Thank you from New York City

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

In 2024, metro NYC is recorded as having a population of 19.03+ million people (NYC proper reports 8.09+ million residents). The first US census was taken in 1790, and in that and every subsequent census, NYC has ranked first as our most populous city. There are 200 languages spoken there, and people from the Dominican Republic and China make up the two largest foreign-born segments of the population.

There are five boroughs (governmental districts) that comprise the city. Our prayer walk has taken us through Manhattan and Staten Island so far, and we will be walking through the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn. We have walked 27 miles, which is 38% of our 71.02 total virtual prayer walk distance.

The photo above was taken above Queens, NYC last night. The lights stretched expansively in a 360° circle, and are even reflected on the plane’s wing.

In light of the opportunity to be in NYC for a couple of hours yesterday, it is a fitting time to thank each of you for your participation in praying for people there. Your involvement in our virtual prayer walk is an investment in eternity. When both a lost person is saved and a Christian grows in his walk with the Lord, it is most often the result of several believers joining with God in His work to reach that individual. We trust that the Lord will use our prayers to the same end for His glory.

So, thank you for praying! Though your feet may never physically walk the streets of New York City, the spiritual shoe leather of your prayers has the potential to leave imprints that will last forever in the souls of people for whom Jesus died. For today’s prayer request, please ask the Lord to save the individuals who received gospel tracts at the airport last night.

Let’s keep walking and praying!

1 Timothy 2:5-6


God’s Love & Minot, USA

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Ephesians 3:17-19

“…that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height – to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

God’s agape love is perhaps the attribute that most often draws fallen men to Him, yet is also often misunderstood to be a feel-good “everything and everyone is okay” concept. A key to understanding His love is the word “so” in John 3:16. The Greek definition for “so” is “in this manner/way.”* The way God loves the world is through the gift of His Son. It is not through a general laissez-faire overlooking of sin and one’s opinions regarding how salvation may be obtained. Therefore, an individual who rejects the Biblical gospel has no claim to the love of God.

God’s love continues throughout the believer’s life. Jesus said in John 15:9, “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.” Paul prayed that the Ephesians would be rooted (like a plant), grounded (have the foundation of), comprehend (seize tightly) the four dimensions of, and know (personally understand) the love of Christ. And yet, no matter how long a believer has walked with God, His love still “passes knowledge.” May Paul’s prayer find resonance in each of our lives today.

1.   Pray for every member of this church to know the love of Christ today, and be filled with all the fullness of God.

2.   Minot, North Dakota, is home to an important US Air Force Base. Pray for all the master sergeants and their families to begin or grow in their interaction with and understanding of the love of God.

3.   Pray for a single mom in Minot who has memorized John 3:16 but never personally believed in Jesus to do so this week.

* Though “so” is commonly thought of in the sense of “Wow, it’s amazing His love went to this extent,” this is not what John 3:16 is referencing. That is an authentic reaction to God’s love, but other verses better describe that concept. (Thanks to Bill Hall for explaining this word/idea.)

This post was originally published on June 16, 2024.


Franklin D. Roosevelt Boardwalk and Beach, NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. Pray for the person who was holding the red kite, that, wherever that person is today, the Lord will send a gospel witness into his life, and that faith will be the response.
  2. Jesus said that the Father sees when sparrows fall. Pray for a Christian who has seen seagulls on the FDR Beach to remember this comforting truth today.
  3. Pray for the realities of the Lord’s eternal power and Godhead, that are clearly seen in creation, to be used by the Holy Spirit to draw an unbeliever to want to know more of Who God is.

1 Timothy 2:3-4


Miller Field, NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app

  1. In 1921, Miller Field became the first (and only for a time) coastal defense air station for the eastern USA. It served several useful purposes until its closure in 1970. Pray for any living US Army and Coast Guard personnel who were once stationed there to hear and believe the gospel this year.
  2. Miller Field currently hosts baseball and soccer games, as well as New York Philharmonic Orchestra summer performances. The NY Philharmonic is one of our country’s oldest music institutions, having given well over 15,000 concerts since its inception in 1842. Pray for a current violin player in the orchestra to trust Christ for salvation, that she may join heaven’s eternal music of adoration to our holy God.
  3. Nick’s Small Engine Repair is close to Miller Field. Pray for the newest employee there to trust the Lord to fix the broken parts of his life.

I Timothy 2:3-4


Ebbitts St., between Titus Ave. & Cuba Ave., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. Dogs have often fondly been described as “man’s best friend.” Pray for someone who frequently walks a dog across this intersection to meet the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother (or dog).
  2. Pray for a person living on Titus Ave. who is trying to earn entrance to heaven to grasp and appreciate the truth of Titus 3:5.
  3. Pray for the newest Christian living in the pictured map area to have a good discipleship relationship with a mature believer.

1 Timothy 2:3-4


Hylan Blvd. & Ebbitts St., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. Pray for a customer who has bought a tree from this corner garden center to himself be like a tree planted by the rivers of water (Psalm 1).
  2. Pray for a disgruntled employee who daily crosses this intersection to find lasting fulfillment serving the highest Master.
  3. Pray for Christian senior citizens who are patients at the Mount Sinai Stroke Center to be encouraged by the love of Christ as they work to overcome physical challenges.

1 Timothy 2:3-4


Hylan Blvd., between Oak Ave. & Malden Pl., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. Hylan Blvd. has a red bus lane on both sides of the street. Pray for one of the city workers who maintains the road’s coloring/condition to choose Jesus’ straight and narrow road that leads to life.
  2. The next corner up from our map marker is the St. Charles Catholic Church and School. Pray for a parishioner who attends the church to realize the full meaning and implications of the Biblical statement “the just shall live by faith.”
  3. The high today on Staten Island is expected to be 33°. Pray for a homeless person to find a place of both physical and spiritual shelter.

1 Timothy 2:1-2


Oak Ave., between Leeds St. & Whitehall St., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. This home is most likely completed by now, since construction was near the end stages in the summer. Pray for one of the builders to follow the Master Architect’s plan for his life.
  2. Oak St. is parallel to Peter Ave. Pray for any Christians who live on Peter Ave. to be wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ.
  3. Pray for the salvation of a bully at Staten Island High School.

1 Timothy 2:1-2


Cedarview Ave., between Amboy Rd. & N. Railroad Ave., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. The picture above is focused on items that are used by three categories of people who provide services to the home’s residents. Pray for the person who delivers newspapers, the mail carrier, and the driver of the garbage truck to all be born again into God’s family.
  2. Not far from our map marker are three dental offices: Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontic Specialist PC, and Family Health Dental of NY. Pray that both a patient and a worker at each of those three locations will come to know the best cause for smiling: the joy of belonging to and being loved by Almighty God.
  3. Also not too far from our map marker is the Jewish Congregation Toras Emes of Staten Island. Pray for someone there to develop a friendship with a Christian, genuinely consider what the Old Testament has to say about Jesus, and believe.

1 Timothy 2:1-2


Inauguration Day Prayer Requests

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Washington, DC.

Photo from Google Earth
  1. Pray for a peaceful transition of power.
  2. Pray for today to be the day of the salvation for one Washington, DC resident from each political party.
  3. Pray that the USA will always be a strong ally to Israel.

I Timothy 2:1-2
