Gizo, Solomon Islands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Gizo.

  1. Pray for students at the high school above to catch a glimpse of God’s plan for their lives, and pursue it.
  2. Gizo is the second largest town of the Solomon Islands, with a population of 7,200. Pray that before this year is over God will send a gospel witness to every home.
  3. Pray for Christians in Gizo to wear the armor of God as they go about their daily lives.

Matthew 22:37-40


Jackson, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Jackson.

  1. Centered in the above picture is the Pearl River. Pray that when Christians going through difficult times see the river, they will be encouraged by the fact that the Lord can use those hardships to produce spiritual pearls.
  2. Pray for people named Jackson to be saved and genuinely excited about living for the Lord.
  3. Pray for city residents who currently have covid-19 and are not Christians to accept Jesus’ pardon.

Matthew 22:37-40


Bender, Moldova

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bender.

  1. Pray for visitors to the above sixteenth century Ottoman fortress to hear about the only fortress Who is eternal, and seek sanctuary in Him.
  2. On July 4, 1941, 700 Jews living in Bender were brought into this castle and shot. Pray for the Jewish population living in the city today to never face such an atrocity, and to find lasting spiritual peace in their Messiah, Jesus Christ.
  3. Bender has had several names throughout its history, which dates back to the second century B.C. Pray that as long as there is a city in this location, there will be Christians proclaiming the gospel there.

Matthew 22:37-40

Categorized as Europe

Juba, South Sudan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Juba.

  1. Pray for all the drivers of white vehicles in Juba to hear about the Lamb Who can make their hearts whiter than snow.
  2. Juba is the world’s newest capital city (Wikipedia). Pray for the five newest lives born there to one day hear and accept the gospel.
  3. Pray for rest for the weary in this land of turmoil.

Acts 5:42

Categorized as Africa

Sancti Spiritus, Cuba

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Sancti Spiritus.

  1. Pray for pedestrians along this road today to hear of the Savior Who walked the roads of ancient Israel to bring Truth to mankind.
  2. Sancti Spiritus means “Holy Spirit,” and is one of the oldest Cuban European settlements. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring regeneration and revival to its residents.
  3. Pray for Scripture to be available to every person in the city who would believe the gospel if he/she had the opportunity to hear it.

Acts 5:42


Birdsville, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Birdsville.

  1. Pray for people who will eat at this restaurant today to discover the meaning and purpose of life.
  2. Pray for the elderly residents of Birdsville to think about the fact that that the Lord cares for them when they see/hear birds (Matthew 10:29-31).
  3. Pray for protection from domestic violence for the vulnerable, that salvation would result in genuine kindness in the city’s homes.

Acts 5:42


Candle Lake, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Candle Lake.

  1. The street sign above reads “Irene Pl.” Irene means “peace,” so pray for the people who live on this road to meet the Prince of Peace, and have His peace as a defining characteristic of their lives.
  2. Pray for God’s Light to shine in Candle Lake, and draw many people to Himself.
  3. Candle Lake is known for the purple sand that makes a ribbon along its beach. This is caused from the mineral garnet, and ranges in shade and amount from year to year. Pray for customers who shop at the Purple Sands Fishing Store to be caught by a fisher of men for the King most worthy of the royal color purple.

Acts 5:42


St. Paul’s Bay, Malta

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of St. Paul’s Bay.

  1. The above building is Saint Paul’s Shipwreck Church, commemorating the events of Acts 27-28. Pray that pedestrians walking past the church today will have the thought that Jesus Christ is the only One Who can rescue their lives from shipwreck.
  2. Near the church is the Octopus Garden Diving Center. Pray for divers in this scuba instruction school to revel in the truth of Psalm 104:24-25 as they explore the underwater world.
  3. Pray for chefs in the city to hunger and thirst after righteousness.

Acts 5:42

Categorized as Europe

Qacha’s Nek, Lesotho

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Qacha’s Nek.

  1. Qacha’s Nek is a high mountain border city between Lesotho and South Africa. It is home to California Redwoods, a cave, and a Snake Park. Pray for one family to be delivered today from the power of the old serpent, and transferred into the kingdom of the Son of God.
  2. Pray that workers who fill green barrels like the one above will find the Lord’s purpose for their lives.
  3. Pray that Scripture’s clear teaching about Who Jesus is will be understood, and that erroneous cultic doctrine will fade from Qacha’s Nek.

Acts 5:42

Categorized as Africa

San Jose, Costa Rica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of San Jose.

  1. When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion because they were as sheep without a shepherd. Pray for the people who live within this picture to be introduced to the Good Shepherd.
  2. Pray that actors/actresses in the city’s theaters will come before God without pretense, freely admitting their need for Him.
  3. Named by Christopher Columbus, Costa Rica means “rich coast.” Pray for God to bless the efforts of His churches there, that many people may be rich in the things of the Lord.

John 3:16
