Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Dzhiland.
Pray for a guest in this hotel to meet the God Who is/has the answer to the deep questions of life with which his soul is wrestling.
Pray for the person responsible for cleaning the hotel’s floor rugs (the original 360° view of the above building shows a couple large rugs being aired on the front lawn) to discover and rejoice in the Savior Who cares about every detail of her life.
Tajikistan is home to many different types of birds. The Iskanderkulsky Nature Refuge is a notable bird habitat (Google Earth). Pray for someone bird watching there to learn some of Scripture’s beautiful truths/illustrations about birds.
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
This post was originally published on April 1, 2022.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lubango.
1. Pray for the person who hangs laundry out to line dry here to discover how to personally wear the robes of righteousness that Jesus offers freely to all who receive Him.
2. With close to a million people, Lubango is Angola’s second largest city (after the capital city of Luanda). Pray for an outreach to begin to the Ouivamo ethnic group (half African and half Cape Colony Dutch descent).
3. In 1923, the Mocamedes Railway connected Lubango to the coast. Pray for a train engineer in 2023 to board the “gospel train,” with his ticket marked “paid in full” by the Owner of that train.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Pray for anyone who will sit on this curb today to hear about the good news of Jesus Christ, and accept the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.
“Sierra” means “saw”, and refers to a mountain range with a serrated/jagged top. Translated, the town name means “Holy Cross of the Mountain”. Pray for five people living there to take their stand beneath the cross of Jesus today.
Pray for residents who have asthma to know the grace of God, which is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).
2 Timothy 4:7-8
This post was originally published on November 20, 2021.
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’s name is to be praised.
1. Mikkeli, Finland: Pray that if the people we prayed for earlier at the fast food restaurant haven’t accepted Jesus yet, that they would very soon.
2. Special Request Updates:
➡️ Thank the Lord for three new people who joined the TGP team this week!
➡️ Malachi (young MK in Brazil with E.coli): He is off all life support and dialysis, praise God! There will be months of recovery ahead as he works to overcome heart and kidney damage, but his ultimate prognosis is very good. Afternoon Update: He was released from the hospital and is at home!
➡️ Urgent medical needs for a faithful worker: After making it back home, surgery was deemed necessary and was successful!
➡️ Michael from Walmart: This is a new request for an unsaved worker going through a difficult time in life. A TGP team member was able to share with Michael what his name means (see yesterday’s post), as an encouragement that the Lord is the best One to help in hard times. Pray that God will put other believers in Michael’s life to further explain the gospel to him, and pray for him to receive Christ.
3. Your Choice:
Pray for at least one request that you remember from any of the other cities featured this week:
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mikkeli.
1. Pictured above is a burger and smoothie fast food restaurant. Pray for the next people who sit at the table above to hear and believe the gospel.
2. Mikkeli is named for the archangel Michael, whose name means “Who is like the Lord?” Pray for a resident of the city to come to that realization, and therefore give the Lord the pre-eminent position in his life that He deserves.
3. The average daily temperature high in Mikkeli for March is 33°. Pray for the person in town who has the coldest heart spiritually to be wonderfully changed by the power of God.
Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mumbai.
In Matthew 19, little children were brought to Jesus. Pray that two mothers in Mumbai would bring their children to a church where they can hear about Jesus.
Mumbai (previously called Bombay) is India’s largest city. Pray for a devout Hindu there who has been opposed to Christianity to seriously consider the claims of Jesus Christ, and turn to Him in faith.
Pray for Christians in Mumbai to be faithful to the Lord until His return.
Hebrews 13:3, 2 Timothy 2:9
This post was originally published on July 10, 2022.
1. Pray for the airstrip work crew to be reminded of the Lord, whether they look up at the sky, around them at the ocean, or inside well-designed airplane engines.
2. Pray for Bibles that were sent to the Solomon Islands by American Christians in the 1980’s to still be in loving, life-changing use today.
3. Pray for disabled nationals to meet Christians who will extend the love of Christ to them.
Psalm 19:1-3
This post was originally published on May 5, 2021.
Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
(Matthew 9:37-38)
On March 20, 2021, Targeted Global Prayer featured its first city: Cochabamba, Bolivia. Today is TGP’s second birthday! It is with sincere gratitude that we thank each person who has joined us in praying that Jesus will be known to the peoples of the world. Together, our prayers have come before the throne of God in behalf of those who live where our feet may never travel.
The long term goal of TGP is to have a full 24-hour’s worth of prayer for each day’s featured city. That translates to 1,440 people praying 1 minute every day. Imagine how much could be achieved for the kingdom of God if that much prayer was offered for the given requests!
While that goal is in the future, there is a step toward it you can do now:
Please invite at least one other believer to join TGP.
You have demonstrated that you value prayer and the gospel by signing up to receive daily posts. Please take another step by asking someone else to sign up as well. Every pray-er and every prayer makes a difference!
For today’s three requests:
1. Please pray that many Christians will join us.
2. Pray that the Lord will answer our daily prayers for His glory.
3. Thank our Father for allowing us to join Him in the Great Commission.
If you have any questions, please email those to
Also, as a reminder, after signing up, a person will receive an email which contains a link to confirm the subscription. This link must be activated before any posts will be received!
On behalf of people you may not meet until heaven, thank you for your faithful prayers!!!
“God be merciful to us, and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, Selah. That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.”
1. Xayaboury, Laos: Pray for a khene player to become a Christian, that salvation’s song may flow out of his heart through his khene, touching others for the glory of God.
2. Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland: Pray for the oldest person in the village to know and love Jesus.
3. Your Choice: Pray for at least one request that you remember from any of the other cities featured this week: