Jamestown, St. Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Jamestown.

  1. The above 699-step staircase is called “Jacob’s Ladder,” and was built in the 1800s as part of a cable railway designed to transport supplies from Jamestown’s harbor up to Ladder Hill Fort. Pray that a tourist going up Jacob’s Ladder will also ascend the Jacob’s Ladder for which this one is named (Gen. 28:10-19, John 1:50-51).
  2. The island of St. Helena (part of the British overseas territory of St. Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha) is where Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled / died. Pray that someone living in Jamestown, who on a personal scale mirrors Napoleon’s desire for control and power, to submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
  3. Pray for a worker at Into the Blue Diving and Marine Adventures to join the greatest adventure of all – walking with the King.

Revelation 1:17-18

This post was originally published on April 19, 2022.

Categorized as Africa

Manchay, Peru

1. Manchay is one of several shanty towns on the outskirts of Lima. People from the jungle come to the city hoping for a better life. Pray for their physical and spiritual needs to be met.
2. Groups like the Jehovah’s Witnesses take advantage of poverty to gain followers. Pray for God to protect the presentation of His gospel, and help people to understand the true biblical message.
3. Pray for men and women to understand and obey the Scriptural sacredness of marriage.
Matthew 9:35-38

This post was one of TGP’s earliest, originally published on March 26, 2021.


Apai, Samoa

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Apai.

  1. Pray that people living in these houses by the sea will have Jesus stop by and say “follow me” as He did to Matthew so many years ago, and that they will respond in faith.
  2. Just as the Savior took time to talk to Zachaeus, pray that He will speak to the hearts of any children who climb the above tree.
  3. Pray for the physically weakest person in Apai to know the sufficient grace / strength of our God.

John 17:25-26

This post was originally published on November 8, 2021.


Aitkin, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Aitkin.

1. This picture is from the side of County Highway 30, near Aitkin, Minnesota. This time of year, wildflowers such as the purple and yellow ones are often visible by the side of the road. Pray that a Christian driving on Co Hwy 30 will notice such flowers, and think of Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:25-34.

2. Aitkin County has an average of 8.7 lakes per square mile. The city of Aitkin is it’s county seat, and had a population of 2,168 in 2020. Though small, Aitkin is only a 2 hour drive away from Minneapolis. Pray for someone in Aitkin who makes a living from those lakes to come to Jesus this week.

3. The City of Aitkin website has a notice for pet owners about how to obtain a dog license from the police department. Pray that someone doing that this week will discover / be grateful that the Lord Who created “man’s best friend” is the only One Who can truly and permanently fill that role.

Psalm 96:4


Barcelona, Spain

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Barcelona.

1. Pictured above is “The Call,” literally meaning “Narrow Street.” It was the place where the Jewish community of medieval Barcelona lived, and was able to maintain their traditions. There are currently about 3,500 Jewish residents in Barcelona, the most living in any of Spain’s cities. Pray for one of those 3,500 to receive Jesus as his/her personal Messiah today.

2. Pray that a soccer player in the Barcelona Football Club will meet a Christian who explains what’s even better than scoring a winning goal: receiving God’s free gift of eternal life through Christ.

3. Pray that Christians across Barcelona will grow in their faith as they spend time in church today.

Psalm 96:4

Categorized as Europe

Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 96:3

“Declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people.”

1. Dire Dawa, Ethiopia: Pray for someone selling produce at the Kafira Market to become a Christian, and then be instrumental in leading his family to Christ.

2. Raipur, India: Pray for a Buddhist priest to be delivered from the kingdom of darkness, and enter the kingdom of God’s dear Son.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for at least one of the requests you remember from any of the other cities featured this week:

Roma, Australia

Paris, France

Chinatown (NYC), USA

Chibolo, Columbia

Thank you for praying!


Raipur, India

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Raipur.

  1. Pray for pedestrians at this intersection to hear the story of Jesus’ love for them.
  2. Near the above picture is a Buddhist temple. Pray for a priest there to be delivered from the power of darkness, and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son (Col. 1:13 and following).
  3. Pray for a child growing up in Hinduism to receive the gifts that only Jesus gives.

1 Peter 5:7

This post was originally published on January 19, 2022.

Categorized as Asia

Chibolo, Columbia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Chibolo.

1. Pray for the children who will play along this dirt road today to know God’s protection in all areas.
2. Pray for the young men of Chibolo not to get caught up in the drug trafficking that Columbia is infamous for, but to instead have courage to live for Christ.
3. Pray for the young ladies of Chibolo to have high ideals for Godly marriage and parenting, because they have come to know and value God’s Word.

Revelation 5:9-10

This post was originally published on May 25, 2021.


Roma, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Roma.

1.   Pray for the next person who sits at this lakeside pavilion to hear about Jesus, Who alone can meet the deepest needs of the soul.

2.   Built ninety-one years ago, Hibernian Hall is listed on the Queensland Heritage Register. Pray for a family planning to attend an event at this community center to meet a Christian family with whom they can develop a friendship, and through that relationship be introduced to the very best Friend of all.

3.  The town of Roma was built in 1867, and named after the wife of the governor of Queensland. Pray for every current girl in the world named Roma to know that Jesus loves her very much.

Psalm 96:3


Chinatown (NYC), USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Chinatown.

  1. Pray for the main baker at the Nice One Bakery to meet the Bread of Life, the only truly Nice One.
  2. Two stores down from the bakery is the Lucky Jade Jewelry Store. Pray for the Lord to work in the life of one of this week’s customers, so that person may become one of His jewels as described in Malachi 3:16-18.
  3. Pray for the oldest person in Chinatown to see the gospel in many of the characters of his own language, and trust Jesus.

John 4:23

This post was originally published on December 6, 2021.
