Alcochete, Portugal

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Alcochete.

  1. Alcochete is a port city of 20,000 people with no evangelical church. An American family and a Brazilian family are teaming up to start a church there. Pray for the Lord to use them to establish a church that will continue until His return.
  2. Pray for many residents of this apartment complex to come to faith in Christ.
  3. Pray for those who love the untameable vastness of the sea to know the God in Whose hand it resides. (Isaiah 40:12)

John 12:46

Categorized as Europe

San Francisco de Salapa, Ecuador

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of San Francisco de Salapa.

  1. Pray for children who will be wearing school uniforms like these when school begins in September. Pray for someone to look them in the eyes and say, “Jesus loves you,” and for the children to believe it.
  2. Pray for agricultural laborers to acknowledge and seek to know the God Who gives food to all living things.
  3. Pray for the town’s electricians to plug into the One Who is the life and light of men. (John 1:4)

John 12:46


Coogee, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Coogee.

  1. Wedding Cake Island* is a rock outcropping one kilometer away from Coogee. It protects the city from large ocean swells. Pray for many Coogee residents to find protection in the Rock of Ages from the stormy swells of life. (*Thanks to William and Peter Hall for information about this island.)
  2. The Bondi to Coogee Walk is a six kilometer path of gorgeous views along the rocky coastline, with cafes along the way. Pray for people who will enjoy it today to feel the Spirit’s tug in their hearts toward the God Who created such beauty.
  3. From time to time, divers can hear whales singing in Gordon’s Bay. Pray for divers who hear those songs this month to also hear a Christian song somewhere that will encourage their souls.

Psalm 96


Harbin, China

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Harbin.

  1. Pray for customers who will shop at the mall on the right side of the picture to value eternal treasures above all, and have opportunities to learn about those.
  2. Pray for workers in the buildings on the left to come across a Christian website or other gospel witness.
  3. Pray for maintenance workers who keep the brick pavement area clean to find out how to have a clean heart before God.

Psalm 96

Categorized as Asia

Tibati, Cameroon

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tibati.

  1. Pray for children who play in this field to learn both that Jesus loves them, and how He demonstrated that love.
  2. Blackmail is very prevalent in Cameroon. Pray for God’s protection on national Christians and Christian missionaries.
  3. Pray for the salvation of those perpetuating civil unrest.

Psalm 96

Categorized as Africa

Portel, Brazil

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Portel.

  1. Pray for people who walk along this beach today to think about the God Who thinks about them more times than there are grains of sand.
  2. Pray for Portel residents who have heard the gospel, but rejected it, to yield to the Spirit’s conviction.
  3. Pray for Christians in the city with physical ailments to find strength in their Savior.

Psalm 96


Waitangi, New Zealand

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Waitangi.

  1. In the Maori language, Waitangi means “weeping waters.” Pray for the people who live in Waitangi to know that God sees all their tears, and is the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.
  2. The Waitangi Treaty Grounds have been called the birth place of New Zealand. Pray that maintenance workers of this landmark will personally meet the one Mediator who can make the only irrevocable treaty between a condemned sinner and a holy God.
  3. Pray for people who see this water/sky today to reflect on the sheer skill and goodness of God.

Psalm 96


Grand Haven, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Grand Haven.

  1. In 2016, the population of Grand Haven was 745 people. Pray for the 100 of those people aged 65 years or older to personally enter the grand Haven of Rest.
  2. The Peace River flows near the city. Pray for anyone who has a birthday this week to know God’s peace on a daily basis.
  3. Pray for a gospel preaching church to start in Grand Haven.

Matthew 5:14-16


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Riyadh.

  1. Pray for patrons at the pictured restaurant to taste and see that the Lord is good. (Ps. 34:8)
  2. Pray for believers in Riyadh to be encouraged with the promise that the Angel of the Lord camps round about them, and delivers them. (Ps. 34:7)
  3. Pray for any city residents who have a broken heart to know that the Lord is near. (Ps. 34:18)

Matthew 5:14-16

Categorized as Asia

Pinto, Argentina

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Pinto.

  1. Pray for workers who will climb this broadcasting tower in July to hear/receive God’s Word.
  2. Pray for the Lord to send a witness to the house in the upper left corner of the picture.
  3. Pinto has a dairy and cheese factory. Pray for any workers there who may be new Christians to desire the sincere milk of the Word, that they may grow. (1 Peter 2:2-3)

Matthew 5:14-16
