Kafue, Zambia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kafue.

  1. Pray for a person walking along this road at night to know the Light of the World.
  2. Near this picture is the Kafue Hindu Temple. Pray for the salvation of an attendee there.
  3. Pray for a believer in Kafue who has been neglecting church attendance to find joy in obeying Hebrews 10:25.

Luke 24:8

This post was originally published on May 6, 2022.

Categorized as Africa

Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 119:54

Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.”

1. Acapulco, Mexico: Pray for Acapulco’s Christians to depend on the stability of their Father as they face today’s challenges, and to represent Christ well by the enabling of the Spirit.

2. Manaus, Brazil: With a population of over 2,220,000, Maunas is a great harvestfield of souls. Pray for individuals who are ready to accept the gospel to have an opportunity to do so.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for at least one request that you can from any of the other cities featured this week:

Demnat, Morocco

Portree, Scotland

Goudier Island, Antarctica

Ahmamau, India

Thank you for praying!


Acapulco, Mexico

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Acapulco.

1.   Acapulco is a major tourist destination on Mexico’s Pacific coast. This week it was hit by Hurricane Otis, a tropical storm that rapidly morphed into a category five hurricane. At least twenty-seven people have lost their lives as a result of the devastating impact. Pray for twenty-seven of their family members who are struggling with all the questions that loss brings to find the hope and peace that God alone can give.

2.   Half a million people lost electricity after Otis struck. Pray for families still without power to experience the Lord’s provision for daily needs, and for physical stamina for utility workers working feverishly to restore basic services.

3.   Pray for Acapulco’s Christians to depend on the stability of their Father as they face today’s challenges, and to represent Christ well to the unsaved around them by the enabling of the Spirit.

Psalm 119:54


Ahmamau, India

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Ahmamau.

  1. Pray for someone viewing the bistro menu wheel above to not take chances (spinning the wheel, so to speak) with his eternal destiny.
  2. There is a large five section building not far from where this picture was taken. Pray for someone looking out one of that building’s windows today to see the glory of God in the sky, and be drawn to want to know Who He is.
  3. Pray for a nurse at the Tender Palm Hospital to meet the Great Physician who can care for her soul most wonderfully.

Luke 24:8

This post was originally published on May 7, 2022.

Categorized as Asia

Demnat, Morocco

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Demnat.

  1. Pray for someone who will be in this room today to come to know Jesus as his personal Savior.
  2. Pray for a Christian in Demnat who has experienced direct persecution to know the joy of Matthew 5:12.
  3. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help Christians in their efforts to memorize His Word.

Hebrews 13:3, 2 Timothy 2:9

This post was originally published on July 12, 2022.

Categorized as Africa

Goudier Island, Antarctica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Goudier Island.

  1. Goudier Island began as a WW2 outpost established by British troops. Pray that a current resident will yield to the Holy Spirit, and thus win the war that wages in his soul.
  2. Antarctica’s summer season is from October – March. During this time, the continent’s population swells to 4,000. Pray that as summer residents are settling in for their stay, there will be Christians sprinkled among them who will make a difference for eternity.
  3. Pray that God will make His Word easily accessible to the people at Goudier Island, via paper or digital copies.

Psalm 99

This post was originally published on October 8, 2021.


Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 67:6-7

Then the earth shall yield her increase; God, our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.”

Sister Cities Series

Please pray for requests you remember from this week’s featured cities:

Givatayim, Israel: Chattanooga, TN, and Compton, CA, USA

Karmiel, Israel: Denver, CO, and Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Hadera, Israel: El Paso, TX; Big Spring, TX; and Charlotte, NC, USA

TGP has reached the end of subscriber requested Israeli – US sister cities to feature. As such, we will be returning to the regular format of one city a day, rotating through the world’s continents. However, please continue to daily echo David’s prayer from Psalm 25:22:Redeem Israel, O God, out of all their troubles!” May what is near to His heart be ever near to ours.

If at anytime you would like to request a city (from any continent) to be featured for prayer, please email targetedglobalprayer@gmail.com.

Thank you for praying!


Hadera, Israel: El Paso, TX; Big Spring, TX; and Charlotte, NC, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfields of these four sister cities.

1. Hadera, Israel: Hadera is a town on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in northern Israel. It is a twenty minute drive south of Caesarea, where Paul was imprisoned for two years under Felix and Festus. Pray for the salvation of the next person to enter the pictured building on the Mifrats Binyamin Beach.

2. El Paso, TX, USA: Pray for a worshipper at each of El Paso’s two synagogues to accept the New Testament as equally authoritative with the Old Testament.

3. Big Spring, TX, USA: Big Spring was originally a major Commanche gathering place to organize trading and raiding groups. The US currently has 17,000 Commanche tribe members. Pray for the Holy Spirit to mightily use the endeavors of Christian Commanches who are reaching out to others with the gospel.

4. Charlotte, NC: Charlotte is home to both a Samaritan’s Purse warehouse and BBN, a major international Christian radio network. Pray for the Lord to bless both of those ministries today.

Psalm 67:6-7


Specific Prayer Requests for Today

TGP is pausing the Sister City Series for a day to ask for prayer for the requests below. As always, the overarching prayer is that many Israelis will trust Jesus as their Messiah during this time of national trauma.

1.   Hostages: Pray for their protection and soon release. Pray that if there is a Christian among them, the Lord will show Himself strong and be glorified in/through that believer.

2.   Gaza Hospital: Yesterday a hospital in Gaza was hit and hundreds of people killed. Hamas immediately blamed Israel, and media sources reported those statements as fact. Israeli officials have presented evidence to US military leaders that the explosion was caused by a Palestinian rocket misfire. Pray for the truth to be known and acknowledged by the international community. Pray for Gaza’s civilians injured in the blast to receive the care they need on all levels.

3.   President Biden’s Visit: Pray for the Lord to give clarity of thought to the president, and direct all meetings (as Proverbs 21:1 says He can easily do) for His glory. Pray for other regional aggressors to back away from conflict.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”

Revelation 22:20

Categorized as Asia

Karmiel, Israel: Denver, CO, and Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfields of these sister cities.

1. Karmiel is located in the Galilee region of northern Israel, and has a population of around 46,000. Pray for skateboarding enthusiasts who normally frequent the colorful park above to experience an even greater thrill than coming off a steep ramp – being personal friends with the God of the universe.

2. Pray for family members of IDF personnel from Karmiel who have been killed in the last ten days.

3. Karmiel is one of several cities that is hosting Jewish families who had to leave their homes near Gaza. Pray for both a host and a guest family to come to Christ.

4. Denver, CO, has an estimated 91,000 Jewish residents, close to 13% of the city’s population. Pray for a dozen of those families to find life in their Messiah before the end of the year.

5. The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh has a website with information about current events. Pray for the salvation of their website developer.

Psalm 25:22
