Mariupol, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mariupol.

  1. On March 1st, the port city Mariupol was featured on TGP. As the city continues to valiantly hold out against Russian attacks (50-100 airstrikes a day), let us pray again for the Lord’s protection and provision for daily needs for city residents.
  2. Pray for the omnipotent God to make ways for food, water, heat, medicine, and hygiene products to reach Mariupol’s remaining 100,000 residents.
  3. Pray for Christians among those residents to have Divine enablement to reach out to others with the light and hope of Christ.

John 17:3

Categorized as Europe

1 Year of Prayer

Today is the one year anniversary of Targeted Global Prayer! 374 cities from around the world have been featured and prayed for, representing almost every country of the world. Thank you so much to each person who prays faithfully for Jesus to be known to the peoples of the world. For today, first of all, pray for any three requests you remember from previous TGP posts. Next, please pray especially that the Lord would direct more of His children to join with us daily. Committing to one minute of prayer may not seem that important, but we serve a big God Who delights to use little things for His glory. One minute of intercession from many of His children will, we trust, make a big difference in eternity.

  • Another milestone this past week was the ten year anniversary of Bill Hall’s devotional commentary, which walks through the gospels one verse at a time. If you would like to receive those in your inbox, follow the link below to sign up. You can also enter a particular reference (any verse in Matthew, Mark, or Luke 1-14) to look up if you ever have questions about its meaning / application.

John 17:3


Mitsamiouli, Comoros

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mitsamiouli.

  1. Pray for three people enjoying the ocean from this spot today to meet the God Who made it and them.
  2. states that “the volcanic islands of the Comorian archipelago have been called the ‘perfumed islands’ for their fragrant plant life…” Pray for 2 Corinthians 2:4 to be lived out daily in Mitsamiouli.
  3. Pray for the most timid child in town to embrace the Savior Who embraces him/her.

John 17:17

Categorized as Africa

Ramallah, Palestine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ramallah.

  1. This picture was taken at Christmas time in Ramallah. Pray for the people who put up / took down the center Christmas tree to understand the true meaning of Christmas, and accept Him.
  2. Pray for a patient at Ramallah’s Arab Care Hospital to experience the physical and spiritual care of the Great Physician, and respond in faith today.
  3. Pray for the Prince of Peace to be glorified in the West Bank today.

John 17:17

Categorized as Asia

Windy Gap, Hong Kong

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Windy Gap.

  1. Pray for someone working in the beachfront buildings (middle right of picture) to have a clear gospel witness, and to respond in obedience to the Savior’s beckoning.
  2. Pray for someone driving along the Windy Gap highway to feel the Spirit’s working in his / her heart, and be born again (John 3:8).
  3. Pray for an adult who enjoys studying history to have eyes opened to the fact that “His story” can be traced through mankind’s saga, and for that adult to believe the historically reliable Word of God.

John 17:17

Categorized as Asia

Assamakka, Niger

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Assamakka.

  1. Assamakka is a small desert town in the north of Niger, and the only official crossing point between the two countries of Niger and Algeria (wikipedia). Pray for someone making that border crossing today to also make the border crossing from being under the domain of sin into the Son’s kingdom of light.
  2. The temperature today in Assamakka will reach 89°. Pray for 89 people there to hear the message of the gospel before the end of the year.
  3. Pray for a camel owner in Assamakka to hear one of the stories in the Bible that mentions camels, and be intrigued to find out more about the God of the Bible.

John 17:17

Categorized as Africa

Kok Jar, Kyrgyzstan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kok Jar.

  1. Pray for the next person in Kok Jar who looks up at a beautiful sunset to be impressed with the Lord Who made it, and want to know Him.
  2. Kok Jar is a suburb of Bishkek, the nation’s capital. Near Kok Jar is the American University of Central Asia (AUCA). Last week, AUCA hosted a chess tournament. Pray for the participants in that tournament to have good success in life by following Joshua 1:8.
  3. Around the world, the base of tree trunks is often painted white to protect them. Many trees in Kok Jar are painted white. Pray for the painters who do this service to have opportunities to themselves be like the tree described in Psalm 1.

Psalm 90

Categorized as Asia

Antigua, Guatemala

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Antigua.

  1. Pray for Christians passing by this fountain to believe (not just theologically, but practically) that their heavenly Father is kindly dispositioned toward them.
  2. Pray for the Word of God to be widely circulated in Antigua.
  3. Pray for anyone in Antigua with Ukrainian or Russian relatives to turn to Jesus during this time of turmoil.

Psalm 90


Houston, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Houston.

  1. Pray for the snow plow drivers who keep this road clear to come to know the One Who can make their hearts whiter than snow.
  2. On the right side of the road are three Nissen Hut style buildings, one of which is visible in the above picture. Pray for people using the three buildings to hear about God’s good news for life and eternity.
  3. Houston is located in the British Columbia province of Canada, and has the world’s largest fly fishing rod. Pray for a local fishing enthusiast to be wonderfully caught by the great Fisher of Men.

Psalm 90


Irpin, Kryvyi Rih, and DART field hospital, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to help the Ukraine.

(Tent 1 of the field hospital: photo from Samaritan’s Purse.)
  1. Pray for the Lord to give His strength to face another day to family members of the four civilians killed in Irpin when a Russian missile hit the “safe” evacuation humanitarian corridor they were trying to use.
  2. Pray for surgeons, paramedics, firefighters, and other rescue workers in Kryvyi Rih to have emotional / spiritual support to continue helping people.
  3. Pray for the Samaritan’s Purse DART (Disaster Assistance Recovery Team) field hospital being set up in the Ukraine today to be a safe and effective haven for meeting the physical and spiritual needs of patients.

Psalm 90

Categorized as Europe