Varnavas, Greece

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Varnavas. (picture and info source)

1.   Varnavas is a town north of Athens where wildfires began yesterday. Due to difficult terrain, winds, and drought, sustained efforts by 670 firefighters and 32 water-bombing aerial units have been unable to contain the blaze. Pray for many of these firefighters to find rescue in Jesus, that they may escape the eternal fires of hell.

2.   Today the fire is spreading toward Penteli, a town 10 miles northeast of Athens. Pray for residents who have evacuated their homes and two hospitals to know the peace available only from God.

3.   Pray for an adherent to the Greek Orthodox Church to understand and believe the necessity of trusting Christ alone for justification.

Luke 1:37

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Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Sarajevo.

1.   This picture is from the Hastahana Skate Park. Pray for someone who will use the ramps today to hear about Jesus, and accept His offer of salvation.

2.   Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the life of the person who took the picture, whose shadow can be seen.

3.  Pray for the Lord to also bring the person to Himself who painted the neon green graffiti on the right ramp.

Psalm 59:17

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Starnberg, Germany

1.   Pray for a family recreationally visiting Starnberger Sea to acknowledge in gratitude the Lord of All Who provides such opportunities.

2.   Pray for a corporate executive in Starnberg to meet and follow Jesus.

3.   Pray for every Christian in Starnberg to be encouraged in his/her walk with the Lord today.

Revelation 7:9-10

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Baranavichy, Belarus

1.   Pray for Baranavichy’s leaders to value God’s wisdom, and find out how to walk with Him.

2.   Pray for someone who has never owned a copy of the Word of God to receive their own personal copy today.

3.   Pray for the newest member of God’s family to have a local body of believers to join.

Psalm 22:28

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God’s Fatherhood & Banja, Serbia

Psalm 103:13

“As a father pities his children, so the LORD pities those who fear Him;”

John 16:9

“For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me [Jesus], and have believed that I came forth from God.”

God is our Father in two senses – Creator (Acts 17:28 describes this connection) and Redeemer (Rom. 8:14-16 describes the adoptive conditions under which we may call Him Father).

As with all of His attributes, there is no way that all the aspects of God’s fatherhood can be addressed here, so today’s thoughts will focus on the definition/wonderment of three words from the above verses:

Pities – to have compassion, the desire to meet the needs of another

LORD – YHWH or Yahweh, The One Who Is

Loves – phileo – to like, the affectionate friendship kind of love

It is an amazing thing that YHWH – whose name we can’t even fully grasp – in all of His splendor and eternality has said that we can know Him as Father. He looks on us with compassion, and meets our needs. He feels affection for us; He likes us. As He told Israel in Isaiah 46:3-4, He carries us from conception to old age. “Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1)

1.   Pray for each person pictured to have the opportunity to be adopted into God’s family, that each one may know him as Father.

2.   Jesus said that the Father seeks worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth. Pray for the Father to find many such believers in Banja.

3.   Pray for someone at the Banja Monastery to understand and rest in the Biblical truth that the Father bestows His affection on those who simply believe and like His Son; His love cannot be earned, but is a gracious gift.

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God’s Wisdom & Sandefjord, Norway

Romans 11:33-36

“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! ‘For who has known the mind of the LORD? Or who has become His counselor?‘ [quote from Is. 40:13-14]”

Luke 2:47

“And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.”

The wisdom of God incorporates several of His attributes: omniscience, infallibility, authority, infinity, kindness. Creation itself – from the microscope to the telescope – bears witness to His amazing wisdom. In the realm of human difficulties, impossibly tangled situations can be effortlessly resolved by a mere glance from the One Whose ways are higher than ours. Eternity itself will not be long enough for us to fully comprehend the immeasurable breadth and depth of all that God knows. Awe and submission are the only appropriate responses to such a Father, Whose wisdom coupled with goodness (in both the sense of righteousness and benevolence) make Him entirely trustworthy. “Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight.” (Matt. 11:26)

1.   Pray for the two pictured individuals to realize their need for God’s wisdom in their own lives, beginning with knowing His solution to their sin problem. Pray for them to choose His wise ways.

2.   Sandefjord is the whaling capital of the world. Pray for a captain of a whaling ship to come across a Bible, read it, see God’s wisdom shining forth there, and bow the knee to His Creator, echoing Paul’s praise in Romans 11.

3. Pray for Christians who go to the Sandefjord Baptistkirke (a church) to avail themselves of the promise of James 1:5 – God will give His wisdom to all who ask in faith.

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Lodz, Poland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lodz.

1. The above mirror is on the corner of a street, so that drivers can see around the sharp curve. Pray for an unsaved individual coming around the curve who pays attention to the mirror to also pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s work to convict hearts of coming judgment and the need to turn to Christ for salvation. (John 16:8-11).

2.   On the theme of mirrors, pray for a Christian in Lodz to look into the Word of God today and see His glory, allowing the Spirit to transform his life further into the image of the Son (2 Cor. 3:18).

3.   In the nineteenth century, Lodz was a major hub for the textile industry. The Central Museum of Textiles showcases different aspects of that history. Pray for a family visiting the museum this summer to trust Jesus for salvation, that each member of the family may one day wear the white robes given to heaven’s saints.

Matthew 7:7-8

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Cardiff, Wales

1. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. Pray for the Lord to give the teenagers of Cardiff a hunger to know Him.
2. The photo above is Cardiff Castle, a historical site spanning 2,000 years – from a Roman fort to a WW2 air raid shelter. Pray for the people who pass the castle every day on their way to work to find shelter in the Rock of Ages.
3. Pray for the “religious” to have a genuinely personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 45:22

This post was originally published on April 2, 2021.

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Akureyri, Iceland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Akureyri.

1.   Pray for every child who will ride a bicycle in Akureyri today to find out Who Jesus is and what He has done to provide salvation.

2.   Akureyri is known as “Iceland’s Capital to the North,” and offers many attractions. Unfortunately, the country as a whole is known for its “social progressiveness” and flagrant disregard for traditional, conservative family values, including sanctity of life. One business headlined at is a spa that offers patrons the chance to bathe in beer. Pray for the most recent customer at that establishment to come to know Jesus.

3.   Over the last three nights, the Northern Lights have been more visible than usual, due to solar activity. Pray for someone in Akureyri who has enjoyed seeing them to confess the truth of Psalm 19.

Matthew 22:37-38

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Lyon, France

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lyon.

1. The above cathedral is dedicated to John the Baptist. Construction began in 1180 and lasted 300 years, but the site’s religious history extends back to the sixth century, when a church was first built there. Pray for an attendee this month to understand and trust that “the just shall live by faith.” (Rom. 1:17)

2. Pray for a Christian family in Lyon to apply John the Baptist’s words “He must increase, but I must decrease” in their interactions with each other. (John 3:30)

3. Pray for a first grader attending the International School of Lyon to become a Christian today.

Acts 4:29

This post was originally published on September 1, 2023.

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