Tete, Mozambique

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tete.

  1. Tete is on the bank of the Zambezi River, and was projected to be the fastest growing city on the African continent between 2020-2025 (Wikipedia). Pray for Biblical churches to be planted in Tete, that there may be an avenue for the spiritual needs of the growing population to be met.
  2. Looking at the street view, the above section of 82 houses is very much like an American neighborhood, from the style of the homes to the manicured lawns. Pray for each home to receive a clear gospel witness, and for at least 82 people in the subdivision to believe that witness.
  3. Pray for the Mighty God to be glorified this Christmas season.

Luke 1:37

Categorized as Africa

Antsirabe, Madagascar

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Antsirabe.

  1. Pray for the gardener who works at this location to hear about the one true God who planted the first garden.
  2. Antsirabe has hot springs and is a “spa town” (Wikipedia). Pray for God to give resiliency to people at spas today taking a break from the pressures of life.
  3. Pray for the city’s rickshaw drivers to meet the One Who can carry their burdens free of charge.

John 4:23

Categorized as Africa

Hoima, Uganda

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Hoima.

  1. Pray for everyone who walks through the above door this week to also have the opportunity to walk through THE Door before 2021 ends.
  2. Since 2006, Hoima has been known as “Oil City”. Pray that someone there who is wrestling today over conflicting eternal and temporal values will choose to live for the true riches of Christ.
  3. Pray for city residents with cardiac ailments to experience the Great Physician’s care physically and spiritually.

Ephesians 3:14-19

Categorized as Africa

Kindia, Guinea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kindia.

  1. Green typically reminds people of life/growth, so pray for people who will be in the seven buildings with green roofs today to have the life of Christ, and be growing to be more like Him.
  2. Pray for a teenager attending the mosque above to hear about the Father’s love expressed through Jesus Christ, and to receive that salvation.
  3. Rain is in the the forecast for Kindia today. Pray for someone to see that as a provision of the God of the Bible, as described in Psalm 65.

John 17:25-26

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Sohag, Egypt

3rd Try… here’s the picture! See the earlier post today for specific prayer requests.

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Mekomeseng, Equatorial Guinea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mekomeseng.

  1. Pray for people living along the three roads that converge at Mekomeseng. Pray for the Savior to stop by their homes with a gospel witness, and for them to accept it in faith.
  2. Although Mekomeseng doesn’t have much of a presence on the internet, the Lord knows every detail of its residents’ lives. Pray for the most desparate person there to hear about and trust in Him.
  3. Pray for the next couple who will be getting married in Mekomeseng to build their home on the Rock of Ages, and for there to be a Biblical church they can attend.

2 Corinthians 4:5-7

Categorized as Africa

Ngozi, Burundi

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ngozi.

  1. Pray for physical and spiritual nourishment to occur in children who worked to grow food this year in Ngozi.
  2. Ngozi means “blessing.” Pray that the blessing of Numbers 6:24-26 will rest on many homes in the town.
  3. Pray for genuine, consistent obedience of the top two commandments to be evidenced in the lives of local Christians this week.

John 6:35

Categorized as Africa

Taalbe, Chad

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Taalbe.

  1. The streets in the middle of the picture form a trapezoid. Pray for each home in that shape to have a direct gospel presentation.
  2. Pray that people who like to draw will themselves become the masterpiece their Creator desires them to be.
  3. Pray for the oldest person in Taalbe to trust Jesus soon.

Psalm 99

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Dodoma, Tanzania

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Dodoma.

  1. Pray that every person entering these doors during the next week will also hear clearly how to enter the Door to heaven.
  2. Pray for anyone in Dodoma whose birthday is today to also experience the second birth.
  3. Pray for students at the Kizota Primary School who enjoy math to hear about the God Who never changes, and is more dependable than the absolute value of numbers.

Psalm 46

Categorized as Africa

Franceville, Gabon

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Franceville.

  1. Pray for the people living / working in the blue-roofed building above to hear a Christian radio program explaining salvation.
  2. Pray for the Lord to put a compassionate adult in the lives of Franceville’s four year olds who will model Jesus to them.
  3. Pray for the city’s disabled residents to also have compassionate Christians in their lives who model Christ.

Habakkuk 2:14

Categorized as Africa