Vaiaku, Tuvalu

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Vaiaku.

  1. Pray for people in Vaiaku who make their living from the sea to meet the Master of the Sea.
  2. Pray for Grace Baptist Church in Vaiaku to be effective in making disciples of Jesus Christ.
  3. The entire country of Tuvalu has a population of around 12,000. Pray for at least one person from every family there to be adopted into God’s family.

John 4:23


Mary, Turkmenistan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mary.

  1. Pray for families who have recently moved to Mary searching for a better life to hear about the One Who came to give abundant life.
  2. Near the town is the archaeological site Merv, once a major stop on the Silk Road trade route. Pray for archaeologists there to personally reflect on temporal versus eternal values, and choose wisely.
  3. Pray for anyone named Joseph living in Mary to begin a relationship with Jesus this Christmas season.

Romans 15:13

Categorized as Asia

Mawson, Antarctica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mawson.

  1. There are currently 120 people living at Mawson Station, where it is summer. Pray for them to take actions spiritually parallel with the traffic light colored buildings above: yellow (slow down mentally to consider Who God is and what His claims are on their lives), red (stop trusting anything but Jesus for meaning / purpose in life), and green (go forward in His life and strength.)
  2. Mawson is part of the Australian Antarctic Division. Pray for the leaders in Australia to meet Godly Christians who point the way to Jesus by their words / actions.
  3. Only 18 people will live in Mawson once winter begins. Pray for those making preparations to arrive in a few months, that they may bring in their hearts the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.

Romans 15:13


Umm Salal Muhammed, Qatar

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Umm Salal Muhammed.

  1. “Saif” is an Arabic word meaning “sword or scimitar.” Pray for every man entering the Saif Gents Saloon (a barber shop) this week to have an opportunity to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. Pray for the owner of the Narjas Trading & Maintenence shop to trade his sin for the righteousness of Christ.
  3. Umm Salal Muhammed has many farms and wells. Pray for five ladies drawing water from wells today to meet the Master Who once sat by a well because He loved a Samaritan woman (John 4).

Romans 15:13

Categorized as Asia

250th City! Caracas, Venezuela

Today marks the 250th city we have prayed for since Targeted Global Prayer began. How exciting to join together in specific prayer for the advancement of the Kingdom of God! Thank you to each person who prays for the cities of the world; Lord willing, there will be more people around our Father’s throne because of those prayers.

  1. This picture immediately brings to mind Matthew 9:36-38, a beautiful passage illustrating the compassion of Christ. Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Caracas, that many of those 2 million+ individuals may find rest in His compassion.
  2. Pray for any Quechuan people who live in Caracas to hear the gospel in their mother tongue.
  3. Pray for righteousness and justice to flourish, and evil plans to be brought to nothing.

Ephesians 3:14-19

P.S. There are around 25 people who pray daily with TGP. Please pray for that number to double before we reach the one year milestone. Then, invite someone to join us. Together, we can make a difference for Jesus!


Zarafshan, Uzbekistan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Zarafshan.

  1. Pray for the artist who painted the mural on the red building, that he and his family would know the beautiful work of God painted in their lives.
  2. By now, construction on the above apartment complex is probably finished. Pray for the Lord to send a Christian to reach out to families who live there.
  3. The name Zarafshan refers to gold, and the city is Uzbekistan’s gold capital. Pray for someone today to obtain a residency reservation in that City whose appearance is as pure gold.

Ephesians 3:14-19

Categorized as Asia

Hoima, Uganda

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Hoima.

  1. Pray for everyone who walks through the above door this week to also have the opportunity to walk through THE Door before 2021 ends.
  2. Since 2006, Hoima has been known as “Oil City”. Pray that someone there who is wrestling today over conflicting eternal and temporal values will choose to live for the true riches of Christ.
  3. Pray for city residents with cardiac ailments to experience the Great Physician’s care physically and spiritually.

Ephesians 3:14-19

Categorized as Africa

Torreon, Mexico

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Torreon.

  1. Pray for families who live within sight of this mountain to trust in the Lord, and thus be like Mt. Zion, which can not be moved, but abides forever (Psalm 125:1).
  2. Pray for each owner of a pickup truck in Torreon to hear/accept the good news of Jesus Christ.
  3. Pray for someone playing with a frisbee today to realize that God’s love is like a circle with no end.

2 Timothy 4:7-8


Beirut, Lebanon

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Beirut.

  1. Pray for roadside vendors to meet the Master Who freely gives what no one else can.
  2. A port explosion in 2020 killed 218 people in Beirut. Pray for relatives still grieving the loss of loved ones to discover the hope that Jesus offers to all who trust Him.
  3. Pray for Scripture to be readily available to all who yearn for truth.

2 Timothy 4:7-8

Categorized as Asia

Crown Point, Trinidad and Tobago

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Trinidad and Tobago.

  1. Pray for the Lord to raise up a generation of Crown Point residents who live for Him and love His appearing, and thus receive the crown of righteousness.
  2. Pray for vacationers who come to Trinidad and Tobago to also find spiritual refreshment.
  3. Pray for the Lord to bless His church services in Crown Point today.

2 Timothy 4:7-8
