Sister Cities Series

In 1956, President Eisenhower started Sister Cities, Inc., an organization designed to foster peaceful relations between US and international cities. Currently, there are fifty-one US and Israeli sister cities.

TGP is beginning a prayer series focused on those sister cities. If you would like for your city (or your hometown, etc.) and its corresponding Israeli sister city to be featured, please reply to this email (or contact with the name of the US city of your choice. In a case where that city does not have an Israeli sister city, the closest geographical city to it that does will be featured.

In the meantime, let us continue to pray for the following:

1.   Pray for the Lord to protect Israel by deflecting missiles from their targets and bringing terrorists to swift justice.

2.   Pray for many Israelis to turn to Jesus their Messiah during this time.

3.   Pray for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing for those suffering as a result of the terrorist attacks.

4.   Pray for the international community to see the truth and stand by Israel.

5.   Pray for the Lord to encourage Israeli Christians today with a renewed sense of His compassion, strength, and presence.

Psalm 67:6-7


Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 67:5

“Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You.”

1. Yad Mordechai, Israel: Pray for people who had to evacuate their homes this week, that they will know the Lord’s provision for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

2. Gaza: Pray for the loss of innocent civilian life to be minimal.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for any of the other requests you remember from cities featured this week:

Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel

Ashkelon, Israel

Al-Aramshe, Israel

A Step Back

Thank you for praying!


Ashkelon, Israel

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ashkelon.

1. Ashkelon has been hit several times today by missiles. Pray for continued protection for its citizens.

2. Pray for students at Ashkelon Academic College (pictured above) to turn to their Messiah for hope during this time of national tragedy.

3. Pray for Ashkelon’s newest bar mitzvah candidate to become a man of God.

Psalm 67:5

Categorized as Asia


Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Gaza.

1. Pray for the salvation of the three young men in this picture. If they are not alive, pray for family members to trust Christ.

2. Pray for the loss of innocent civilian lives in Gaza to be minimal.

3. Pray that each person still driving a car with tires from this garage will have (and take) a clear opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as all that the New Testament proclaims Him to be.

Psalm 67:5

Categorized as Asia

Al-Aramshe, Israel

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Al-Aramshe.

1. Near this Arab Bedouin village in northern Israel, Lebanon’s Hezbollah fighters launched a missile attack just hours ago. Pray for the Lord to protect all of Israel’s borders, and that the Gaza War does not become a full-scale regional conflict.

2. Pray for the families of IDF soldiers, who anxiously wait for the day when their loved ones can return home.

3. Pray for nations around the world to continue to show solidarity with Israel.

Psalm 67:5

Categorized as Asia

A Step Back

This past Saturday evening, my family had the opportunity to be outside at night away from city lights and observe a sky very similar to this one (a real-time view of Monday night’s sky from the Stellarium app).

Near the horizon is the Big Dipper. The two stars on the right side of the cup point to the North Star, which is also the end of the handle for the Little Dipper. The North star, or Polaris, has been the foundational navigational star for thousands of years. Near the top of the screen a segment of the Milky Way can be seen.

With major crises catapulting to the center stage of world events in rapid succession, it is good to step back and reflect on the sovereignty and immutability of our God – the I AM that I AM. He will have the final word, and He cares for His own. That is the guarantee of Scripture, and we can bank everything on the veracity of the Bible.

1. Continue in prayer for the Lord to defend Israel in their current war with Gaza.

2. Pray for an Israeli Christian your age to be encouraged by the above truths today.

3. Although clouds and light pollution often obscure our view, the stars above are still there shining to the glory of God. Thank our Father that, likewise, even when circumstances obstruct our view of His activities and purposes, He is at work and can always be trusted.

Psalm 2


Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Rishon LeTsiyon.

1. Pray for Christian humanitarian groups to be effective in meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of displaced Israelis.

2. The Diary of a Young Girl is a book detailing the life of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl during WW2. This apartment complex is located on a street named after Anne Frank. Many such apartments in Israel have built in bomb shelters because of the constant threat of missile attacks. Pray for people sheltering in place in this apartment building to know the peace that only God can bring (both salvific peace and daily resilient peace).

3. Pray for hostages being held in Gaza to be rescued as soon as possible, and to be treated humanely while in captivity.

Psalm 67:5

Categorized as Asia

Yad Mordechai, Israel

Pray for the Lord to send out workers into the harvestfield of Yad Mordechai.

1. Over the next 24 hours, the Israeli Defense Force has a goal of evacuating all citizens from towns around the Gaza strip. One of these towns is Yad Mordechai. Pray for people in the process of leaving their homes right now, who aren’t sure if they will ever be able to return.

2. Pray for wisdom for Israel’s political and military leaders, and for the Lord to defend His people.

3. Pray that in the midst of great loss of life and suffering, many will turn to their Messiah for salvation.

Psalm 67:5

Categorized as Asia

Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 67:4

Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations on earth. Selah.”

1.   Milan, Italy: Pray that someone who has begun Christmas preparations will receive the greatest Gift of all – Jesus.

2.   Greenville, USA: Pray for the Lord to encourage every senior saint today.

3.   Your Choice: Please pray for at least one request that you remember from any of the other cities featured this week:

Jayapura, Indonesia

Aguascalientes, Mexico

Quang Ngai, Vietnam

Upington, South Africa

Thank you for praying!


Aguascalientes, Mexico

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Aguascalientes.

  1. Aguascalientes means “hot waters,” so named for the many hot springs in the area. This is similar to the Biblical town of Laodicea, located between Hierapolis’ hot springs and Colossae’s cold water. Pray that Christians in Aguascalientes will remember Jesus’ words in Revelation 3:14-22.
  2. Aguascalientes is referred to as “the heart of Mexico” because of its geographic centrality. Pray that Bible preaching churches in the city will be used by God to disseminate the gospel throughout their country.
  3. Aguascalientes is home to the Museum of Death. Pray for the Lord to multiply to Himself many transformed Museums of Life (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Lamentations 3:21-23

This post was originally published on October 26, 2021.
