Author: MaryBeth Hall
Tortel, Chile
Manari, Papua New Guinea
1. Pray for the workers who built this thatched roof to be changed by the gospel.
2. Pray that everyone who eats a meal here today will also have his/her spiritual hunger satisfied by the Bread of Life.
3. Pray for gospel seeds that have been planted in people’s hearts in years past, and yet lie dormant, to come to fruition soon.
John 8:32
Atlanta, USA
Pomfret, USA
1. Pomfret, Vermont is a town of 864 people who have no local gospel preaching church to attend. Pray for God to change this within the next five years.
2. Pictured above is the town hall. Pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of the town leaders to bring them to a personal relationship with Jesus, as well as be friendly to the idea of a church opening in their community.
3. Pray for the 15 people living in Pomfret who are closest to the end of their lives to hear and heed the message of salvation.
John 8:32
Magliano, Italy
1. Pray for anyone who may bicycle along this road today to ponder and act upon the claims that Jesus Christ made while on earth.
2. Pray that, as they enter adulthood this year, 21 year olds in Magliano will let God be the Guide of their lives.
3. Pray for effective one-on-one discipleship of new believers to occur.
John 8:32
Haumbo, Angola
San Miguel, Argentina
Seria, Brunei