Bennington, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bennington.

1. This bridge is on the campus of NEBC, a local Christian college. Pray for the Lord to use this college to spark revival and regeneration in the Northeast.
2. Vermont is the least churched state in the USA. Pray for God’s blessings to be on those who are working to change that.
3. The Bennington Battle Monument commemorates the Battle of Bennington, which was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. Pray that any living descendants of British or American soldiers who fought in that battle will have an opportunity to accept the gospel this summer, and do so.

Isaiah 55

Originally published June 22, 2021


Junglinster, Luxembourg

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Junglinster.

1. This is a furniture store. Pray for customers buying children’s furniture this week to make certain that they are also Biblically providing for their children’s spiritual needs.
2. Pray for architects in Junglinster to build their own lives on the Chief Cornerstone Who can never be shaken.
3. Pray for the city’s poorest family to experience the sustained provision of God in all areas, and to be drawn closer to Him as a result.

Isaiah 55

Originally published June 21, 2021

Categorized as Europe

Sigma, Philippines

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Sigma.

1. Sigma is 12 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, and their weather forecast for June 20th is a 90% chance of thunderstorms. Pray for anyone who takes refuge under this roadside shelter to also find refuge beneath the cross of Jesus.
2. Pray for Christians in Sigma to find joy in the great faithfulness of God today.
3. Pray for people who feel spiritually unworthy today to find peace in the great worth they have in the Lord’s eyes.

Isaiah 55

Originally published June 20, 2021. Interestingly, there is a 90% chance of thunderstorms for June 20, 2022 as well.

Categorized as Asia

Al-Jafr, Jordan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Al-Jafr.

1. Pray that the designer of the brick building pattern will meet/trust the Designer who has a beautiful pattern for each life.
2. Pray for open doors of opportunity for believers who would like to share the Good News with others.
3. Pray for the description of the truly blessed man in Psalm 1 to become a reality in the lives of 21 people who live in/around Al-Jafr.

Psalm 1

Originally published June 19, 2021

Categorized as Asia

Gaborone, Botswana

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Gaborone.

1. Pray for Freight Link truck drivers passing through Gaborone to tune into a Christian radio station, and hear something that prods them toward Jesus.

2. Pray for workers at the nearby Botswana Red Cross office to meet a Christian who will point them to the One who gives First Aid to hurting hearts.

3. Pray for local senior citizens to know that they are valued and loved by the Lord, no matter what their surroundings and limitations may be.

Psalm 1

Originally published June 18, 2021

Categorized as Africa

Chore, Paraguay

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Chore.

1. Pray for everyone who walks past this fountain today to feel the Spirit’s tug in his/her heart for Living Water.
2. There are four yellow and green benches by the fountain. Pray for each lonely person who sits on one of those today to meet the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.
3. Pray for the light of the gospel to shine into and change the darkest neighborhood of Chore.

Psalm 1

Originally published June 17, 2021


Pape’ete, French Polynesia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Pape’ete.

1. The green building on the right is a supermarket. Pray for today’s shoppers to meet the Savior Who satisfies more than just physical needs.
2. Pray for a cab driver on this road today to have a Christian passenger with whom he can have a gospel conversation.
3. The red sign on the left is for a British telecommunications company. Pray that those who use their services will also become proficient in the greatest communication ever – prayer to the Most High God.

Psalm 1

Originally published June 16, 2021


Churchill, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Churchill.

1. Churchill is known as the “Polar Bear Capital of the World,” because of the vast number of polar bears that migrate there in autumn. This picture is from the Itsanitaq Museum. Pray that workers at the museum will see the fingerprints of their Creator in the displays they are around every day.
2. Churchill began as a trading post. Pray that if any descendants of the English or the Chipewyan who traded there are alive today, they would understand and make the ultimate trade of their sins for Christ’s righteousness.
3. Pray for the mariners who come to the Churchill arctic seaport to have access to the Word of God.

Psalm 1

Originally published June 15, 2021


Arnhem, Netherlands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Arnhem.

1. Pray for each person who goes to work today in the two buildings above to have gospel seeds in their hearts planted/watered, or be encouraged in their faith if they already believe.
2. Pray for pedestrians who stop to look in the pond’s reflection to take time to reflect on Who God is, and how well they reflect Him.
3. Pray for six year old girls in Arnhem to realize that Jesus loves them and thinks they are pretty.

Psalm 1

Originally published June 14, 2021

Categorized as Europe

Chattanooga, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Chattanooga.

  1. Pray for a neighborhood Backyard Bible Club being held at this home this week to bear fruit for eternity, and for teen workers running the club to be Spirit filled.
  2. Though thought of as a conservative city, Chattanooga, Tennessee, has a surprising number of residents who hold pro-choice views regarding the unborn. Pray for people to be changed from the inside out.
  3. Last Friday evening, a historic 100 year old church building caught fire and was destroyed. Pray for the sadness that many feel over this loss to be a catalyst for spiritual growth.

Joshua 1:9
