Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Jakarta.

1. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia, and is located on Java (one of the country’s 17,000 islands). Indonesia lies between Asia and Australia, and therefore Jakarta has been molded by a mix of Asian, European, and Indian cultures. Pray for one Jakarta resident from each of those three ethnic backgrounds to be saved today.
2. Sunda Kelapa is a historic port in Jakarta, and has been influential in helping the city achieve prominence. It’s name means “Coconut of Sunda.” Currently, the port uses two-masted wooden sailing ships to provide freight service between Indonesian islands. Pray for the captain of one of these schooners to let Jesus be the captain of his life.
3. The “Golden Triangle of Jakarta” is where most of the city’s tallest skyscrapers and foreign embassies are located ( Pray for someone who works in one of those skyscrapers to be given a clear presentation of the gospel, and believe.
John 3:36
This post was originally published on July 25, 2023.