Tadjouri, Djibouti


1. Pray for people who will be seeing the above view of the Gulf of Aden today to stop and consider the wondrous works of God.

2. Pray for students at the Middle School D’enseignement Moyen to hear the truth about Who Jesus is.

3. Pray for safety for anyone in the town who is asking questions / considering Christianity.

Isaiah 56:6-7

Categorized as Africa

Charlotte, USA

1. Pray for the salvation of children who will receive the 14,000+ shoeboxes assembled May 13 at the Charlotte, NC, Operation Christmas Child warehouse.

2. Pray for continuing discipleship opportunities to occur in the lives of those who trust Christ.

3. Pray for the shoebox recipients to remember that Jesus loves them every time they see an item from their shoeboxes.

Isaiah 56:6-7



Montevideo, Uruguay

1. Pictured above is a music pavilion. Pray that the musicians who perform there this month will come to have the Lord’s song in their hearts.

2. Nearby is a bicycle rental business. Pray that those who rent bicycles this weekend will also connect with a gospel witness.

3. Pray for the physically deaf in Montevideo to have an opportunity to spiritually hear how God loves them, and to accept His love.

Isaiah 56:6-7



Sydney, Australia


1. Pray that the children and teens who do pull-ups on these bars will come to know the Lord as their spiritual strength.
2. Pray for the Jewish population of Sydney to come to personal faith in their Messiah, Jesus Christ, and to know His peace and stability.
3. Pray for young adults just starting out on their own to seek the wisdom of God’s Word for how to manage finances, time, relationships, health, and life priorities.
Isaiah 56:6-7


Jacksboro, USA

1. Pictured above is an aerial view of the Lindsey State Jail. Pray for inmates to realize their need for a Savior, and to genuinely trust Jesus. 

2. Pray that all the people living in Jacksboro, TX, who are 76 (or will be this year) will begin/be encouraged in their walk with God.

3. Pray for the members of the high school girls’ basketball team to have/emulate Godly role models.

Isaiah 56:6-7



Split, Croatia

1. Split is a port city on the eastern side of the Adriatic Sea. Pray for its sailors to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and to be filled with the righteousness of Christ.

2. Split is the historical site of Diocletian’s residence, the Roman emperor responsible for the Great Persecution of Christians in 303AD. Pray for Christians today, in Split and around the world, to be faithful always to Jesus.

3. Pray for the bakers in Split to know and love the Bread of Life.

Isaiah 56:6-7


Categorized as Europe

Tokyo, Japan


1. Pray for the person who shapes the tree in this picture to know Christ.
2. Pray for the lives of the utility workers who maintain the telephone poles/wires on this road to intersect with Godly Japanese Christians and/or missionaries.
3. Pray for Tokyo’s teens not to be so caught up in technology that they miss the profound simplicity of the gospel.
Isaiah 56:6-7

Categorized as Asia

Burco, Somalia


1. Many of the buildings on this road have colorful gates/walls. Pray for their residents to be yielded to the Master Artist as He seeks to work out His design  in their lives.
2. Pray for any little children who may play in this street today to know the protection of God in all areas.
3. Pray for Christians living in Burco to love the Lord with all their minds.
Psalm 19:1-3

Categorized as Africa

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


1. Pray for people whose hearts are lonely even though they live on this crowded hillside. Pray for them to know that the God of the universe sees them and cares.
2. Pray that pilgrims to the Christ the Redeemer statue will come to know Jesus as their personal Redeemer, not as merely an iconic religious figure.
3. Pray for each of the city’s 10 year olds to have someone witness to them this year.
Psalm 19:1-3


Sukkur, Pakistan


1. Pray for the people who work along the Indus River to meet the Water of Life.
2. Pray for there to be a mass media gospel witness (radio, internet, etc.) that reaches the residents of the Sukkur Cooperative Housing Society.
3. Pray for protection of any Christians who may live in the Sukkur Township.
Psalm 19:1-3

Categorized as Asia