Saturday Morning Recap

1. Bakhmut, Ukraine: Pray for the salvation and protection of an 86 year old man and a lady who was a midwife before the Russian invasion.

2. Haifa, Israel: Pray for a crane operator to come to know Jesus as his Messiah.

3. Your Choice, Anywhere: Pray again for any request that stands out to you from this week’s cities.

Thank you for joining us this week!

Matthew 9:36-38


Asmara, Eritrea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Asmara.

  1. This service station, the Fiat Tagliero, is shaped like an airplane, and has an interesting history (see ). Pray that someone coming there today will meet Jesus as his personal Savior.
  2. Pray for a student and teacher at the Red Sea Secondary School to meet the Master Teacher, and believe in Him for all that He is – God incarnate.
  3. Pray for believers in Asmara to have opportunities to study the Bible, that they may rightly divide it and not be swayed by every wind of doctrine (2 Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 4:14-15).

Matthew 9:36-38

This post was originally published on July 24, 2022.

Categorized as Africa

Bakhmut, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bakhmut.

Image source:

1.   Bakhmut is a key city in the Russia – Ukraine conflict. Most of the city residents have fled. Speaking of the determination of Ukrainian resistance there, Russian leader Prigozhin of the mercenary Wagner troops said, “… every house has become a fortress.” This statement is actually what should be spiritually true of every Christian home. Pray for God’s blessings to be on those who against all odds continue to defend their homes.

2. In the video link above, there are short interviews with an 86 year old man and a lady who was a midwife before the invasion. Pray for the salvation of both of these people if they do not already know Jesus.

3. Nearly 3,000 Jews were killed in Bakhmut in January 1942. Pray for any of their living descendants to find the hope and spiritual healing that God alone can give.

Matthew 9:36-38

Categorized as Europe

Arequipa, Peru

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Arequipa.

1. Roadside vendors like the one pictured above are common throughout Peru. It is currently summer in Peru, so pray for the salvation of an ice cream roadside vendor in Arequipa.

2. Pray for orphans in Arequipa to come to know the Father of the fatherless through the compassionate care of Christians.

3. Located near four impressive volcanoes, many of Arequipa’s buildings incorporate sillar, a white volcanic stone. For this reason the city has been nicknamed the “White City” ( Pray that someone living in one of these sillar homes will also one day receive a white stone from Jesus, as described in Revelation 2:17.

Matthew 9:36-38


Sacramento, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Sacramento.

Image source:

1. Thousands of people have been trying to survive dangerous flooding in Sacramento County, California, and are bracing for another storm, expected to hit on Wednesday. Pray for people currently stranded to be rescued, and that God will use this time to show them their need of spiritual rescue as well.

2. The Point Pleasant community is anything but pleasant right now. 1,075 inmates and staff at a local jail were evacuated to other correctional facilities. Pray for many of them to realize that their lives need to be built on the Rock if they are to survive the storms of life (Matthew 7:24-27).

3. Pray for firefighters and other rescue personnel to know the strength described in Isaiah 40:29-31.

Matthew 9:36-38


Coober Pedy, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Coober Pedy.

1.   Around 60% of Coober Pedy’s residents live in underground dugouts, to avoid the extreme summer heat and freezing winter temperatures. These dugouts stay around 73° all year round. Pray for a family living in an underground dwelling to come to know Jesus as their personal Lord, Savior, and friend this month.

2.   With 70 opal fields, Cooper Pedy is known as the “Opal Capital of the World.” Pray for an opal miner to realize that he is worth more to the his Creator than any gemstone.

3.   Pray for believers in Australia to have freedom to witness amidst increasingly difficult legal stipulations.

Matthew 9:36-38

Thanks to my son for telling me about Coober Pedy after he learned about it in VBS at Grace Baptist Church last summer.


Haifa, Israel

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Haifa.

1. Pictured above is the Sammy Ofer Stadium. Pray that a player from one of the next soccer teams to compete here will come to know Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Pray that he will then faithfully run the spiritual race set before him, knowing that among the cloud of witnesses is Jesus Himself.

2. It has been jokingly said that the crane (the mechanical kind) is the national bird of Israel, because of how many there are constructing new buildings. Sure enough, a yellow crane can be seen in the top right of this picture. Pray for a crane operator in Haifa to meet a genuine believer who will be a consistent picture of the difference that Jesus the Messiah makes in a person’s life.

3. The Mediterranean Sea is in the background of this picture. Pray that a college student who enjoys walking in the surf at sunset will follow the Spirit’s pull in her heart to yearn to know the Father and Son.

Matthew 9:36-38

Categorized as Asia


To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1

After much thought/prayer, I have decided to pause the daily Targeted Global Prayer posts. About 40 minutes goes into preparing each day’s city. At this point of my life, I need to use that time to focus on my relationship with God. I have sincerely appreciated each of you who has prayed for Jesus to be known to the peoples of the world. Please don’t stop praying. Think of one city a day you can pray for, and make up your own three requests. You can also revisit the TGP website, as all the previous posts will stay up. Lord willing, at the beginning of the new year, I will reevaluate re-instating new daily posts.


Yeniseysk, Russia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Yeniseysk.

  1. Pray that, whoever these two people are, they will one day walk beside the river of life in heaven, having gained citizenship there through trusting Jesus Christ for salvation.
  2. Pray for believers across Russia to truly meet with God when they go to church today.
  3. Pray for the Word of God to change a life in Yeniseysk today.

Hebrews 13:3, 2 Timothy 2:9

Categorized as Europe

Lanzhou, China

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lanzhou.

  1. Stretching out at 3,395 miles, the Yellow River (Huanghe River) is the sixth longest river system in the world (google). Although there are many bridges that span the Yellow River, such as the one above, there is only one bridge that can cross the great divide between God and man. Pray for a driver using the above bridge today to also avail himself of the John 14:6 bridge.
  2. Pray for a member of the Lanzhou People’s Congress to hear and accept the plan of salvation.
  3. Pray for increased distribution of God’s Word among Lanzhou’s nearly four million residents.

Hebrews 13:3, 2 Timothy 2:9

Categorized as Asia