Wrangell, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Wrangell.

  1. The above building is a replica of Pacific Northwest Indian longhouses. Pray for several Native Americans in Wrangell, Alaska, to meet Jesus before the end of 2021.
  2. Petroglyphs can be seen on the Wrangell beach. Pray for students viewing them to interpret what they see from a Creationist worldview.
  3. Pray for the Prince of Peace to be glorified this Christmas season.

Luke 1:37


Kosice, Slovakia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kosice.

  1. Kosice is the largest city in eastern Slovakia. Turning in a 360° circle, one can see the same expanse of buildings. Pray for people whose hearts are ready to accept the Truth to have an opportunity to do so.
  2. The Kosice Children’s Railway is a 4.2 kilometer long tourist attraction. Pray for families attending a Christmas event there December 18 to make room in their lives for Jesus.
  3. Pray for cancer patients in Kosice to have God’s hope, which transcends all difficulties (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

Luke 1:37

Categorized as Europe

Kharanaq, Iran

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kharanaq.

  1. Kharanaq is a 4,500 year old city whose name means “place of the birth of the sun.” In 2006, there were 433 people (133 families) living in the New Town section. The Old Town – seen above – was deserted years ago after a drought. Only a few older people stayed in Old Town, hanging onto their homes. Pray for the Lord to send the Truth to them.
  2. Pray for a Christian tourist to visit Kharanaq, and for the Lord to open the door for meaningful gospel conversations with teenagers there.
  3. Pray for the Everlasting Father to be glorified this Christmas season.

Luke 1:37

Categorized as Asia

Tete, Mozambique

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tete.

  1. Tete is on the bank of the Zambezi River, and was projected to be the fastest growing city on the African continent between 2020-2025 (Wikipedia). Pray for Biblical churches to be planted in Tete, that there may be an avenue for the spiritual needs of the growing population to be met.
  2. Looking at the street view, the above section of 82 houses is very much like an American neighborhood, from the style of the homes to the manicured lawns. Pray for each home to receive a clear gospel witness, and for at least 82 people in the subdivision to believe that witness.
  3. Pray for the Mighty God to be glorified this Christmas season.

Luke 1:37

Categorized as Africa

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tegucigalpa.

  1. The above statue of the resurrected Christ was completed in 1998, and, at night, is visible to 60% of the city’s population. Pray for someone seeing it this evening to come to Jesus, as He invited all to do in Matthew 11:28-30.
  2. Tegucigalpa means “place of residence of the noble,” and is the capital of Honduras. It can also be translated “place on the home of the beloved master.” Pray for 5 people to receive salvation today, that their hearts may become Tegucigalpa.
  3. Pray for the Wonderful Counselor to be glorified this Christmas season.

Luke 1:37


Orro, Nauru

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Nauru.

  1. Nauru is one of the world’s smallest countries, at about 8 square miles with a population of 11,000. Phosphate exports provide most of the country’s income. In 1980, Nauru was considered the world’s wealthiest country, but today is one of the 5 poorest nations (borgenmagazine.com). Pray for the Lord to provide basic physical and spiritual necessities for its people.
  2. Nauru has a small civilian police force, but no national military. (Australia has an informal agreement to defend them.) Pray for police officers on duty today in Orro (in the southwest corner of the island) to hear about the love of Christ.
  3. Today’s weather forecast for Orro is 81° F, with breezy winds from the northeast. Pray for the Spirit of God to blow across the hearts of people in Orro, drawing them to the Son.

Luke 1:37


Broken Arrow, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Broken Arrow.

  1. Pray for people filling prescriptions at this pharmacy today to also receive strength from the Great Physician’s compassion.
  2. Pray for each person who looks at a penny today to remember the words “In God We Trust.” (This request submitted by a six year old girl.)
  3. Pray for senior citizens watching church services remotely today to be blessed by what they hear/see.

Luke 1:37


Baku, Azerbaijan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Baku.

  1. Pray for today’s shoppers at the above store to hear about the God Who wants to be their Abba, Father, and accept His offer.
  2. Maiden’s Tower is a famous landmark in Baku, with much interesting speculation regarding its history. Pray for the next teenage girl visiting the tower to trust Christ as her Savior.
  3. Pray for drivers of white cars to respond to the Holy Spirit’s conviction concerning sin, righteousness, and judgement (John 16:8-11), that their hearts may be white as snow (Isaiah 1:18).

John 4:23

Categorized as Asia

Antsirabe, Madagascar

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Antsirabe.

  1. Pray for the gardener who works at this location to hear about the one true God who planted the first garden.
  2. Antsirabe has hot springs and is a “spa town” (Wikipedia). Pray for God to give resiliency to people at spas today taking a break from the pressures of life.
  3. Pray for the city’s rickshaw drivers to meet the One Who can carry their burdens free of charge.

John 4:23

Categorized as Africa

Jamundi, Columbia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Jamundi.

  1. Pray for motorcycle/bicycle drivers on this road today to encounter a gospel witness and find freedom in Christ.
  2. Pray for workers in the coffee industry to discover and receive true, sustained joy.
  3. On May 22, 2006, 10 policemen and 1 civilian were killed in the Jamundi Massacre. Pray for families still grieving the loss of loved ones to find comfort in God’s hope and peace.

John 4:23
