Meknes, Morocco


1. Pray for the children who will play on this playground today to hear the message of how God so loved the world.
2. The Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail is an important landmark in Meknes. Pray that those visiting the mausoleum will come to believe in the only Leader to ever defeat death, because He is the Resurrection and the Life.
3. Pray for those who will be flying in or out of the city’s military airport this week. As they are in the skies, pray for the Holy Spirit to convict their hearts of the truths of Psalm 19.
Psalm 19:1-3

Categorized as Africa

Tortel, Chile


1. Pray for the people who will eat at this picnic table today to think about God when they look around at His creation.
2. Pray for the Bible to reach the houses on the left side of the picture.
3. Pray for today’s fishermen on the Rio Cochrane to be themselves caught by the Great Fisher of Men.
Psalm 19:1-3


Manari, Papua New Guinea

1. Pray for the workers who built this thatched roof to be changed by the gospel.

2. Pray that everyone who eats a meal here today will also have his/her spiritual hunger satisfied by the Bread of Life.

3. Pray for gospel seeds that have been planted in people’s hearts in years past, and yet lie dormant, to come to fruition soon.

John 8:32



Atlanta, USA


1. Pray for the surgical liver transplant team at CHOA to have wisdom and success with the baby boy they will be giving a new liver to on 5/1/21.
2. Pray for comfort and peace for the family of the liver donor in the procedure mentioned above.
3. Pray that the baby boy receiving the liver will go on to live a long and healthy life, and be a mighty man of God in word and deed.
Nahum 1:7


Pomfret, USA

1. Pomfret, Vermont is a town of 864 people who have no local gospel preaching church to attend. Pray for God to change this within the next five years.

2. Pictured above is the town hall. Pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of the town leaders to bring them to a personal relationship with Jesus, as well as be friendly to the idea of a church opening in their community.

3. Pray for the 15 people living in Pomfret who are closest to the end of their lives to hear and heed the message of salvation.

John 8:32


Magliano, Italy

1. Pray for anyone who may bicycle along this road today to ponder and act upon the claims that Jesus Christ made while on earth.

2. Pray that, as they enter adulthood this year, 21 year olds in Magliano will let God be the Guide of their lives.

3. Pray for effective one-on-one discipleship of new believers to occur.

John 8:32

Categorized as Europe

Haumbo, Angola


1. The pink building is a postal service center for Angola. Pray that the Lord will stir the hearts of those who enter the building today to want to read the best Letter ever.
2. Pray that the workers (and their descendants) who built the monument on the left will also build their lives on the Chief Cornerstone.
3. Pray for the motorcycle drivers on this road today to seriously consider the facts that general revelation reveals, and have opportunities to learn more.
John 8:32

Categorized as Africa

San Miguel, Argentina


1. Pray for a Christian to go to the Plaza and pass out tracts/Scripture to the workers there.
2. Pray for a bus driver in San Miguel to be saved today. 
3. Pray for unsaved family members of 12 Christians to go with their relatives to church today and obey God’s command to believe the gospel.
John 8:32


Seria, Brunei


1. Pray for the residents of the houses with blue lights to have an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
2. Pray for the car drivers on this road today to also be on the only Road to heaven.
3. Pray for every baby who will be born in Brunei today to one day become a Christian and be used by God to bring many of his/her countrymen to the Savior.
Mark 16:15

Categorized as Asia

Kpalime, Togo


1. Pray for a Muslim market vendor to come to know Christ.
2. Pray that churches in Kpalime (pronounced “Polly May”) would have a strong desire to teach Muslims the gospel.
3. Pray for the Lord to bless the ministry of the Village of Light School for the Blind.
Mark 16:15

Categorized as Africa