Martuni, Armenia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Martuni.

  1. Pray for people attending this church to realize that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, and can never be earned.
  2. Armenia was formerly controlled by the USSR. Pray for someone living in Martuni who still struggles with things that happened under that regime to find healing and hope in the God Who brings beauty from ashes.
  3. Martuni’s average weather temperature high in February is 32°. Pray for the Lord to provide heat for a family struggling financially, and warm their hearts with His love.

Psalm 24

Categorized as Asia

Saint Pierre, Reunion

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Saint Pierre.

  1. Pray for the gardener tending the above flowerbed to meet the Master Gardener Who created the wonders of photosynthesis.
  2. The ocean can be seen in the background of the above picture, and Saint Pierre has 400 sites for fishing/pleasure boats. Pray for a set of brothers who fish together to become brothers in Christ, and fish for men.
  3. Reunion is owned by France, and is due east of Madagascar. Saint Pierre’s mayor, Michel Fontaine, is serving from 2020-2026. Pray for his / his family’s salvation.

Psalm 24

Categorized as Africa

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kharkiv.

  1. Kharkiv is about 20 miles from the Russian border. Pray for the salvation of the 20 people closest to eternity.
  2. Pray for each person who will be inside the above apartments this week to hear the clear and unadulterated gospel message.
  3. Pray for someone walking across Freedom Square today to find true freedom through Christ.

Psalm 24

Categorized as Europe

Tuiui, Libya

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tuiui.

  1. Pray for people stopping to chat today beneath the center palm trees to receive a copy of the Word of God in their language.
  2. In the midst of national political unrest, pray for Tuiui residents to have an opportunity to know the Prince of Peace, Who will one day solve all problems.
  3. Bazin, an unleavened barley bread, is very popular in Libya. Pray for women in Tuiui making bazin today to hear about the Biblical significance of unleavened bread.

Romans 3:10-24

Categorized as Africa

Tonga Revisited

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tonga.

On October 21, 2021, we prayed for Niutoua, a village on the main island of the nation of Tonga. On January 14, 2022, a volcano on an uninhabited Tonga island erupted, exploding it into disappearance, covering the rest of Tonga’s islands in ash, and causing a tsunami and a sonic boom that circled the earth twice (national The above picture (from USA Today) shows the result of ash that blanketed Niutoua.

  1. Pray that anyone who received Christ as a result of our prayers on October 21, 2021, will read and be comforted by the truth of Psalm 46:1-3.
  2. Drinking water is at the top of the list on aid distribution. Pray for the Lord to facilitate efficiency in meeting needs for both the physical and spiritual Water of Life.
  3. Pray for the Comforter to use this natural disaster to draw hearts to Himself. Pray that any international aid workers who are Christians will have / step through open doors for fruitful gospel conversations.

Psalm 46


Casey Station, Antarctica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Casey.

  1. Pray that today the Holy Spirit will remind Australian scientists in Casey of any Scripture they have previously heard, and that they will respond to it appropriately.
  2. Near Casey, a giant canyon was just discovered under Vanderford Glacier by scientists taking echo measurements from the ship Nuyina. Pray for this discovery to bring glory to God.
  3. Casey is one of four permanent Australian stations in Antarctica. Summer in Antarctica will end in February, and most people will return home, reducing the total Australian population from 500 to 80. Pray for those nearing the end of their stay to acknowledge the eternal power and divine nature of the Creator, as revealed in nature around them (Rom. 1:20). Pray that general revelation will point them to special revelation (the Bible).

1 Peter 5:7


York, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of York.

  1. Pray for teens who will play spring baseball at this complex to join God’s winning team…the church.
  2. York, Nebraska, is named for towns in England and Pennsylvania. Pray for one person from each of the three Yorks to be saved today.
  3. Pray for a seamstress in York to follow Scripture’s pattern for a successful life (Joshua 1:8).

1 Peter 5:7


Kagman, Northern Mariana Islands (USA)

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kagman.

  1. Pray for each family in this block of houses to encounter a gospel witness and respond in faith.
  2. Near Kagman is Forbidden Island, a small rocky island with a great view, but treacherous waves/currents. Pray for adventurers visiting the island (during low tide) to also see the benefit of risking all to follow Jesus.
  3. Like most places, the Northern Mariana Islands, a commonwealth of the USA, have experienced a recent spike in covid cases. Pray for those providing long-term recovery care for family members to have a continuing sense of the care of the Lord for themselves.

1 Peter 5:7


Black Lake, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Black Lake.

  1. Pray for students at this school to hear an accurate description of the Word, and believe Him by faith.
  2. Black Lake is a Denesuline First Nation band government. Pray for these Native Americans to find identity and acceptance in the Beloved Son.
  3. Pray for Black Lake’s senior aged residents plagued with arthritis this winter to have relief, and to discover the Source of true joy.

Revelation 4:11


Riga, Latvia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Riga.

  1. Pray for someone walking through this doorway this month to also walk through the only Door to eternal life.
  2. Riga is the capital of Latvia, and has many concert halls. Pray for an orchestra or choir member to join the greatest song of all…the song of the redeemed.
  3. Pray for parents of infants with serious health concerns to look to the Lord for sustaining strength and comfort.

Revelation 4:11

Categorized as Europe