Charlotte, USA

1. Pray for the salvation of children who will receive the 14,000+ shoeboxes assembled May 13 at the Charlotte, NC, Operation Christmas Child warehouse.

2. Pray for continuing discipleship opportunities to occur in the lives of those who trust Christ.

3. Pray for the shoebox recipients to remember that Jesus loves them every time they see an item from their shoeboxes.

Isaiah 56:6-7



Jacksboro, USA

1. Pictured above is an aerial view of the Lindsey State Jail. Pray for inmates to realize their need for a Savior, and to genuinely trust Jesus. 

2. Pray that all the people living in Jacksboro, TX, who are 76 (or will be this year) will begin/be encouraged in their walk with God.

3. Pray for the members of the high school girls’ basketball team to have/emulate Godly role models.

Isaiah 56:6-7



Atlanta, USA


1. Pray for the surgical liver transplant team at CHOA to have wisdom and success with the baby boy they will be giving a new liver to on 5/1/21.
2. Pray for comfort and peace for the family of the liver donor in the procedure mentioned above.
3. Pray that the baby boy receiving the liver will go on to live a long and healthy life, and be a mighty man of God in word and deed.
Nahum 1:7


Pomfret, USA

1. Pomfret, Vermont is a town of 864 people who have no local gospel preaching church to attend. Pray for God to change this within the next five years.

2. Pictured above is the town hall. Pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of the town leaders to bring them to a personal relationship with Jesus, as well as be friendly to the idea of a church opening in their community.

3. Pray for the 15 people living in Pomfret who are closest to the end of their lives to hear and heed the message of salvation.

John 8:32


Reno, USA


1. Pray that students in the Department of Biology (at the University of Nevada, Reno) who have been reared with a Genesis 1 view of young earth Creationism will be true to their faith throughout their education/careers.
2. Pray for God to bless the outreach of Biblical churches in Reno who are trying to win the lost.
3. Pray for the hearts of Reno’s fathers to turn towards their children, and vice versa.
2 Corinthians 4:3-7


Hermosillo, Mexico


1. Pray for the university professors to pursue the wisdom of Christ rather than the philosophies of the world.
2. Pray for the hospital doctors to demonstrate the compassion of Christ, and to reflect Him because they have come to know Him.
3. Pray for all the occupants of cars/busses that will travel through the highway intersection above the hospital (it looks like a large cross in this picture) to hear a Christian radio program, or come across a Christian website today that will share the gospel of Jesus.
Matthew 28:18-20


St. Pierre and Miquelon


1. St. Pierre and Miquelon are French owned islands south of Newfoundland. Pray for everyone who will drive on the roundabout (blue circle on left side) today to have a gospel witness in their lives.
2. Pray for the patients at the hospital to meet the Great Physician.
3. Pray for the soccer team members who play on the Stade ASIA field to find and live out the Bible’s definition of ultimate success.

Isaiah 45:22


New Paltz, USA

1. Pray for all the children who will play at Hasbrouck Park today to know that Jesus loves them.

2. Pray that all the visitors to the art museum today will be drawn to the glory and beauty of Christ.

3. Pray that all the drivers who cross the Walkill River bridge today will also trust the only true bridge to heaven.

Matthew 9:35-38

