Pyongyang, North Korea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Pyongyang.

1. Pray for the workers who dust the chandelier and change the light bulbs in this hotel to meet and follow the Light of the World.

2. The Potong River runs close to this building and throughout the city. Pray that God will, in like manner, disseminate His Word throughout Pyongyang.
3. Pray for Christian songs to be caught and carried in the hearts of North Koreans.

Romans 10:13-15

Originally published on June 8, 2021

Categorized as Asia

Kayanza, Burundi

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kayanza.

1. Kayanza is the capital city of the Kayanza Province. Pray for the provincial leaders to value/seek the integrity and wisdom that only come from walking with God.
2. Kayanza is famous for its tea and coffee. Pray for everyone who will drink tea or coffee from Kayanza today to think about the Lord as they sip from their cups, and then Biblically act on those thoughts.
3. Pray for all the residents who live in the rectangular shaped area in the photo above to be led to repentance by the goodness of God. (Rom. 2:4)

Romans 10:13-15

Originally published on June 7, 2021

Categorized as Africa

North Arm, Falkland Islands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of North Arm.

1. North Arm is a small farming settlement in the Falkland Islands, which are an overseas territory of Britain. Pray for the people who live/work in the buildings along the cross shaped roads to hear the true message of the cross of Christ.
2. In 2007, there were six children living in North Arm. Pray for those six people, wherever they are today, to love the Lord with all they are.
3. Pray for resources for Christian growth to be available to any believers in North Arm.

Romans 10:13-15

Originally published on June 6, 2021


Augathella, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Augathella.

1. Pray for the owner of this butcher shop to come to know Christ, as well as the farmers who bring in meat for him to sell.
2. The 2018 census lists Augathella as having 449 people. Pray for a church to start that will minister to their spiritual needs.
3. The local library opened in 2000. Pray for everyone who will come there this summer to be introduced to the greatest Book of all.

Psalm 98

Originally published on June 5, 2021


Your city, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of your city.

1. Pray for God to help you be Jesus-with-skin-on (1 Jn. 4:17) to your family, your most important mission field.
2. Pray for the Lord to put someone in your path today to whom you can be a witness.
3. Pray for your church, and all the gospel preaching churches in your area, to be effective in reaching your city for Christ.

Psalm 98

Originally published on June 4, 2021


Salthill, Ireland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Salthill.

1. Costello & McDermott (owner of the red truck above) is a food sales and delivery company. Pray for the Lord to interject Himself into the thoughts of all their delivery truck drivers today.
2. Across the street from the Texaco gas station where the above photo was taken is the Galway Cultural Institute. Pray for the teachers there to see a Christian website explaining how to partake in the culture of heaven.
3. Pray for there to be Christians in Salthill who will be salt and light to their city.

Psalm 98

Originally published on June 3, 2021

Categorized as Europe

Da Lat, Vietnam

Pray for the Lord to send workers to the harvestfield of Da Lat.

1. Pray for Christian workers to be blessed in their efforts to gather in the harvest of souls before the night comes.
2. Pray that Buddhists who go to Linh Phuoc Pagoda to worship will come face to face with a gospel witness that offers genuine hope for the questions and sufferings of life.
3. Pray for families who have had miscarriages to hear about and believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 98
Originally published on June 2, 2021
Categorized as Asia

En Nahud, Sudan

Pray for the Lord to send workers to the harvestfield of En Nahud.

1. There are approximately 10 mosques in En Nahud. Persecution of Christians has occurred there. Pray for God to establish His church in the city, and to protect His children.
2. Pray for the concept of God as a loving Father, approachable through His Son Jesus, to be understood and embraced.
3. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict the heart of the meanest person in town, and save that person as He did Saul of Tarsus.

Psalm 98

Originally published on June 1, 2021

Categorized as Africa

June Jumpback

For the month of June, TGP posts will revisit cities and prayer requests from June 2021. Thank you for continuing to intercede for the peoples of the world.


Asipani, Wallis and Futuna (France)

  1. Eighty years ago today, US Marines landed on the islands of Wallis and Futuna. The current population of the islands is around 15,000. Pray that anyone over the age of eighty will have an opportunity to accept the gospel during the next month.
  2. Pray for the person in Asipani with the highest IQ and the person with the lowest IQ to both trust Christ alone for justification.
  3. Pray for revival in the heart of each Christian in Asipani.

Genesis 1:1
