Przemysl, Poland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Przemysl.

  1. Przemysl has set up nine stations to care for tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees. Most of these are women and children (men aged 18-60 are required to stay in the Ukraine to help defend their country). Upon arrival, refugees are given meals and medical attention. Pray for Christians to be among Poland’s relief workers, and that they may have opportunities to share the compassion of Christ with those hurting so deeply.
  2. Built around the eighth century, Przemysl is one of Poland’s oldest cities (wikipedia). Pray for the oldest person living in Przemysl to personally know the Ancient of Days, and spend eternity with Him.
  3. The Bieszczady Mountains are within a two hour drive from Przemysl. Pray for the next family going there for an enjoyable day trip to also discover the truths of Psalm 121.

Nahum 1:7

Categorized as Europe

The Ukraine Revisited

This photo is a partial view of Kharkiv’s skyline, a city for which we prayed January 31. Other Ukrainian cities featured on TGP include Kyiv (2-20-22), Kadiivka (2-17-22), and Cherkasy (8-15-21). In light of the current invasion, let us once again remember the Ukraine in prayer.

  1. Pray for Jesus to comfort families who have lost loved ones today as only He can.
  2. Pray for the Lord to grant wisdom to Ukraine’s leaders for how to best defend their country.
  3. Pray for citizens with understandably high anxiety to turn to God as their “refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

Nahum 1:7

Categorized as Europe

Windsor, England

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of England.

  1. Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning monarch in British history, having recently celebrated 70 years on the throne. She will be 96 years old on April 21, 2022. Faith has been a hallmark of her reign. Yesterday it was announced that Queen Elizabeth II has contracted covid-19. Pray for the Lord to meet whatever her spiritual needs are at this time.
  2. Pray for members of the Queen’s family and close staff to trust Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
  3. Windsor Castle, built by William the Conqueror in the eleventh century and pictured above, is both the longest and largest occupied castle in the world. Pray for groundskeepers there to also be in the service of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Nahum 1:7

Categorized as Europe

Kyiv, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kyiv.

  1. Believers across the Ukraine have been praying and fasting for their nation. Pray that God would grant them strength, wisdom, and courage.
  2. Pray for someone who works at the above Cosmo Multi Mall to meet the Father who loved the kosmos (the Greek word for “world” in John 3:16) by giving His only begotten Son.
  3. The Ukraine Women’s Guard has offered classes for women on crisis preparation, survival, and self-defense. 700 ladies in Kyiv initially signed up (more than were expected). Pray for these women to also hear how to spiritually prepare for tough times, for that is the most important crisis preparation.

Nahum 1:7

Categorized as Europe

Kadiivka, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kadiivka.

  1. Whoever and wherever these two individuals are, pray that today the Holy Spirit would work in their lives to draw them to salvation.
  2. There are reports that just hours ago a kindergarten in Kadiivka was shelled by pro-Russian forces. No children were injured, but pray for the families of students and workers at the school as they deal emotionally with what happened. Pray for the Lord to have them see / hear Scriptures that will comfort their hearts and show them how to become citizens of the City which will never be shaken.
  3. Pray for a worker at the local coal mine who has previously considered believing the gospel to go ahead and do so today.

Psalm 102:25-28

Categorized as Europe

Angra do Heroismo, Azores

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to Angra do Heroismo.

  1. Azores is affiliated with Portugal, and located in the Mid-Atlantic close to where the North American, Eurasian, and African tectonic plates meet. “Angra do Heroismo” means “Bay of Heroism.” Pray for the Lord to raise up heroes of faith in that city who will do great things for the kingdom of God.
  2. Pray for people who play pool at the above table this month to hear and receive the good news of Jesus Christ.
  3. On this Valentine’s Day, pray for someone in Angra do Heroismo who is lonely to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge (Ephesians 3:14-19).

Psalm 102:25-28

Categorized as Europe

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kharkiv.

  1. Kharkiv is about 20 miles from the Russian border. Pray for the salvation of the 20 people closest to eternity.
  2. Pray for each person who will be inside the above apartments this week to hear the clear and unadulterated gospel message.
  3. Pray for someone walking across Freedom Square today to find true freedom through Christ.

Psalm 24

Categorized as Europe

Riga, Latvia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Riga.

  1. Pray for someone walking through this doorway this month to also walk through the only Door to eternal life.
  2. Riga is the capital of Latvia, and has many concert halls. Pray for an orchestra or choir member to join the greatest song of all…the song of the redeemed.
  3. Pray for parents of infants with serious health concerns to look to the Lord for sustaining strength and comfort.

Revelation 4:11

Categorized as Europe

Ohrid, North Macedonia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ohrid.

  1. As the light of a new year dawns, pray for the cross-work of Christ to transform many lives in Ohrid.
  2. According to Wikipedia, Ohrid “once had 365 churches, one for every day of the year, and was known as ‘Jerusalem of the Balkans’.” Pray for Christianity to have genuine authenticity in the lives of adherents, and not just be an outward cultural formality.
  3. Pray for people in Ohrid eating donuts today to taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8), and be blessed as they trust in Him.

Ephesians 6:10-18

Categorized as Europe

Durres, Albania

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Durres.

  1. Durres is a port city on the Adriatic Sea. Pray for the captains of these two ferry boats to personally meet the Captain Who rules the wind and waves.
  2. The largest Roman amphitheater ever built in the Balkans is in Durres. It once seated 20,000 people. That is 16.4% of the city’s current population. Pray that, before the Lord’s return, 20,000 people in Durres will become disciples of Jesus Christ.
  3. According to, Durres is one of Albania’s “liveliest” towns, with “vibrant nightlife.” Pray for someone today being drawn toward indulgent sensuality to heed the pull of God toward the best pursuits.

Ephesians 6:10-18

Categorized as Europe