Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Port-au-Prince.

1. Above is both a tax office and the Palace of Finance. Pray for a tax collector working in one of these buildings to meet the Master Who called Matthew and Zacchaeus to follow Him.

2. The city of Port-au-Prince has around one million people, and there are two million more living in the surrounding metropolitan area. The average life expectancy in Haiti is 64.7 years. Pray for many people to echo Moses’ prayer of Psalm 90:12.

3. Pray for people who continue to struggle with emotional trauma from losses they incurred as a result of the catastrophic 2010 earthquake that had its epicenter only sixteen miles away from Port-au-Prince. Pray for the Lord to bring peace and healing to their hearts.

Romans 10:17


Ma’an, Jordan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ma’an.

  1. Pray that someone walking on this red carpet today will also “happen” to receive a copy of God’s Word, and come to love the Savior.
  2. In 2020, there were an estimated 196,200 Christians among Jordan’s 10,900,000 people (https://www.state.gov/reports/2020-report-on-international-religious-freedom/jordan/). Pray for this 1.8% to be encouraged in their walk with the Lord today.
  3. Pray for the children of Christian parents to follow the Truth as well, instead of conforming to societal pressure to reject Jesus.

Hebrews 13:3, 2 Timothy 2:9

This post was originally published on July 14, 2022.

Categorized as Asia

Saturday Morning Recap

Isaiah 45:22 – “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

1. Siret, Romania: Pray for the Lord to strengthen and encourage Christians who are helping Ukrainian refugees.

2. Bata, Equatorial Guinea: Pray for a janitor to meet the only Person Who can truly clean a heart from the inside out.

3. Your Choice: Pray for any request you remember from the other cities for this week:

Aweil, South Sudan

Hainan Island, China

James Ross Island, Antarctica

Confresa, Brazil

Thank you for praying!


Confresa, Brazil

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Confresa.

1. On this clean street are several brightly painted businesses. Pray for a customer visiting the fishermen’s shop (far right) to himself be caught by a fisher of men for the Lord.

2. In the middle of the picture (with a glass front) is a pharmacy lab. Pray for people taking seizure medication prepared at this building to meet the Great Physician, Who will one day heal all diseases. Pray for them to trust Him in the meantime.

3. Next to the pharmacy is Radio Clinic, a dentist’s office. Pray that a Christian coming to this office for services will have strong teeth spiritually – able to chew the meat of the Word, and not just milk.

Isaiah 45:22


Siret, Romania

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Siret.

1. Siret has been a major border crossing town for refugees fleeing Ukraine. Pray for Christians in Siret who are doing all they can to help, that they will be strengthened and encouraged by the Lord.

2. Pray for the five loneliest Ukrainian refugees in Siret to be introduced to the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.

3. The building above provides funeral services. Pray for a family who will be there today to meet and be comforted by the Resurrection and the Life.

Isaiah 45:22

Categorized as Europe

Hainan Island, China

1. Pray for the occupants and workers in these three identical buildings to have the opportunity to hear and receive a clear presentation of the gospel.
2. Pray for opportunities for growth for believers on the island.
3. Pray for protection for believers on the island.
Matthew 9:35-38

This post was originally published on March 23, 2021.

Categorized as Asia

Aweil, South Sudan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Aweil.

1. The temperature range for today in Aweil will be 68° – 101°. Pray for people who will sit at these tables to hear about Jesus and respond in faith.

2. Pray for Christians in Aweil to worship and fellowship wholeheartedly on this Lord’s Day.

3. Teak is a tropical hardwood tree whose wood is durable enough to be used for everything from boat building to carvings. There is a teak plantation in Aweil that was planted six years ago this month. The owner still has four more years to wait for the first harvest. Pray that the owner will himself be like the tree described in Psalm 1.

Isaiah 45:22

Categorized as Africa

Saturday Morning Recap

1. Revive Ministries, USA: Pray for twenty preaching meetings this year.

2. Copiapo, Chile: Pray for a family who enjoyed supper at Pizza Hut last night to come to faith in Christ.

3. Your Choice, Anywhere: Pray again for any request that stands out to you from this week’s cities.

Thank you for joining us this week!

Psalm 107:1-3


Copiapo, Chile

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Copiapo.

1. Pray for a family who will enjoy supper tonight at the pictured Pizza Hut to trust Jesus, that they may also one day enjoy supper together at His house.

2. Pray for a Christian kid who struggles with the concepts of mercy and penance to accept practically what he knows is true about God.

3. Near Copiapo in August of 2010, 33 miners were trapped 2,300 feet underground and 3 miles away from the copper mine’s entrance. Amazingly, they all survived for a record 69 days until being rescued. Pray that any of them who are still alive today will accept Jesus’ offer of eternal rescue.

Psalm 107:1-3


Lae, Papua New Guinea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lae.

1. Lae is the largest cargo port of Papua New Guinea (wikipedia). Pray for a dock worker at the above location to put his faith for life and eternity in the only Master of the Sea.

2. Lae was established during the 1920’s gold rush. With a population of 300,000, it is the second largest city of the country. Pray for many Biblical churches to be planted and grow in Lae.

3. The PNG University of Technology is in Lae. The school’s tagline is “Where Tomorrow Starts Today.” ( https://www.unitech.ac.pg/ ) Pray that a student preparing for an IT career will come across a Christian website and be confronted with the gospel. Pray for the Holy Spirit to keep working on his heart until, spiritually speaking, tomorrow really does start today.

Psalm 107:1-3
