Wonsan, North Korea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Wonsan.

  1. Pray for each child who plays on Wonsan Beach today to hear about Who Jesus is, and receive His love / offer of salvation.
  2. Pray for a copy of the Scriptures to be found and read by a Wonsan railway worker, and for the Holy Spirit to illuminate what is read.
  3. Pray for a Christian feeling lonely to experience genuine fellowship with another believer today.

Hebrews 13:3, 2 Timothy 2:9

Categorized as Asia

July – December 2022 Overview

Have you ever wondered how cities are selected for TGP? Usually, rotating alphabetically through the continents provides the starting point for finding the city of the day. This pattern ensures that places from around the world will be prayed for routinely. Sometimes, cities are chosen based on current events, such as a natural disaster or political calamity. This provides a way to make a difference in places and times where people often acutely realize their need for God’s presence and intervention.

For the remainder of 2022, each month will feature a specific pattern that connects the daily cities. The first post of the month will explain that month’s theme.

July: Prayer for Cities in Countries with Restricted Religious Freedoms

Hebrews 13:3 – “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also.” (NKJV)

Overarching prayer requests for July’s cities:

  1. Thank God that His Word is never bound (2 Timothy 2:9), and ask Him to make copies of it readily available in these cities.
  2. Pray for encouragement, endurance, and effective ministry for Christians living in very difficult places.
  3. Pray for unbelievers to hear and understand the gospel, and have the courage to accept it.


Moscow, Russia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Moscow.

  1. Pray for the salvation of someone working in this building today.
  2. Pray for Christians living in Moscow to have God’s wisdom in knowing what to do in relation to current tumultuous times.
  3. Pray for many Russians to know God’s truth, and be set free by it.

John 8:32

Categorized as Europe

The First Post: Cochabamba

As “June Jumpback” concludes, we will revisit the very first city to be featured on TGP: Cochabamba, Bolivia, on March 20, 2021. At that time, only two people had signed up to receive the prayer updates. Thank you to everyone who has joined us since then, and let’s keep praying!

1. Pray for the children of Cochabamba to know that Jesus loves them.

2. Pray for the Holy Spirit to put a gospel witness into the lives of every person who plays on this basketball court today.

3. Pray for whoever put graffiti on the bricks in the picture to be drawn to new life and purpose in Christ.

Matthew 9:35-38


Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Quetzaltenango.

1. Pray for the shoeshiners of Quetzaltenango to have Christian customers, who will have courage/wisdom to witness to them.
2. Across the pavement from the shoeshiner is a memorial gazebo in honor of the one millionth vaccine against tuberculosis in 1997. Today, people with HIV are at an increased risk for contracting tuberculosis. Pray for Jesus to meet their spiritual needs first of all, and also their physical needs.
3. Pray for Guatemalan Christians led to the Lord in the 1980s to still be bringing forth fruit and walking with the Lord.

Psalm 98

Originally published May 31, 2021


Edinburgh, Scotland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Edinburgh.

1. Pray for Christians to ride in Edinburgh’s double decker busses today, and for the Lord to bring people to sit beside them who will be receptive to the gospel.
2. Pray for newspaper delivery boys to hear the truth about Who Jesus is, and receive Him as their own Lord and Savior.
3. Pray for the newest family to have moved into Edinburgh to connect with a good local church, and be drawn to Christ.

1 John 2:15-17

Originally published June 27, 2021

Categorized as Europe

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Dhaka.

1. Pray for one of Dhaka’s rickshaw drivers (example in picture foreground) to be saved today.
2. Although the percentage of born again believers in Bangladesh is less than 1%, pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ there to be used by God to introduce many of their countrymen to Jesus.
3. Pray for Godly teenagers/young adults to meet other Christians with whom lifelong friendships can be established, and thus encourage each other’s faith as iron sharpens iron.

Isaiah 55

Originally published June 26, 2021

Categorized as Asia

Cairo, Egypt

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Cairo.

1. This is the Nile River. Pray that those who depend on if for physical sustenance will worship the God who made the river.
2. Pray for the people of Cairo to hunger for the Word of God, and then have opportunities to read it.
3. Pray for five of the city’s plumbers to be reached with a gospel witness today.

Isaiah 55

Originally published June 25, 2021

Categorized as Africa

Ghazni, Afghanistan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ghazni.

  1. The picture above contains a dramatic contrast between the impressive mosque on the right and the poverty on the left. Pray for a person in Ghazni struggling to put food on the table to meet and love the Provider of all needs.
  2. Pray for Christianity to flourish in Ghazni, and for the Lord to protect His children there.
  3. Pray for Jesus to bless someone in Ghazni who wants to make a difference for Him.

Luke 1:37

Categorized as Asia

Hastings, New Zealand

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Hastings.

1. Pray for people passing through the intersection of Oliphant and Cobham today to also come to / turn at the greatest spiritual intersection of all: man’s sin and God’s offer for atonement.
2. The word “oliphant” means “a hunter’s horn made from an elephant tusk” (merriam-webster.com). The only elephants in New Zealand live at the Auckland Zoo. Pray for their keepers to trust Jesus.
3. Pray for the richest family in Hastings to also be rich in the things of the Lord.

Isaiah 55

Originally published June 23, 2021
