Split, Croatia

1. Split is a port city on the eastern side of the Adriatic Sea. Pray for its sailors to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and to be filled with the righteousness of Christ.

2. Split is the historical site of Diocletian’s residence, the Roman emperor responsible for the Great Persecution of Christians in 303AD. Pray for Christians today, in Split and around the world, to be faithful always to Jesus.

3. Pray for the bakers in Split to know and love the Bread of Life.

Isaiah 56:6-7


Categorized as Europe

Magliano, Italy

1. Pray for anyone who may bicycle along this road today to ponder and act upon the claims that Jesus Christ made while on earth.

2. Pray that, as they enter adulthood this year, 21 year olds in Magliano will let God be the Guide of their lives.

3. Pray for effective one-on-one discipleship of new believers to occur.

John 8:32

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Basel, Switzerland


1. Pray for the workers at this library, surrounded every day by the wisdom of man, to discover the invaluable wisdom of Christ.
2. Pray for depositers in the Bank CIC Basel to live for eternal riches instead of temporal ones.
3. Pray for Swiss grandpas to be like Abraham, whom God knew would teach his children and grandchildren the Truth.
Mark 16:15

Categorized as Europe

Bucharest, Romania

 1. According to timetravelbee.com, Bucharest has one of the fastest internet connections in Europe, and Romanian is second only to English in being the most spoken language in Microsoft. Pray for all the IT employees in Bucharest to revere the smartest Person ever – the Creator of human intelligence.

2. Pray for all the employees who will enter the building pictured above today to know the peace that only comes from knowing Christ.

3. Romania has a very high poverty rate. Pray for its citizens’ physical needs to be met,  as well as vital spiritual needs which can only find fulfillment in the riches of Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:3-7


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Warsaw, Poland


1. According to Wikipedia, Warsaw is the seventh most populous capital city in the European Union. Pray that there will be many Biblical Christians and churches in Warsaw to shine as lights for Jesus.

2. Pray for elderly people who were part of Warsaw’s WW2 history to find hope and healing in Christ if they have never done so.

3. Pray for the people who will pass through the pictured courtyard today to respond to however God is working in their hearts.

2 Corinthians 4:3-7 

Categorized as Europe

Leipzig, Germany

1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of all the passengers who will ride on the blue and yellow trolley system in the left of the picture today.

2. Pray for all the cleaning staff at the Hotel Astoria (in the center background of the picture) to know that God sees and cares about what is going on in their lives.

3. The yellow sign near the trolley system mentions some nearby cities. One of those is Wittenberg, where Martin Luther lived. Pray for God’s Truth to once again bring about change in the lives of the German people.

Isaiah 45:22


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Segezha, Russia

1. Pray for the people who live on this street to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
2.  Pray that the coldness of this northern region of the world would not be indicative of the spiritual condition of the people’s hearts.
3. Pray that God would make ways for His Word to be abundantly available to the people who live in Segezha.
Matthew 9:35-38

Categorized as Europe