Revive Ministries, USA

Pray for the Lord to bless the efforts of Revive Us Today.

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1. Targeted Global Prayer is an extension ministry of Revive Ministries, founded by Bill Hall in 2021. The goal of this revivalist is to be used by God to facilitate genuine, Biblical growth in the lives of believers. Please join him in prayer for the Lord to provide twenty preaching meetings in 2023.

2. Pray for revival and regeneration across our nation.

3. Solid families are vital to the long-term success of the church and society at large. Pray for the Lord to use Revive Ministries to encourage, strengthen, and challenge families to follow His pattern for the home.

2 Corinthians 4:5


St. Cloud, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of St. Cloud.

1. There are two cities named St. Cloud in the USA, one in Minnesota and the other in Florida. Pictured above is a house in the Minnesota city. Pray for the next person who looks out the bay window to look to Christ for salvation if he/she hasn’t already done so.

2. Pray for any coaches/players of the St. Cloud State University Huskies ice hockey team who are believers to grow in their walk with the Lord this week.

3. Pray for people in St. Cloud who have the same occupation you have to consider the claims of Christ upon their lives, and respond in faith and obedience.

Psalm 107:1-3


Kitami, Japan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kitami.

1. Pray for God to save a worker at the Hikari Nursery (upper left corner), so the children who attend there will have a Christian influence.
2. Japan has one of the highest suicide rates globally. Pray for the hope found only in Jesus to rescue those in despair.
3. Pray for workers in the large green-roofed building (lower right corner) to “stumble across” a church / Christian website that explains salvation.

Psalm 107:1-3

This post was originally published on May 20, 2021.

Categorized as Asia

Saturday Morning Recap

1. Fenoughil, Algeria: Pray for copies of the Scripture to make it to this town of approximately 15,000 people.

2. Kakrak, Afghanistan: Pray for a woman making Afghan naan today to find lasting spiritual nourishment from the Bread of Life.

3. Your Choice, Anywhere: Pray again for any request that stands out to you from this week’s cities.

Thank you for joining us this week!

Psalm 113:3


Fenoughil, Algeria

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Fenoughil.

1. Pray that an employee working in the government office above will meet the One upon Whose shoulder all government will rest (Isaiah 9:6).

2. Fenoughil has a hot desert climate. Pray for a spiritually thirsty individual there to understand how to obtain Living Water (John 4:13-14).

3. Pray for many copies of the Scripture to make it to this town of approximately 15,000 people, and praise the Lord that His living Book will produce faith and not return empty (Rom. 10:17, Is. 55:11).

Psalm 113:3

Categorized as Africa

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Guatemala City.

1. The building next to the red car lies in disrepair, with hints of what used to be. Unfortunately, physical devastation is just one type of calamity a home can endure. As of 2018, Guatemala had the lowest divorce rate of any nation worldwide ( Pray for Christian families in Guatemala City to build their homes on the Word of God, that they may avoid spiritual devastation.

2. After a 1976 earthquake, Guatemalans became very receptive to the gospel. Today, the country’s average of Protestant adherents is 30%, as compared with the 6% average that other Central American nations have. Pray for the Lord to bless continuing evangelism and discipleship efforts.

3. With the metro area population well over 3 million people, Guatemala City is the largest city in Central America. However, when our Shepherd looks down at the city, He sees more than a mass of people – He looks into individual souls that need Him. Pray for someone your age to respond in faith today to the Spirit’s work in his / her heart.

Psalm 113:3

Thanks to my son for telling me facts about Guatemala that he learned in his high school geography class.


Yandina, Solomon Islands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Yandina.

1. Yandina is on Mbanika Island, one of the Solomon Islands. These buildings are not far from the water. Pray for a lady hanging out clothes to line dry in Yandina today to know the God who can clean any heart from sin’s stain.

2. Pray for a person coming to the Yandina Clinic for treatment to meet the Great Physician.

3. There is a cocoa plantation in Yandina. Pray for the Lord to send His light and truth to a worker there who has wondered Who God really is.

Psalm 113:3


Oakville, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Oakville.

1.   Oakville is a town in the Canadian province of Ontario, about half an hour’s drive away from Toronto proper. Pray that a person driving on the Queen Elizabeth Way today would hear about and come to love the King of Kings, to Whom Queen Elizabeth II repeatedly gave homage.

2.   Pray for the Lord to bless past and present missionary endeavors in Oakville, that many would know and praise His name.

3.   Today from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm EST at the Crawford Lake Conservation Area, there will be a Wyandot Fire Over Water Art Exhibit. Pray for the salvation of the female “Faith Keeper” leading the event.

Psalm 113:3


Istanbul, Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Istanbul.

  1. Pray that someone in this building today will soon come to know Jesus as his / her personal Lord and Savior.
  2. Pray for a Gypsy family in Istanbul to know the God Who longs to welcome them into His home with open arms.
  3. Pray for a Christian kid facing bullying because of his faith to have the courage of Daniel and his three friends.

Psalm 113:3

This post was originally published on April 11, 2022.

Categorized as Europe

Kakrak, Afghanistan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kakrak.

1. The people living in Kakrak are of Persian descent. Pray for the oldest person in the community to hear about and have courage to trust in Jesus.

2. Wikipedia states that Nan-i-Afghani is the country’s national bread. Pray for a woman making Afghan naan in Kakrak today to find lasting spiritual nourishment from the Bread of Life.

3. Pray for children in Kakrak to have opportunities to hear that Jesus loves them.

Psalm 113:3

Categorized as Asia