Candle Lake, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Candle Lake.

  1. The street sign above reads “Irene Pl.” Irene means “peace,” so pray for the people who live on this road to meet the Prince of Peace, and have His peace as a defining characteristic of their lives.
  2. Pray for God’s Light to shine in Candle Lake, and draw many people to Himself.
  3. Candle Lake is known for the purple sand that makes a ribbon along its beach. This is caused from the mineral garnet, and ranges in shade and amount from year to year. Pray for customers who shop at the Purple Sands Fishing Store to be caught by a fisher of men for the King most worthy of the royal color purple.

Acts 5:42


St. Paul’s Bay, Malta

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of St. Paul’s Bay.

  1. The above building is Saint Paul’s Shipwreck Church, commemorating the events of Acts 27-28. Pray that pedestrians walking past the church today will have the thought that Jesus Christ is the only One Who can rescue their lives from shipwreck.
  2. Near the church is the Octopus Garden Diving Center. Pray for divers in this scuba instruction school to revel in the truth of Psalm 104:24-25 as they explore the underwater world.
  3. Pray for chefs in the city to hunger and thirst after righteousness.

Acts 5:42

Categorized as Europe

Qacha’s Nek, Lesotho

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Qacha’s Nek.

  1. Qacha’s Nek is a high mountain border city between Lesotho and South Africa. It is home to California Redwoods, a cave, and a Snake Park. Pray for one family to be delivered today from the power of the old serpent, and transferred into the kingdom of the Son of God.
  2. Pray that workers who fill green barrels like the one above will find the Lord’s purpose for their lives.
  3. Pray that Scripture’s clear teaching about Who Jesus is will be understood, and that erroneous cultic doctrine will fade from Qacha’s Nek.

Acts 5:42

Categorized as Africa

San Jose, Costa Rica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of San Jose.

  1. When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion because they were as sheep without a shepherd. Pray for the people who live within this picture to be introduced to the Good Shepherd.
  2. Pray that actors/actresses in the city’s theaters will come before God without pretense, freely admitting their need for Him.
  3. Named by Christopher Columbus, Costa Rica means “rich coast.” Pray for God to bless the efforts of His churches there, that many people may be rich in the things of the Lord.

John 3:16


Savusavu, Fiji

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Savusavu.

  1. Pray for anyone who visits this hot springs area to find release from the pressures of life in the One Who made the springs.
  2. Wikipedia states that “Savusavu is known as ‘the hidden paradise of Fiji’.” Pray for many residents there to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, the greatest paradise on earth. (Psalm 91:1)
  3. Pray for the city’s 25 year olds to encounter a gospel witness that will make a difference for eternity.

John 3:16


Ostersund, Sweden

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ostersund.

  1. The cheese stand above is part of an outdoor cultural history museum, which depicts the region’s thousand year history. Pray that Christians visiting the museum will strike up conversations with local artisans, and thus share the gospel.
  2. Ostersund is adjacent to Lake Storsjon. Pray that people who see the sky’s reflection in the water today will also see the true condition of their hearts in God’s Word, and His remedy.
  3. Pray that a dozen Viking descendants will come to be at peace with God before the end of this year.

John 3:16

Categorized as Europe

Your State Capital

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of your state capital.

  1. Pray for Christians who work in government positions to have wisdom, courage, and integrity.
  2. Pray for the Biblical truth of the sanctity of human life to be upheld/defended.
  3. Pray for two lost people who live in your state capital to be saved today.

John 3:16


Los Angeles, Chile

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Los Angeles.

  1. Pray for the families living in these homes to experience salvation / discipleship, and then be a lighthouse to their street.
  2. Los Angeles, Chile is below the equator, so residents are currently in the winter season. The expected temperature range for July 27 is 36° – 51°. Pray for Christians’ hearts there to always be hot toward the Lord, no matter what is going on around them.
  3. Pray for the youngest person in the city to grow up in a Christian home, where he/she has the opportunity to hear about/accept Jesus at an early age.

John 3:16


Parakou, Benin

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Parakou.

  1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to interject a gospel witness into the lives of each of the people in this picture.
  2. Parakou is a trade center for cotton, livestock, and grain. Pray for 3 traders today to hear how to trade the old man / kingdom of darkness for the new man / kingdom of light. Pray for them to make that trade.
  3. Pray for the children of Parakou to have Godly role models to emulate.

John 3:16

Categorized as Africa

West Bay, Cayman Islands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of West Bay.

  1. Pray that tourists to the Hell limestone formation above will take seriously that there is a real hell, and find out how to escape it.
  2. Pray for workers at the Cayman Turtle Centre who enjoy the Creator’s work in nature to also see what He is doing in their own lives.
  3. Pray for those who live on the sandy beaches to have a firm foundation on the Rock for their spiritual lives.

John 12:46
