Al-Jafr, Jordan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Al-Jafr.

1. Pray that the designer of the brick building pattern will meet/trust the Designer who has a beautiful pattern for each life.
2. Pray for open doors of opportunity for believers who would like to share the Good News with others.
3. Pray for the description of the truly blessed man in Psalm 1 to become a reality in the lives of 21 people who live in/around Al-Jafr.

Psalm 1

Originally published June 19, 2021

Categorized as Asia

Pyongyang, North Korea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Pyongyang.

1. Pray for the workers who dust the chandelier and change the light bulbs in this hotel to meet and follow the Light of the World.

2. The Potong River runs close to this building and throughout the city. Pray that God will, in like manner, disseminate His Word throughout Pyongyang.
3. Pray for Christian songs to be caught and carried in the hearts of North Koreans.

Romans 10:13-15

Originally published on June 8, 2021

Categorized as Asia

Da Lat, Vietnam

Pray for the Lord to send workers to the harvestfield of Da Lat.

1. Pray for Christian workers to be blessed in their efforts to gather in the harvest of souls before the night comes.
2. Pray that Buddhists who go to Linh Phuoc Pagoda to worship will come face to face with a gospel witness that offers genuine hope for the questions and sufferings of life.
3. Pray for families who have had miscarriages to hear about and believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 98
Originally published on June 2, 2021
Categorized as Asia

Alasehir (Philadelphia), Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Alasehir.

  1. Jesus sent a message to the church in Alasehir (Philadelphia) in Revelation 3:7-13. Pray for a Christian today in Alasehir to see an open door that God has set before him, and be encouraged to walk through it.
  2. Pray for 8 people passing the 8-pointed star in the middle of the pictured highway interchange, that whatever the status of their relationship with God, they will grow in faith today.
  3. Pray for perseverance to continue to be a hallmark of the believers in Alasehir.

2 Timothy 2:1-7

Categorized as Asia

Selcuk (Ephesus), Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Selcuk.

  1. Jesus sent a message to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7. Ruins of ancient Ephesus are well-preserved near Selcuk. Pray that Christians in Selcuk today will always ardently love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
  2. The amphitheater at Ephesus (aerial view shown above) seated around 25,000 people. It was the largest in the ancient world (wikipedia). Pray for someone in Selcuk today who has an ancestor that attended an event there to trust Christ as his / her Savior.
  3. Pray for a policeman in Selcuk to know the peace of God in his life.

Revelation 1:17-18

Categorized as Asia

Akhisar (Thyatira), Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Akhisar.

  1. Jesus sent the church in Akhisar (Thyatira) a message in Revelation 2:18-29. Pray for modern believers there to continue loving and serving the Lord, and to abstain from physical and spiritual fornication.
  2. Pray for every driver of a Komatsu backhoe loader in Akhisar to receive a personal gospel witness this month.
  3. “Akhisar” means “white castle.” Pray for a homeless person in the city to be adopted by the King of Kings, that one day he may wear a white robe, and live in the greatest castle of all, the Celestial City.

Revelation 1:17-18

Categorized as Asia

Bergama (Pergamos), Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bergama.

  1. Jesus sent a message to the church in Bergama (Pergamos) in Revelation 2:12-17. Pray that Christians living there now will be pure in doctrine and hold fast to His name.
  2. The above ruins are from the Acropolis. Pray that the truth of I John 2:17 will become real to a historian visiting the once imposing site.
  3. Five years ago, a factory for the production of wind turbine blades opened in Bergama. Scripture compares the Holy Spirit to wind, and the Greek word “pneuma” is translated “spirit, breath, wind.” Pray for a factory worker to feel the Wind of God blowing across his life, and follow Him in faith.

Revelation 1:17-18

Categorized as Asia

Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kaohsiung City.

  1. Pray for people who sat at this spot earlier today to hear about and accept their personal invitations to the Father’s table.
  2. Pray for a taxi driver in Kaohsiung City to have a conversation with a Christian passenger that will point him to Jesus.
  3. Pray for a night club manager to meet the One Who gives true purpose and peace.

Psalm 118:21-26

Categorized as Asia

Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mazar-i-Sharif.

  1. Pray for people benefitting from these solar panels to have an opportunity to hear how the God Who made the sun whose energy the panels absorb wants to Himself enter the lives of anyone who will receive Him.
  2. “Mazar-i-Sharif” means “tomb of the saint,” and is the burial place of Muhammad’s son-in-law. It has a population of over 500,000 people. Pray that someone living there who has previously heard about the resurrection of Jesus Christ will trust in this Lord Who is the only Defeater of Death.
  3. Pray for an Afghan family struggling with loss from the traumatic events of last year to find peace from God’s Word.

John 12:32

Categorized as Asia

Chiayi City, Taiwan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Chiayi City.

  1. Pray for someone crossing these red bricks today to hear about the scarlet cord of redemption woven throughout the Bible and history, and trust their life and eternal destiny to Jesus.
  2. The Sun Shooting Tower, built to honor a mythical legend, is one of Chiayi City’s most famous attractions. Pray for a family visiting the tower’s cafe and rooftop garden today to discover Who truly controls the sun and offers eternal life.
  3. Five days ago, the city government sponsored a “Youth Lab.” Pray for one person who participated to also become a dynamic disciple of Christ, making a difference in his / her community for the kingdom of God.

John 12:32

Categorized as Asia