Mumbwa, Zambia

 Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mumbwa.

1. Pray for the drivers who will use the oval highway interchange today to let God be the Driver of their lives.
2. Pray for market vendors in the city to encounter a personal gospel witness, then respond in faith.
3. Pray for the city leaders to come before God in a spirit of humility, and seek His truth and wisdom.

Psalm 107:1-3

Categorized as Africa

Tadjouri, Djibouti


1. Pray for people who will be seeing the above view of the Gulf of Aden today to stop and consider the wondrous works of God.

2. Pray for students at the Middle School D’enseignement Moyen to hear the truth about Who Jesus is.

3. Pray for safety for anyone in the town who is asking questions / considering Christianity.

Isaiah 56:6-7

Categorized as Africa

Burco, Somalia


1. Many of the buildings on this road have colorful gates/walls. Pray for their residents to be yielded to the Master Artist as He seeks to work out His design  in their lives.
2. Pray for any little children who may play in this street today to know the protection of God in all areas.
3. Pray for Christians living in Burco to love the Lord with all their minds.
Psalm 19:1-3

Categorized as Africa

Meknes, Morocco


1. Pray for the children who will play on this playground today to hear the message of how God so loved the world.
2. The Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail is an important landmark in Meknes. Pray that those visiting the mausoleum will come to believe in the only Leader to ever defeat death, because He is the Resurrection and the Life.
3. Pray for those who will be flying in or out of the city’s military airport this week. As they are in the skies, pray for the Holy Spirit to convict their hearts of the truths of Psalm 19.
Psalm 19:1-3

Categorized as Africa

Haumbo, Angola


1. The pink building is a postal service center for Angola. Pray that the Lord will stir the hearts of those who enter the building today to want to read the best Letter ever.
2. Pray that the workers (and their descendants) who built the monument on the left will also build their lives on the Chief Cornerstone.
3. Pray for the motorcycle drivers on this road today to seriously consider the facts that general revelation reveals, and have opportunities to learn more.
John 8:32

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Kpalime, Togo


1. Pray for a Muslim market vendor to come to know Christ.
2. Pray that churches in Kpalime (pronounced “Polly May”) would have a strong desire to teach Muslims the gospel.
3. Pray for the Lord to bless the ministry of the Village of Light School for the Blind.
Mark 16:15

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Kiffa, Mauritania


1. Pray for each driver who comes through this gas station today to meet someone who will point them to Jesus.
2. Pray for Muslim teenagers to realize that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life.
3. Pray for protection for believers, and opportunities for fellowship with the family of God.
2 Corinthians 4:3-7

Categorized as Africa

Nairobi, Kenya


1. Pray for the people who live in these apartments to come to know Christ.
2. Pray for Christians in Nairobi to be encouraged as they grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord.
3. Pray for those who attend the city’s mosques to realize that Jesus is the only way of salvation, and then to have the courage to believe.
Matthew 28:18-20

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Fawaman, Ghana

1. Pray for the people who will travel on this road today to hear and heed the Holy Spirit’s working in their hearts.

2. Pray for the people who live along this road to look up and know that the heavens declare the glory of the true and living God.

3. Pray for those contemplating becoming Christians to realize that they cannot simply add Christ to other religious beliefs, they must trust in Him alone for salvation.

Matthew 28:18-20


Categorized as Africa

Sesfontein, Namibia

1. “Sesfontein” means “six fountains,” and is named for six water fountains that originate in the area. Pray that the people of this land will know the Water of Life – Jesus.

2. Pray for any Christians in the area to be strengthened in their walk with the Lord.

3. Pray for the people that enter the scattered buildings in the picture today to know that their Creator loves them and has a purpose for their lives.

Matthew 9:35-38

Categorized as Africa