Instanbul, Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Instanbul.

Image source: JDBB

1. Pray that on this Palm Sunday, believers in Instanbul will worship the Lord, enjoy Christian fellowship, and see fruit from their labors of evangelism and discipleship.

2. Pray for Ali Yerlikaya, Instanbul’s governor, and his wife Hatice to hear a gospel presentation, and personally accept Jesus as their Savior.

3. Having 15 million people, Instanbul ranks first among Europe’s populous cities (wikipedia). In fact, almost 20% of the entire country’s population reside there. Pray that many, many Instanbulites will be born again into God’s kingdom, and grow to be mature believers who truly walk with Him.

Mark 16:15

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Bologna, Italy

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bologna.

  1. Above is an entrance to the city’s hippodrome. Pray that a teenage boy coming to watch the next race will see knowing God as a more lasting glory than winning a horse race.
  2. American sandwich bologna has origins in Bologna, Italy. Pray for today’s bologna eaters across the world to remember any Scriptures they’ve heard, and respond Biblically.
  3. Pray for seven people who plan to consume alcohol over this weekend to see the futility of that “escape” and turn to the One Who can make them free indeed.

Psalm 99

This post was originally published on October 6, 2021.

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Bakhmut, Ukraine

Two months ago, on January 5, Bakhmut was the day’s featured city. The battle for control between Russia and Ukraine has continued fiercely, and is now at a critical juncture. Please follow the link below to the original post, and continue to pray for strengthening of Ukrainian forces, provision of daily needs for God’s children, and that the Lord will be glorified.

Bakhmut, Ukraine

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Vatican City

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Vatican City.

  1. Pray for visitors to the Sistene Chapel (pictured above) to see that God’s hand touching their lives is not just a painting to be admired, but a reality to be embraced.
  2. Pray for someone in Vatican City praying to Mary today to discover and obey the only command she gave in Scripture, John 2:5.
  3. Pray for a person disillusioned with life to find hope in Jesus Christ alone.

John 17:17

This post was originally published on March 13, 2022.

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Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Plovdiv.

1. Although Rome has the nickname “City of Seven Hills,” there are actually several other cities that have this nickname as well. Plovdiv is one such city. Pray for one person who lives on each of Plovdiv’s hills to come to Christ this week.

2. Pray for the people pictured above to hear and believe the gospel if they have not done so, and to be encouraged in their walk with the Lord if they have already trusted Him for salvation.

3. Plovdiv has a special 3D movie that shows the city as it was in the second century AD. Pray for someone viewing the movie to see/respond to the hand of God in history as a whole, and in his personal life.

Psalm 102:11-12

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Sumy, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Sumy.

1. Today marks one year since Russian forces invaded the Ukraine, beginning the current war. Pray for someone in both countries to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior today.

2. Pray for a couple who will sit at a bus stop in Sumy today, thinking about everything that has changed in the last year, to meet a Christian who will tell them about the King before Whom every knee will bow. Pray for them to trust Him with their questions regarding life and eternity.

3. Pray for Ukrainian schoolchildren studying from home today as a precautionary measure, that the Lord will put at least one adult in each of their lives who models His care and emotional stability.

Revelation 4:11

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Earth, Milky Way

Pray for the Lord to send out workers throughout every corner of His harvestfield.

1. Praise God for all His interventions in the lives of people on His Earth, especially through the redemptive work of Jesus.

2. Pray that every people group around the world who does not have access to God’s Word in their own language will very soon. Pray for His providential blessing to be on those who are working in linguistics / Bible translation ministries.

3. May our hearts echo the last prayer of Scripture: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20).

Revelation 4:11


Siret, Romania

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Siret.

1. Siret has been a major border crossing town for refugees fleeing Ukraine. Pray for Christians in Siret who are doing all they can to help, that they will be strengthened and encouraged by the Lord.

2. Pray for the five loneliest Ukrainian refugees in Siret to be introduced to the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.

3. The building above provides funeral services. Pray for a family who will be there today to meet and be comforted by the Resurrection and the Life.

Isaiah 45:22

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Istanbul, Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Istanbul.

  1. Pray that someone in this building today will soon come to know Jesus as his / her personal Lord and Savior.
  2. Pray for a Gypsy family in Istanbul to know the God Who longs to welcome them into His home with open arms.
  3. Pray for a Christian kid facing bullying because of his faith to have the courage of Daniel and his three friends.

Psalm 113:3

This post was originally published on April 11, 2022.

Categorized as Europe

Bakhmut, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bakhmut.

Image source:

1.   Bakhmut is a key city in the Russia – Ukraine conflict. Most of the city residents have fled. Speaking of the determination of Ukrainian resistance there, Russian leader Prigozhin of the mercenary Wagner troops said, “… every house has become a fortress.” This statement is actually what should be spiritually true of every Christian home. Pray for God’s blessings to be on those who against all odds continue to defend their homes.

2. In the video link above, there are short interviews with an 86 year old man and a lady who was a midwife before the invasion. Pray for the salvation of both of these people if they do not already know Jesus.

3. Nearly 3,000 Jews were killed in Bakhmut in January 1942. Pray for any of their living descendants to find the hope and spiritual healing that God alone can give.

Matthew 9:36-38

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