Kadiivka, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kadiivka.

  1. Whoever and wherever these two individuals are, pray that today the Holy Spirit would work in their lives to draw them to salvation.
  2. There are reports that just hours ago a kindergarten in Kadiivka was shelled by pro-Russian forces. No children were injured, but pray for the families of students and workers at the school as they deal emotionally with what happened. Pray for the Lord to have them see / hear Scriptures that will comfort their hearts and show them how to become citizens of the City which will never be shaken.
  3. Pray for a worker at the local coal mine who has previously considered believing the gospel to go ahead and do so today.

Psalm 102:25-28

Categorized as Europe

Angra do Heroismo, Azores

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to Angra do Heroismo.

  1. Azores is affiliated with Portugal, and located in the Mid-Atlantic close to where the North American, Eurasian, and African tectonic plates meet. “Angra do Heroismo” means “Bay of Heroism.” Pray for the Lord to raise up heroes of faith in that city who will do great things for the kingdom of God.
  2. Pray for people who play pool at the above table this month to hear and receive the good news of Jesus Christ.
  3. On this Valentine’s Day, pray for someone in Angra do Heroismo who is lonely to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge (Ephesians 3:14-19).

Psalm 102:25-28

Categorized as Europe

Graysville, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Graysville.

  1. This weekend, members of this church are assembling thousands of John & Romans booklets for free distribution in Hungary. Pray that each copy will change lives for eternity.
  2. Pray for teens in Graysville who have attended church but live in rough home situations to follow the Lord’s plan for their lives, thus breaking free from the cycle of sin and despair.
  3. Pray for the Light of John 1:5 to be glorified in Graysville until He raptures His children home.

Deuteronomy 7:9


Regina, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Regina.

  1. Pray for residents in the crescent shaped area of houses to invite the Master to be the Head of their homes.
  2. Pray for someone enjoying Bowl Sledding Hill to know / enjoy the One Who made that hill.
  3. Pray for foster children in Regina to have someone in their lives who demonstrates the love of Christ.

Deuteronomy 7:9


Tsiko, Togo

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tsiko.

  1. Pray for each person who walks on this path today to hear how to get on the narrow way of salvation, and choose to do so.
  2. Pray for a missionary family in Togo that just lost their fourteen year old daughter to cancer. Pray for Jesus to carry them (parents, five younger brothers / sisters) through today. Pray for their faith to be a catalyst for others.
  3. Pray for believers in Tsiko to continue growing in all aspects of the Christian life.

Deuteronomy 7:9

Categorized as Africa

Terrafal, Cape Verde

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Terrafal.

  1. Cape Verde is a ten island nation in the Atlantic Ocean. The above picture shows a section of the sea wall at Terrafal that has broken down on the landward side. Pray for Christians in Terrafal to have inward character that is strong, not making wrong choices that break it down bit by bit.
  2. Interestingly, the island of Cape Verde that Terrafal is on is named Santiago. Santiago, Chile, was yesterday’s TGP city. As we prayed then, pray for the Lord to use the New Testament book of James today to speak to the heart of someone living on this Santiago (James).
  3. Pray for there to be a Christian on board a ship coming into the Terrafal Port who will make a difference for the kingdom of God while he is in the city.

Deuteronomy 7:9

Categorized as Africa

Santiago, Chile

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Santiago.

  1. Pray for six passengers riding on these two trains this weekend to hear how to board the “Gospel Train / Happy Day Express” and secure their tickets personally.
  2. Pray for the Lord to encourage a Christian handicapped passenger with the truth that He will make all things new for him/her one day.
  3. “Santiago” is Spanish for “James.” Pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to someone living in Santiago from the New Testament book of James today.

Psalm 24


Innamincka, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Innamincka.

  1. Pray for pilots landing this month on the above airstrip to think about their accountability to their Maker while they are in His sky.
  2. Pray for workers at the trading post referenced on the sign to hear how to trade their sins for the righteousness of Christ, and do so.
  3. Innamincka was formerly called Hopetoun. Pray for someone there who is losing hope to turn to Jesus, Whose gift of hope is an anchor for the soul (Hebrews 6:17-20).

Psalm 24


Uranium City, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Uranium City.

  1. Northern Saskatchewan has the highest uranium deposits in the world. Uranium City reached its highest population in 1981 (2,507 people), but as of 2016 had 73 residents. Pray for each person there now to have a clear gospel witness this year.
  2. The only way into Uranium City is via a flight with Transwest Air. Pray for a pilot with that company to be saved / mature in faith.
  3. Uranium City is on the shore of Lake Athabasca. Athabasca means “grass or reeds here and there.” Pray that someone standing in the grass around the lake this month will believe the truth of Isaiah 40:8.

Psalm 24


Martuni, Armenia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Martuni.

  1. Pray for people attending this church to realize that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, and can never be earned.
  2. Armenia was formerly controlled by the USSR. Pray for someone living in Martuni who still struggles with things that happened under that regime to find healing and hope in the God Who brings beauty from ashes.
  3. Martuni’s average weather temperature high in February is 32°. Pray for the Lord to provide heat for a family struggling financially, and warm their hearts with His love.

Psalm 24

Categorized as Asia