Boise, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Boise.

  1. There is a Christian lady on a ventilator at the above hospital. Pray for her recovery, and for the presence of God to be very real to her, her husband, and her children.
  2. Pray for Mormons in Boise to see/act on the truth of Who Jesus Christ really is.
  3. Pray for today’s hikers along the Boise River Greenbelt to live out the second verse of “How Great Thou Art.”

Psalm 46


Orhei, Moldova

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Orhei.

  1. Pray for people who come to enjoy the view above to heed the Lord’s pull in their hearts to enter His rest.
  2. Old Orhei is an archaeological and historical site eight miles from Orhei. Private bike tours are offered to/around Old Orhei. Pray for cyclists this weekend to see something of the glory of God on their excursions.
  3. Pray for people living in Orhei whose names begin with “O” to hear about God’s three big O’s*, and find comfort in those truths.

Psalm 46

      *In His Word, the I Am reveals Himself to be omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.

Categorized as Europe

Dodoma, Tanzania

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Dodoma.

  1. Pray that every person entering these doors during the next week will also hear clearly how to enter the Door to heaven.
  2. Pray for anyone in Dodoma whose birthday is today to also experience the second birth.
  3. Pray for students at the Kizota Primary School who enjoy math to hear about the God Who never changes, and is more dependable than the absolute value of numbers.

Psalm 46

Categorized as Africa

Brenwe, Vanuatu

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Brenwe.

  1. As seen in the above aerial view, Brenwe is a small, upside-down-heart-shaped, coastal village. Pray for the Lord to turn the hearts of many nationals right-side-up with His love.
  2. Psalm 46 describes vividly how our God is Lord over natural disasters. Pray for Brenwe residents to rest in this truth when they see storms at sea.
  3. Pray for the Father to meet all the needs of widows and orphans in Brenwe.

Psalm 46


Williamstown, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Williamstown.

  1. This life-sized replica of Noah’s ark is located in Williamstown, Kentucky. Pray for visitors to the ark to be convinced / strengthened in their faith in the historical accuracy of Biblical events.
  2. Pray for the salvation of hotel workers in the area who have never entered Jesus Christ, the ultimate Ark, for themselves.
  3. Pray for recent stroke victims across the USA to know that God is their refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

Psalm 46


Wuwei, China

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Wuwei.

  1. Pray for visitors to the museum above to hear the message of what true greatness is and how to attain it.
  2. Pray for little children in Wuwei to hear and understand the song, “Jesus Loves Me.”
  3. Pray for work-weary dads and moms to discover the Father’s love for them, and the Son Who beckons for them to come take His yoke.

Revelation 22:20

Categorized as Asia

Kharagauli, Georgia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kharagauli.

  1. Pray that when people on this road look up at the hills on the horizon, their hearts will be drawn to find help in the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121)
  2. Pray for many Bible-preaching churches to start in the country of Georgia.
  3. Pray for a Christian hymn to find its way into the heart of a housewife in Kharagauli, and lead her to Jesus and His daily encouragement.

Revelation 22:20

Categorized as Europe

Lethem, Guyana

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lethem.

  1. Pray for customers at this grocery store to value the Word of God more than their necessary food. (Job 23:12)
  2. Lethem has about 2,000 residents. Pray for every home to have exposure to genuine Christianity.
  3. Pray for people with a Hindu background to have courage to acknowledge their need for Jesus as their only Savior.

Revelation 22:20


Goroka, Papua New Guinea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Goroka.

  1. Pictured above is the Pacific Gardens Hotel. Pray for the goodness of God in the owner’s life to lead to salvation / spiritual growth.
  2. The Goroka Show is an annual festival featuring the culture/music of 100 tribes. Interestingly, Goroka was picked for today’s city at random, and the show just took place September 18-19. Pray that any gospel seeds that were planted by Christians this past weekend would take root as the Holy Spirit works in hearts.
  3. Goroka means “The Morning Dawn.” Pray that when that great eternal morning dawns, many Gorokan residents will be around heaven’s throne to worship the Father forever.

Revelation 22:20


La Paz, Mexico

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of La Paz.

  1. “Paz” means peace in Spanish. Pray for Christians in La Paz to have opportunities this week to explain to lost family/friends how to know the Prince of Peace.
  2. The above Saguaro cacti are a reminder that life can survive in the desert. Pray for people who are in an emotional desert to make it through by God’s provision/care.
  3. Pray for the Lord to call young people from La Paz into His service.

Revelation 22:20
