innocent lives to be protected today, and for the Lord to bring a gang leader to a saving knowledge of Himself.
2. At 199 miles, the Artibonite River is the longest on the island of Hispaniola, and the second longest in the Caribbean. Pollution and deforestation have negatively impacted its water quality, though it is still used some for irrigation and production of hydroelectricity. Coming inland from the ocean, smaller boats can navigate the river for half its length. Pray for both a boat owner and someone involved in the hydroelectric industry to hear and respond in faith to the gospel.
3. Pray that today the Father will grant His peace to His Haitian children, giving them a strong sense that He will take care of them during this tumultuous time.
1. A component of everything from songs to controversial current events, 1,896 mile long Rio Grande forms part of the border between the USA and Mexico. Pray for today to be “the day of salvation” for a person who regularly crosses the river.
2. Near the Rio Grande, the village of Pasa Lajitas has often been a high school mission trip destination. Pray that gospel seeds planted there in the 1990’s will continue to bear fruit.
3. Many large border towns on the Rio Grande are notorious for gang activity and drug trafficking. Pray that someone in bondage to these things will meet the Light of the World, and be transferred into His kingdom this week (Col. 1:13-14).
Most, if not all, of the readers of this post have probably crossed the “Mighty Mississip’.” From Lake Itasca in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi has been very influential in the history and culture of the United States. The drainage basin of the river is home to 70 million people, and both livestock and crops grown in this area are highly productive.
1. Though obviously a camera effect and not an actual representation of the boat’s position in the water, the picture above does illustrate how many people feel in life – like they are struggling to stay afloat, almost overwhelmed (in the literal definition of that word) by life’s challenges. Pray for someone living along the Mississippi River struggling to make it through the day to know the sustaining strength and peace that only Christ can give.
2. The Mississippi River runs through New Orleans to drain into the Gulf of Mexico. On June 12, 2023, TGP members prayed for someone living in the city’s French Quarter to receive Christ. The June 14 TGP post reported that nine people there had accepted Jesus as Savior. Pray for those nine people today, that the Lord will continue to bless their growth and walk with Him.
3. Pray for a vacationer enjoying the beautiful scenery at Lake Itasca to personally know and honor the Creator Who made all such beauty.
1. Pray for the people responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of God’s houses of worship in North America. Pray that they themselves will have a clean heart before God.
2. The average custodian age (of both secular and religious facilities) is 48. Pray for a child to tell the church custodian “thank you!” today.
3. Pray for a visitor to a Bible preaching church in every North American country to feel welcomed and valued by, among other things, the way the church facilities are kept in order.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of True Blue.
Pray for each person ordering a meal from this fast food restaurant today to hear about the free food of Isaiah 55:1-2.
True Blue is on an island nicknamed “Spice Isle” because of its many nutmeg plantations. Pray for a plantation worker with a disability to hear about / receive the compassion of Christ.
Pray for Christians to exhibit “true blue” loyalty to the Word of God.
John 17:3
This post was originally published on March 22, 2022.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Peawanuck.
1. The horse of yesteryear is the pickup of today. Drivers expect their trucks to be tough and dependable for the long haul. Pray that a pickup owner in Peawanuck will trust Christ for salvation, and have those character qualities himself in regard to serving his new Owner.
2. Peawanuck is a Cree settlement on the Winisk River, about 20 miles from where it empties into the Hudson Bay. In May of 1986, flooding caused by an ice jam destroyed 58 of the village’s 60 buildings, and residents relocated 19 miles to their current location. Amazingly, they rebuilt their community in 7 months, hurrying to finish before the coming winter. ( Pray that anyone born in 1986 in Peawanuck will come to know the God Who once saved 8 people from the biggest Flood ever, and still offers protection from sin by entering the only Ark of Salvation – Jesus.
3. In the article referenced above, Wikipedia states that there are a few born again Christians in Peawanuck. Pray for each of these believers, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to be encouraged in their walk with the Lord today, and learn something new of their Father from His Word.
Psalm 67
This post was originally published on March 17, 2023.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mexico City.
Pray for university students using this room at UNITEC Sur to hear about the Creator Who made their bodies fearfully and wonderfully (Psalm 139).
Pray for God’s churches in Mexico City to grow and be successful in worship, fellowship, discipleship, and evangelism.
Pray for the newest family who has come to Mexico City in search of a better life to find the One Who is the way, truth, and life, and for that family to come to the Father by Him.
Romans 3:10-24
This post was originally published on January 28, 2022.
Pray for the Lord to work in the lives of individuals connected with Jordan Grace and Grace Jordan organizations across the USA. Three such examples are listed below.
1. Simply Grace: Pray for women and girls wearing earrings and hair bows from this line of products to know the Savior Who carried the namesake of the line safely Home.
2. Jordan Grace Grooming: This is a dog grooming service in Sullivan County, Indiana. Pray for both the owner and a patron to come to faith in Jesus today.
3. Grace Jordan Elementary School: Pray for this Boise, Idaho, school to have many born again teachers and students whose lives demonstrate the continued grace of Almighty God, regardless of difficulties and hardships.