Toronto, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Toronto.

  1. This little road is right by a major highway. Pray for commuters to choose the narrow road that leads to life spiritually over the broad way that leads to destruction.
  2. In the past, there was a Toronto-based kids’ Christian radio program called “Mrs. G,” featuring the host telling Bible stories. Pray that anyone in Toronto who heard the program growing up will remember it today, and draw closer to the Lord.
  3. Pray for the Lord to bless His children in Toronto.

John 17:25-26


Lipljan, Kosovo

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lipljan.

  1. Pray for soccer players who aim for the above goal to also aim for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3)
  2. Pray for ladies who will get their hair cut at the salon in the center white building to realize their great worth to the Lord.
  3. We have prayed for children who play on various playgrounds around the world. Today, pray for the families who come to this park to meet someone who will reflect Jesus’ compassion to them.

John 17:25-26

Categorized as Europe

Kindia, Guinea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kindia.

  1. Green typically reminds people of life/growth, so pray for people who will be in the seven buildings with green roofs today to have the life of Christ, and be growing to be more like Him.
  2. Pray for a teenager attending the mosque above to hear about the Father’s love expressed through Jesus Christ, and to receive that salvation.
  3. Rain is in the the forecast for Kindia today. Pray for someone to see that as a provision of the God of the Bible, as described in Psalm 65.

John 17:25-26

Categorized as Africa

Bennington, USA…Take 2

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bennington.

  1. On June 22, 2021, Bennington was TGP’s city for the day. We prayed for NEBC, a local Christian college. Today, a lady closely tied to the college is on a ventilator in the above hospital. She is critical but stable, and they are working to wean her off of it. Please pray for this to be successful over the next few days, and for a complete medical recovery, that she may return to her vital supportive role at the college. Pray also for her husband and son during this time.
  2. Pray for the last two children who played on the Stark Street Playground to have a safe and happy childhood, including knowing that Jesus loves them.
  3. Pray for encouragement and strength (physical, emotional, spiritual) for medical professionals in Bennington, as they seek to help others. Pray for the Lord to minister to their deepest needs.

John 17:25-26


Grahovo, Montenegro

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Grahovo.

  1. The above memorial is a tribute to townspeople who overturned German control of their town in 1941. Leading up the hill to it are 272 steps, each bearing the name of a person who gave his life to ensure freedom for Grahovo. Pray for that kind of courage to find resonance in the souls of today’s generation.
  2. In 1979, two years after the above memorial was built, an earthquake destroyed much of Grahovo, causing the gradual decline of the town. In 2013, the population was 3,091. Pray that between now and Christmas, the Lord will knock on the heart door of every person there, inviting them to know/fellowship with Him.
  3. Pray for the rugged beauty of the mountains to inspire awe of God’s majesty in hikers’ hearts.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Categorized as Europe

Maamigili, Maldives

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Maamigili.

  1. Maamigili is also known as “Whale Shark Island.” Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw the souls of this month’s divers to Himself when they see the Creator’s underwater genius.
  2. Pray for members of the Maamigili Council to seek the wisdom of God as they make decisions both professionally and personally.
  3. Pray for Christians who are in management positions to know the exceeding greatness of God’s power in their lives, enabling them in live out the two greatest commandmentts.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Categorized as Asia

Sohag, Egypt

3rd Try… here’s the picture! See the earlier post today for specific prayer requests.

Categorized as Africa

Kansk, Russia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kansk.

  1. Kansk was established 239 years ago. Pray that if any of the founders’ descendants are still living in Kansk, they will have an opportunity in their town to hear about Jesus.
  2. Pray for children who have been adopted from Kansk into American families to know / accept the love of the Father.
  3. Just as the above home has prepared for heat in winter, pray that many homes will radiate the warmth of the gospel to a spiritually cold region.

Lamentations 3:21-23

Categorized as Asia

Santa Rosa, Argentina

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Santa Rosa.

  1. The above picture is interesting because of the contrast of what is on the two sides. To the right is a wall full of graffiti, most noticeably with a painting of an old man. To the left is a lady and two young children on a bicycle. Pray that people in Santa Rosa who have looked to everything but Jesus for fulfillment will turn to Him as the purpose of / enablement for life.
  2. Pray that young children, such as the ones on the bicycle, will trust Jesus before sin wrecks their lives.
  3. Pray for Christians in Santa Rosa to know the exceeding greatness of God’s power in their lives today (Ephesians 1:15-23).

Niutoua, Tonga

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Niutoua.

  1. Sometimes referred to as the “Stonehenge of the Pacific,” the above monument was built by King Tu’itatui in honor of his two sons during the 13th century (Wikipedia). Pray that Niutoua will have many sons of glory, built up as living stones, to the praise of the Most High God.
  2. In 2016, Niutoua’s population was 671, with a Mormon and Catholic church in the village. Pray for the clear way of salvation (John 14:6) to be available for every family to hear.
  3. Pray for a tourist visiting the above trilithon to see it as an object lesson of the Trinity.

2 Corinthians 4:5-7
