Rio Verde, Paraguay

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Rio Verde.

1. Pray for a Christian to be making clear, steady tracks through life, that his life will continue to point others to the Lord long after his journey here is over.

2. Pray for someone in Rio Verde who enjoys the same hobbies as you do to know and love Jesus.

3. Pray for the next child who climbs one of the trees in this picture to talk to the same God Who talked to Zacchaeus while he was in a tree.

Psalm 67:3


Avarua District, Cook Islands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Avarua District.

  1. Pray for a salesman at this motorcycle / car lot to hear about the greatest deal of all time, and realize that there’s no gimmick about genuine salvation.
  2. Edna’s Anchor is a popular diving attraction off the nearby coast. Here, one can see an iron anchor embedded in coral. Pray for the salvation of the next two divers who explore Edna’s Anchor.
  3. Pray for security staff at the Raratonga International Airport to see their spiritual needs, and find the answer to those needs in Jesus.

Deuteronomy 7:9

This post was originally published on February 11, 2022.


Crique Sarco, Belize

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Crique Sarco.

Thanks to Pastor Steve Meece for posting this photo on Facebook.

1. Pray for the Good Samaritan Health Center to be effective in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of this village of 366 people.

2. Pray for the Lord’s blessing, strength, and provision for American Christians who have an ongoing ministry to Crique Sarco.

3. Pray for the two people in the picture to know Jesus as their personal Savior, and walk with Him faithfully.

Psalm 67:3


Talas, Turkey

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Talas.

  1. The above picture is a view of Talas taken from Ali Mountain, directly south of the city. Pray for someone on Ali Mountain today to remember a gospel witness previously received, and respond in faith.
  2. Pray for an architect in Talas to understand the big picture of Scripture.
  3. Pray for anyone in Talas with autism to make developmental progress, and to have a patient and compassionate Christian in his/her life.

1 Peter 5:7

This post was originally published on January 20, 2022.

Categorized as Europe

Thepkeni, South Sudan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Thepkeni.

  1. Pray for someone whose life feels like parched ground to be refreshed by the Living Water.
  2. Unity Oilfield is ten miles north of the city. Pray for a worker there to hear a clear gospel presentation and believe.
  3. Pray for Christian families in South Sudan to successfully pass on their faith to the next generation.

Genesis 1:1

This post was originally published on May 31, 2022.

Categorized as Africa

Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 67:2

That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.

1. Special Request: Jawon. Pray for salvation for Jawon and his brother, that they might know God as their Father.

2. Azerbaijan – Armenia Conflict. Pray for a workable and fair solution to be enacted, and for basic physical and spiritual needs on both sides to be met.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for at least one request that you remember from any of the other cities featured this week.

Aura, Finland

May Pen, Jamaica

Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire

Thimphu, Bhutan

Tihuano, Ecuador

Thank you for praying!

Today marks 111 weeks of prayer for TGP. At the rate of one minute of prayer a day, this translates to over 12 hours of specific, focused prayer per person involved. Please consider inviting someone to join us! May the Lord of the harvest use our prayers to bring many people to Himself!


The Azerbaijan and Armenia Conflict

In light of current events in the Karabakh region and yesterday’s ceasefire agreement, please be praying for the following:

1. Pray for the wounded to recover from both physical and emotional trauma, and meet the One Who will ultimately make everything new.

2. Pray for provision of food for people in bread lines, and for them to learn how the Bread of Life can sustain and nourish their souls.

3. Pray for a workable and fair solution to be enacted in the region as negotiations are underway.

A BBC news article summarizing the conflict can be found at

Categorized as Asia

Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Yamoussoukro.

  1. Pray that the owners of this fashion store will seek to have the classy inward fashion of the heart that honors God and loves others.
  2. The city has an old presidential palace with a crocodile filled lagoon. Scientifically, people can hold a crocodile’s mouth shut, but trying to force it’s jaws open is near impossible. Sin is like that; once you get caught, it’s hard to get out. Pray for someone today who is toying around with sin to realize its danger, and look to the Savior for deliverance.
  3. Yamoussoukro is also known for the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. Pray for many ladies in the city to discover and appropriate the peace of God to the ins and outs of their daily lives.

2 Corinthians 4:5-7

This post was originally published on October 23, 2021.

Categorized as Africa

Thimphu, Bhutan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Thimphu.

1.  Pictured above are white Buddhist prayer flags on a hill overlooking the city. Pray that the Lord will send someone to explain what prayer really is (talking to a personal God, made possible by Jesus’ work) to the person responsible for setting up the flags. Pray for that person to then pray the “sinner’s prayer” in faith, thus beginning a life of Biblical prayer to the Father.

2.   The “Gross National Happiness” is a philosophy that guides many of Bhutan’s governmental policies. Pray for a person seeking that elusive condition to find the joy that Jesus offers instead.

3.   Thimphu is Bhutan’s capital city, and has 1/7 of the country’s population. Pray for 7 of those 115,000 people to hear about and trust Jesus soon.

Psalm 113:3

This post was originally published on March 21, 2023.

Categorized as Asia

Tihuano, Ecuador

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tihuano.

1.   Pictured above is the location of the Waorani tribal headquarters. The Waorani were a fierce people previously known as the Aucas. This was the tribe that killed the five missionaries who first came to bring them the gospel. However, today the gospel has transformed many lives. Pray for evangelism and discipleship to continue to flourish among the Waorani.

2. Nate Saint was the missionary pilot of that group of five. After his death, his sister Rachel moved into the tribe and worked for thirty years to introduce Jesus to the Waorani. His son Steve also lived there for a time, and founded ITEC to help carry out the Great commission among indigenous peoples. While testing a wing for a new aircraft in 2012, he was injured and became partially paralyzed from the neck down. Pray for the Lord to give Steve strength for the difficult daily challenges he faces.

3. Pray for wisdom for the Waorani elders as they lead their people.

Psalm 67:2
