Cedarview Ave., between Amboy Rd. & N. Railroad Ave., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. The picture above is focused on items that are used by three categories of people who provide services to the home’s residents. Pray for the person who delivers newspapers, the mail carrier, and the driver of the garbage truck to all be born again into God’s family.
  2. Not far from our map marker are three dental offices: Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontic Specialist PC, and Family Health Dental of NY. Pray that both a patient and a worker at each of those three locations will come to know the best cause for smiling: the joy of belonging to and being loved by Almighty God.
  3. Also not too far from our map marker is the Jewish Congregation Toras Emes of Staten Island. Pray for someone there to develop a friendship with a Christian, genuinely consider what the Old Testament has to say about Jesus, and believe.

1 Timothy 2:1-2


Sart (Sardis), Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Sart.

  1. Jesus sent a message to the church in Sart (Sardis) in Revelation 3:1-6. Pray for a believer there today who is struggling. Pray for him to remember how he received Christ, be watchful, and strengthen what remains.
  2. Pray for someone working in the pink building above to be gloriously redeemed.
  3. Sart offers guided tours for those interested in its history. Pray for a tour guide to meet a Christian who will be an arrow pointing to the Ancient of Days.

2 Timothy 2:1-7

This post was originally published on April 24, 2022.

Categorized as Asia

Inauguration Day Prayer Requests

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Washington, DC.

Photo from Google Earth
  1. Pray for a peaceful transition of power.
  2. Pray for today to be the day of the salvation for one Washington, DC resident from each political party.
  3. Pray that the USA will always be a strong ally to Israel.

I Timothy 2:1-2


Denizli (Laodicea), Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Denizli.

  1. Jesus sent the church in Denizli (Laodicea) a message in Revelation 3:14-22. Pray for His church there today to be able to accurately assess their own spiritual condition, that they may enjoy genuine fellowship with Him.
  2. Denizli is known today (as it has been for two millennia) for its textile industry. Pray that many workers in that trade will come to know Christ, that they may one day be among the saints clothed in white garments.
  3. Pray for the Word of God to be widely available, read, and loved by the residents of Denizli.

2 Timothy 2:1-7

This post was originally published on April 26, 2022.

Categorized as Asia

Saturday Morning Recap

This weekend is the deadline to respond concerning TGP’s additional prayer opportunity for specific lost people.

Romans 10:14-15

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who [b]preach the gospel of peace,
Who bring glad tidings of good things!”

  1. Los Angeles, USA: Pray for an evacuee who is on the edge of despair today to hear and believe the gospel, thereby obtaining the hope and Home that nothing can take away.
  2. Court Pl. & Center St., NYC: Pray for a groundskeeper at both the United Hebrew Cemetery and the Mount Richmond Cemetery to personally accept the truth that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25).
  3. Your Choice: Please pray for a request that you remember from one of the other locations featured this week:

Richmond Rd., between McCully Ave. & Hitchcock Ave., NYC

Richmond Rd. & New Dorp Ln., NYC

Richmond Rd. & Lincoln Ave., NYC

Thank you for praying!


Court Pl. & Center St., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

  1. Our current location is Historic Richmond Town, a 100- acre living history museum and village. Pray for the next visiting family to the building above to follow Christ, that their stories may be interwoven with His story.
  2. Near our map marker are the United Hebrew Cemetery and the Mount Richmond Cemetery. Pray for a groundskeeper at each location to personally accept the truth of Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25).
  3. Also near our map marker is Main Street Coffee. Pray for any Christians who have bought coffee there this year to walk in the Spirit today.

Romans 10:14-15


Richmond Rd., between McCully Ave.  & Hitchcock Ave., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. As we are nearing the end of Richmond Rd., we find ourselves in a less crowded area. Notice the power lines in the upper right corner. Pray for a lineman who has serviced them previously to be introduced to Jesus, and believe.
  2. Not too far from our current location, on Lighthouse Hill, is The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art (temporarily closed at the moment). It was not until 1948 that the complete Bible was available in the Tibetan language, although missionaries had worked on it for nearly one hundred years. Pray for the museum curator to come across a Tibetan Bible and read it, and for the Holy Spirit to open his eyes to the Truth. Pray that saving faith will then be the curator’s choice.
  3. Pray that a Christian on Lighthouse Hill will be a light for the Lord today.

Romans 10:14-15


Richmond Rd. & New Dorp Ln., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. Pray that if there are any Christians living in these townhomes, they will reach out to their neighbors with the gospel.
  2. Across the street from the view above is a Shell gas station. Pray for the next pickup truck driver who stops there to become a Christian.
  3. A pharmacy is also near our current map location. Pray for a Christian who purchases cancer medicine there to know the continued strength of the Father to walk through each day’s challenges.

Romans 10:14-15


Additional TGP Opportunity: Prayer for Specific Lost People

Today’s post is dedicated to a new opportunity available to the TGP team to “up our game” in the vitally important matter of lost individuals and their need for salvation.

TGP members are invited to reply to this email/text with the first name only of any unsaved individuals with whom they have had personal contact. On January 20, an email from  targetedglobalprayer@gmail.com will be sent to anyone who has submitted a name(s). This email will have a pdf document that lists those first names in alphabetical order. Participating TGP members can then print the list, and post it in a place they will see daily: inside a kitchen cabinet, car, Bible, sock drawer, etc. By several of us praying for a few people a day, we can keep their names before the throne of God. Lord willing, this will make a difference in the life-and-death battle for souls.

The plan is for the list to be updated and then re-emailed on the 20th of each month.

If you have any first names you would like to submit for prayer, please do so before January 19.

Thank you for considering joining this extended ministry of TGP. The gravity of a person’s decision whether or not to accept Christ’s blood as the only possible atonement for sin is of eternal weight.

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:18)


Richmond Rd. & Lincoln Ave., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. One day, Jesus Christ will catch up all of His own to the clouds, taking them to heaven. Pray for any believers who will cross this intersection today to live in such a way that others will be influenced to trust the Savior as well, that more voices may be added to the eternal worship of our great God.
  2. Both sides of the street have food service establishments. Pray for Jesus’ words in John 6:27 to be heeded this year by a worker at each of these five places: Gourmet Food (store), Panino Rustico Staten Island (andwich), Cucina Fresca (Italian), Baya Bar Acai and Smoothie Shop, and Fushimi (Japanese).
  3. Just ahead of our current map location is the Moravian Cemetery. Pray for the Holy Spirit to use the sight of that cemetery to convict the heart of someone passing by as to the undeniable necessity of being personally ready to meet God.

Romans 10:14-15
