Karigasniemi, Finland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Karigasniemi.

  1. There is children’s play equipment in the fenced-in area by the large red-roofed building. Pray for every child who plays there during 2021 to hear a clear presentation of the gospel before they reach adulthood.
  2. The Northern Lights can be seen from northern Finland. Pray for people who see the next display of God’s glory to acknowledge His claims on their lives.
  3. Pray for there to be Godly Christians in Karigasniemi who are like trees planted by the water. (Psalm 1)

Romans 8

Categorized as Europe

Ouesso, Republic of the Congo

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ouesso.

  1. Pray that people who enter this hotel during September will also have an opportunity to hear how to enter heaven.
  2. Ouesso is famous for the pygmy peoples who live nearby (Wikipedia). Pray for any evangelistic outreaches currently seeking to minister to these tribes to be successful.
  3. Pray for the saddest person in Ouesso to become the most joyful due to the transforming grace of Jesus.

Romans 8

Categorized as Africa

Burnie, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Burnie.

  1. Pray for pedestrians who will use this boardwalk today to be reminded of the eternal power and Godhead of the I AM. (Romans 1:20)
  2. Burnie is on the island of Tasmania. Pray for ferry boat workers who go from the island to the mainland to also know the way to get from this world to Heaven’s shore.
  3. Pray for people in Burnie who have found out this past week they have cancer to find strength and comfort in Scripture.

Romans 8


Los Angeles, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Los Angeles.

  1. The above store sells trendy art / design conscious items for daily living. Pray for two of its workers to find out this week how to incorporate God’s timeless design into their daily lives.
  2. Pray for every Afghan refugee who has resettled (or will) in Los Angeles to hear/believe the gospel in the process of beginning a new life.
  3. Pray for someone planning to commit a crime today to instead be convicted/rescued by the Lord.

Romans 8


Prague, Czechia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Prague.

  1. The above building is comparable to a city courthouse, with various offices inside. Pray that couples using the wedding ceremonial hall will have a desire to start their homes on a solid foundation, and that the Lord will put someone in their lives to explain Biblically how to do that.
  2. Pray for the craftsman/his family who built the wooden doors above to meet the greatest Carpenter of all time.
  3. When exiting the building, one can see a cross steeple in the distance. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use that sight to remind city officials of the need for God’s blessings on Prague, and that they will seek His wisdom for how to best manage their city.

Hebrews 13:3

Categorized as Europe

Damascus, Syria

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Damascus.

  1. Damascus is perhaps the oldest continually inhabited city in the world. Pray for the people that have known Jesus longest in Damascus, for God to remind them how good it is to have a Savior.
  2. The above memorial statue is of Yusuf al-Azma, who died in battle at the age of thirty-six while defending his fellow Syrians against the French. Pray for all the thirty-six year olds of the city to follow the Captain Who died to defend them from the ravages of sin.
  3. Pray for the Lord to raise up a people who know Him, are strong, and do exploits. (Daniel 11:32 will be fulfilled in the tribulation, but we can pray that God raises up this kind of people for this generation.)

Hebrews 13:3

Categorized as Asia

New Providence, Bahamas

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New Providence.

  1. Pray for drivers who enter the above round-a-bout not to waste their lives going in circles, but to be focused toward One clear direction.
  2. Pray for Christians to have perception to notice God’s Providential hand in their lives.
  3. Pray for 25 musicians in the city to play/sing for the glory of the Lord.

Hebrews 13:3


Cavendish, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Cavendish.

  1. Pray for people in their 50’s who live in Cavendish to hear about, value, and choose the narrow path of salvation.
  2. Cavendish is located on Prince Edward Island, and is home to the Green Gables Heritage Place, the farmhouse which inspired Lucy M. Montgomery’s books. Pray for visitors to the house to connect with a believer who can describe the Eternal Heritage Place.
  3. The 100-acre Marco Polo Campground is located in Cavendish. Pray that someone vacationing there this week will answer “Polo” in faith to the Spirit’s “Marco” tug on his/her heart.

Hebrews 13:3


Golabkhel, Afghanistan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Golabkhel.

  1. Pray for provision of daily bread for those who have gone into hiding because of religious persecution.
  2. As Brother Andrew used to pray, ask the Lord “to make seeing eyes blind” in relation to God preventing confiscation of His Word.
  3. Pray for parents to have wisdom to know the best ways to protect their children.

Hebrews 13:3

Categorized as Asia

Kaunas, Lithuania

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kaunas.

  1. This is Christ’s Resurrection Basilica. Pray for people who will go there this weekend to truly understand and believe in the resurrection.
  2. Kaunas has a great deal of historical architecture remarkably preserved through wartime. Pray that Christians in the city will have great faith that likewise remains despite time or trial.
  3. Pray for anyone from Kaunas camping out tonight to be able to see the stars and think of the One Who made them.

Acts 1:7-8

Categorized as Europe