Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tuiui.
Pray for people stopping to chat today beneath the center palm trees to receive a copy of the Word of God in their language.
In the midst of national political unrest, pray for Tuiui residents to have an opportunity to know the Prince of Peace, Who will one day solve all problems.
Bazin, an unleavened barley bread, is very popular in Libya. Pray for women in Tuiui making bazin today to hear about the Biblical significance of unleavened bread.
Romans 3:10-24
This post was originally published on January 25, 2022.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of North Kivu.
Photo from Google Earth
On January 23, the US Embassy issued a security alert for the DRC’s eastern province North Kivu. Pray for Americans living in that province to have wisdom to know the best decisions to make in light of the increased severity of armed conflict in the region.
The military governor of the province was killed by rebels. In the midst of grief, pray for a member of his family to find peace with God and hope for eternity.
Pray for someone in Sake (a town near the provincial capital) who has heard the gospel before but not yet believed, to do so before it’s too late.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kang.
1. Pray for a truck driver on the Trans-Kalahari Highway who has long resisted the Spirit’s conviction in his heart to truly repent and receive salvation.
2. Geographically, Kang is in the Kalahari Desert. Pray for a Biblical church to be started and flourish in this village of 6,000 people that is also a spiritual desert.
3. Pray for the Lord to put opportunities for further discipleship and encouragement in the lives of any Christians who will be at the Kang Meat Market today.
Psalm 96:9
This post was originally published on June 16, 2023.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Thies.
Pray for people who sell produce at the above corner to come to know the One Who makes that produce grow.
Thies is known for its tapestry industry. Pray for one of today’s workers in the tapestry factory to realize that the threads of his / her life are being woven together by the Master Designer, and that His pattern can be trusted.
Pray for Biblical churches to be started / grow in Thies.
Ephesians 3:14-19
This post was originally published on November 27, 2021.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Timbuktu.
Timbuktu is very poor, being plagued frequently by both droughts and floods. Please pray for both the physical and spiritual needs of its people to be met.
Timbuktu’s Sankore University was established in the early 1300’s. Pray for students there to hunger and thirst after righteousness, and be filled.
Pray for both the shortest and tallest adults in the city to put their faith in Jesus.
Revelation 22:20
This post was originally published on September 22, 2021.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Casablanca.
Pray for the people who will enter this building today to hear some phrase of Scripture, and that the Holy Spirit will keep that in their thoughts and use it to kindle a desire to know God.
Pray for four of the city’s jewelers to come to know Christ, that they themselves may be God’s jewels (Malachi 3:16-17).
Casablanca means “white house.” Pray that many of its residents will one day wear white robes in heaven (Revelation 19:6-8).
Hebrews 13:3
This post was originally published on August 26, 2021.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Edinburgh of the Seven Seas.
Located in the South Atlantic, Edinburgh of the Seven Seas is part of a British territory. Pray for a gospel witness to reach this settlement of a few hundred people.
Pray that the next people to stand at this overlook will ponder the most important questions of life, and have / take the opportunity to believe the Bible’s answers to those questions.
The Camogli Hospital was built in 1971, and moved into a new building in 2017. This four bed facility is staffed by regular visits from off-island doctors, dentists, and optometrists, with local nurses providing continuity. Pray for one of those nurses to meet and enlist in the service of the Great Physician, Who is adequate to treat needs of both soul and body.
The Congo River is Africa’s second longest river, and the world’s third largest river by discharge volume. With a maximum depth of 720 feet, the Congo River is the deepest river in the world. It provides 30% of the continent’s freshwater, and close to 80 million people live in the Congo River basin.
1. Praying for the nine pictured people who are shipping wood on the Congo River to hear and believe the gospel before the end of this year.
2. Around 500,000 African Pygmies (very short people) live in the Congo basin. Sadly, many African countries consider these tribal groups to be second class humans, and they don’t enjoy the same access to citizenship, education, and property ownership. Pray for several pygmies who are keenly feeling that rejection today to be introduced to the Father’s love, and accept His invitation to become “accepted in the Beloved.”,health%20care%20and%20education%20access.&text=There%20are%20roughly%20500%2C000%20Pygmies%20remaining%20in%20the%20rainforest%20of%20Central%20Africa
3. Pray for a person living in close proximity to the Congo River who shares your name (or a translation with the same meaning as your name) to become a child of God, that he or she may one day receive a special new name in glory (Rev. 2:17).
Revelation 22:1,17
This post was originally published on March 6, 2024.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Dassa-Zoume.
1. Beninese nationals consider Dassa-Zoume to be “the nerve center of occultism” ( Pray for someone actively working to promote that dark bondage to be gloriously saved and enter God’s kingdom of truth and light.
2. Pray for the photographer and the two people in the picture to hear about Jesus today, and ask Him to be their Lord and Savior.
3. Dassa’s claim to fame is a cave where an image of Mary is said to have appeared in 1954, and is now a destination for a Catholic pilgrimage honoring her. Pray for someone caught up in seeking a tangible religious experience not to neglect the convicting work of the Holy Spirit in his soul to depend on Christ’s merit alone for right standing before God.
1 Peter 3:15-16
This post was originally published on August 6, 2023.
1. This oasis town is in Egypt’s Western Desert. Pray for the 67,000 residents to have opportunities to hear about the only true spiritual oasis for the thirsty human heart.
2. Pray for the students at New Valley University to question any philosophy that conflicts with reality.
3. Pray for Godly family units to be established and strengthened.