Machu Picchu Base, Antarctica

 Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Machu Picchu Base.

1. Pray for the Peruvian scientists preparing to come work at the base. Pray that God will be putting things in their lives to draw them to Him while they are in Antarctica.
2. Pray for the salvation of the captain and crew of the boat that will ferry the next group. 
3. Pray that if anyone in the Machu Picchu Base has a gambling problem, God will grant them genuine and permanent victory in this area.

Revelation 5:9-10


Kasba Lake, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers into the harvestfield of Kasba Luke.

1. Pray for the bush pilots who fly people into the Kasba Lake fishing lodge. Pray for them to see God’s glory in the heavens that they roam.

2. Pray for the Inuit who come to the lake to know the one true God.

3. Pray for the tourists who will visit the fishing lodge this summer to think about God (and any witness they have known of Him) as they are in quieter surroundings than normal.

Revelation 5:9-10


Barletta, Italy

 Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Barletta.

1. Pray for vacationers to White Beach to not be deceived into thinking that worldly pleasures bring true happiness.

2. Pray for the announcers at the radio station 91.1 to personally come across a Christian song that pricks their hearts and points them to Jesus.

3. Pray for the city’s 45 year olds to evaluate their lives Biblically.

Psalm 107:1-3

Categorized as Europe

Mumbwa, Zambia

 Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mumbwa.

1. Pray for the drivers who will use the oval highway interchange today to let God be the Driver of their lives.
2. Pray for market vendors in the city to encounter a personal gospel witness, then respond in faith.
3. Pray for the city leaders to come before God in a spirit of humility, and seek His truth and wisdom.

Psalm 107:1-3

Categorized as Africa

Cuenca, Ecuador

Pray for the Lord to send workers to the Cuenca harvestfield.

1. This is a weaving mill in Cuenca. Pray for any Christians who work there to see the truth of Romans 8:28 illustrated in what they do.

2.  Pray for Biblical chuches in Cuenca to have the hand of God on their ministry.

3. Pray for the city’s schoolteachers to personally meet the greatest Teacher of all time.

Psalm 107:1-3



Smoky Bay, Australia

 Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the Smoky Bay harvestfield.

1. Pray for the families that live at the end of the six cul-de-sacs in the picture. Pray that they will come to know Christ if they don’t already, and then be lights on their streets for Him.
2. Beginning with the trees at the right of the picture, and extending for a ways, is the Gerlach Plantation. This is a nature preserve. Pray for visitors to the preserve to be impressed with the intelligent design of the animals they observe, and seek to know the Designer.
3. Pray for swimmers in Smoky Bay to “trust in the living God, Who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” (1 Tim.6:17)

Psalm 107:1-3


Kolding, Denmark

 Pray for the Lord to send out labourers to the Kolding harvestfield.

1. The above building is an old castle in Kolding that has been restored, and now functions as a museum. Pray that the museum workers will see the hand of Providence in history, and then seek to know Him personally.
2. Kolding describes itself “as one of Denmark’s friendliest towns.” ( Pray that its residents will know the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.
3. Pray for Christians who have never been baptized to obey the Lord in this important area.
Psalm 107:1-3

Categorized as Europe

Phou Khoun, Laos

 Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the Phou Khoun harvestfield.

1. Pray for the people who will stay in this guesthouse this week to hear about and accept God’s invitation to be a permanent guest in His home.

2. There are many motorcycle drivers on this road. Pray for seven of them to be saved / discipled within the next decade, so they can be leaders for the Lord in their sphere of influence.

3. There is a restaurant next door to the guesthouse with a large picture of an alcoholic beverage on the sign. Pray for the owner and patrons to realize that Jesus is the only true source of happiness and escape from the hard times of life.
Psalm 107:1-3
Categorized as Asia

Tadjouri, Djibouti


1. Pray for people who will be seeing the above view of the Gulf of Aden today to stop and consider the wondrous works of God.

2. Pray for students at the Middle School D’enseignement Moyen to hear the truth about Who Jesus is.

3. Pray for safety for anyone in the town who is asking questions / considering Christianity.

Isaiah 56:6-7

Categorized as Africa

Charlotte, USA

1. Pray for the salvation of children who will receive the 14,000+ shoeboxes assembled May 13 at the Charlotte, NC, Operation Christmas Child warehouse.

2. Pray for continuing discipleship opportunities to occur in the lives of those who trust Christ.

3. Pray for the shoebox recipients to remember that Jesus loves them every time they see an item from their shoeboxes.

Isaiah 56:6-7

