Oakdale, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Oakdale.

  1. Pray for the Lord to clearly show churches in Oakdale the best ministry path forward during this time.
  2. Pray for Canada to uphold the freedom of individuals to follow the dictates of their consciences / faith.
  3. Pray for the salvation of a member of the Oakdale Golf & Country Club.

2 Corinthians 4:5-7


Boise, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Boise.

  1. There is a Christian lady on a ventilator at the above hospital. Pray for her recovery, and for the presence of God to be very real to her, her husband, and her children.
  2. Pray for Mormons in Boise to see/act on the truth of Who Jesus Christ really is.
  3. Pray for today’s hikers along the Boise River Greenbelt to live out the second verse of “How Great Thou Art.”

Psalm 46


Williamstown, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Williamstown.

  1. This life-sized replica of Noah’s ark is located in Williamstown, Kentucky. Pray for visitors to the ark to be convinced / strengthened in their faith in the historical accuracy of Biblical events.
  2. Pray for the salvation of hotel workers in the area who have never entered Jesus Christ, the ultimate Ark, for themselves.
  3. Pray for recent stroke victims across the USA to know that God is their refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

Psalm 46


La Paz, Mexico

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of La Paz.

  1. “Paz” means peace in Spanish. Pray for Christians in La Paz to have opportunities this week to explain to lost family/friends how to know the Prince of Peace.
  2. The above Saguaro cacti are a reminder that life can survive in the desert. Pray for people who are in an emotional desert to make it through by God’s provision/care.
  3. Pray for the Lord to call young people from La Paz into His service.

Revelation 22:20


San Francisco, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of San Francisco.

  1. San Francisco has been ranked by several groups as the most liberal city of the United States. Ezekiel 7:13 states, “…No one will strengthen himself who lives in iniquity.” Pray for people to realize their true condition, and repent.
  2. Sutro Tower above is a well-known part of the city skyline. TV can be a vehicle for both good and evil. Pray for someone today watching a program they know they shouldn’t to have the courage to turn it off in favor of wholesome pursuits.
  3. Pray that Christians in San Francisco will walk worthy of their Savior’s calling (Ephesians 4:1).

Numbers 6:24-26


Des Moines, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Des Moines.

  1. Part of the architectural design of the building forms the shape of a cross. Pray that people passing by the building will notice the cross and think about / apply any Scripture they have heard.
  2. Pray for protection for the police officers of Des Moines. Pray also for their spiritual well-being and family stability.
  3. Des Moines is a major city for the US insurance industry (Wikipedia). Pray for five insurance salesman to become genuine Christians (not just praying halfheartedly to obtain a fire insurance policy).

Habakkuk 2:14


Navojoa, Mexico

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Navojoa, Mexico.

  1. The city’s baseball team is the Mayos de Navojoa. Pray for the Holy Spirit to send the arrow of God’s love straight into their hearts.
  2. Pray for workers at the construction materials business to find out about the construction work the Master Builder can do in their lives and homes, and yield to Him.
  3. Pray for patrons of Gabby’s store to live for one Master alone – Jesus Christ.

Romans 8


Los Angeles, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Los Angeles.

  1. The above store sells trendy art / design conscious items for daily living. Pray for two of its workers to find out this week how to incorporate God’s timeless design into their daily lives.
  2. Pray for every Afghan refugee who has resettled (or will) in Los Angeles to hear/believe the gospel in the process of beginning a new life.
  3. Pray for someone planning to commit a crime today to instead be convicted/rescued by the Lord.

Romans 8


Cavendish, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Cavendish.

  1. Pray for people in their 50’s who live in Cavendish to hear about, value, and choose the narrow path of salvation.
  2. Cavendish is located on Prince Edward Island, and is home to the Green Gables Heritage Place, the farmhouse which inspired Lucy M. Montgomery’s books. Pray for visitors to the house to connect with a believer who can describe the Eternal Heritage Place.
  3. The 100-acre Marco Polo Campground is located in Cavendish. Pray that someone vacationing there this week will answer “Polo” in faith to the Spirit’s “Marco” tug on his/her heart.

Hebrews 13:3


Addendum to Jackson, USA Post

On August 10, 2021, we prayed for Jackson, Mississippi. One of the requests was: “Pray for city residents who currently have covid-19 and are not Christians to accept Jesus’ pardon.” Humanly speaking, this was a random prayer request to mention. No stats were known. However, tonight I read an update from Samaritan’s Purse stating that they “are rushing an Emergency Field Hospital to Jackson, Mississippi, after a staggering surge in covid-19 cases.” Perhaps only eternity will show the difference made by all of our prayers just a few days ago. It is an amazing privilege to be on God’s team, and a humbling experience to see Him working to cause us to pray about very real needs.

At the top of every day’s post is a request Jesus said to pray: for the Lord of the harvest to send (literally, thrust out) workers into His harvestfield. The Samaritan’s Purse team on the way to Jackson is an answer to that prayer.

Let us pray again today for Jackson, Mississippi, and for those closest to eternity to make their peace with God. Let us pray for protection and effective ministry for Christian workers there. And, thank you for praying!!!

For more information, go to: https://links.samaritanspurse.mkt5705.com/servlet/MailView?ms=MzM1OTU1MTAS1&r=MTg0ODU2NTI3ODY1S0&j=MjAwNDI3NzM5MgS2&mt=1&rt=0

Acts 1:7-8
