Arvaikheer, Mongolia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Arvaikheer.

1.   The above picture is from the center of a roundabout in Arvaikheer. Pray for someone who will drive around it today to hear the gospel and believe.

2.   Sandwiched between Russia and China, Mongolia has a population of only 3.3 million people. Buddhism and “no religion” make up the dominant national belief systems, with only 42,900 people espousing any type of Christianity. Pray for God’s hand to be on His children and their endeavors to share His Word.

3.   Pray for a person in Arvaikheer who has the same vision level as you do (20/20, 20/70, etc.) to see the same spiritual truth that you have seen.

Acts 1:8

Categorized as Asia

Mouflon, Algeria

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mouflan.

1. Pray for someone in this complex to hear a clear presentation of the gospel this week.

2. A mouflon is a wild sheep thought to be the ancestor of modern domesticated sheep breeds. Pray for a shepherd who lives near the city of Mouflon to personally meet the Good Shepherd, and rejoice in His care.

3. The fennec fox is Algeria’s national animal, as well as the nickname for the country’s national soccer team, Les Fennecs. At 7.9 inches tall, the fennec fox is the smallest member of the canine family in the world, and many aspects of the fox show that it is very well suited by the Creator to thrive in harsh desert climates. Pray for any Christians in Mouflon to be encouraged by the fact that their Father has just as thoughtfully given to them “all things that pertain unto life and godliness,” even though they live in a harsh climate regarding religious freedom (2 Peter 1:2-4).

Revelation 21:5

This post was originally published on November 5, 2023.

Categorized as Africa

Loma Plata, Paraguay

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Loma Plata.

1.   The T-shaped building is a school. Pray for the salvation of five students who attend there.

2.   Loma Plata was founded by Canadian Mennonites in 1927. It is located in a geographically harsh region of Paraguay. German is very commonly spoken in Loma Plata, in addition to Spanish. Pray for a German speaker to know and enjoy the gift of God’s grace.

3.   Across the street from the school is a library, and a block away is a museum of the town’s history. There are approximately 5500 people living in Loma Plata. The town turns 97 this year, so pray for any residents in their 90s to have (and take advantage of) an opportunity to accept the gospel in 2024.

Acts 1:8


Bata, Equatorial Guinea

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bata.

1. Pictured above is a sunset view from Bata, facing the Atlantic Ocean. Pray that many souls in this town will come to Christ during the church age of grace, while the light shines.

2. Equatorial Guinea has the distinction of being the only African nation with Spanish as one of its official languages. Pray for someone in Bata to pray in Spanish today to become a Christian, and to find good discipleship materials in Spanish for subsequent growth.

3. Pray for a janitor in the building with the red corner (left side of picture) to meet the only Person Who can truly clean a heart from the inside out.

Isaiah 45:22

This post was originally published on January 27, 2023.

Categorized as Africa

Saturday Morning Recap

Proverbs 28:13

He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.

1.  National Day of Prayer: Continue to pray for widespread revival and regeneration to occur in the USA.

2.   Cape Town, South Africa: Pray that someone experiencing stormy times in life will come to know the truly good hope found in Jesus Christ.

3.   Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other cities featured this week:

Bethany, USA

Surabaya, Indonesia

Republiek, Suriname

Thank you for praying!


Surabaya, Indonesia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Surabaya.

Image Source:

1. The above photo was taken at the Mangrove Medokan Ayu, an outdoor tourist attraction in Surabaya. Pray that someone taking a similar photo this week by the above star will also hear about the Bright and Morning Star, and find redemption in Him.

2. Surabaya is a major city with its own Chinatown and Arab Quarter. Pray for one person from each of these two sections of the city to be saved today.

3. Tugu Pahlawan, or Heroes Monument, memorializes the 1945 battles for independence that occurred in Surabaya. Pray for every person in Surabaya who was born in 1945 to trust Christ as the only way to obtain spiritual freedom, and then grow in their walk with Him, that the number of heroes of faith may increase.

John 3:36

This post was originally published on July 27, 2023.

Categorized as Asia

Bethany, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bethany.

  1. The above picture is from inside the Rink Antique Gallery in Bethany, Oklahoma. Pray that shoppers there today will see items among the colorful hodge-podge that the Holy Spirit uses to draw their hearts toward Christ.
  2. Pray for anyone in Bethany celebrating his/her birthday today to also have a spiritual birthday into God’s family.
  3. Near Bethany is Skate Galaxy. Pray for every seven year old skater going there this week to hear about the love Jesus has for him/her.

Luke 24:8

This post was originally published on May 1, 2022.


Cape Town, South Africa

1. Pray for someone who will stand on this street corner today to become a Christian.

2.   Pray that if any believers happen to be in the striped building above, they will yield to the Spirit’s work in their lives to make them more like the Son for the glory of the Father.

3.   Nicknamed South Africa’s “Mother City,” Cape Town is the country’s legislative capital and oldest city. It has also born the names “Cape of Storms” and “Cape of Good Hope.” Pray that someone experiencing stormy times in life will know the truly good hope found in Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:18

Categorized as Africa

Republiek, Suriname

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Republiek.

  1. Pray for people who wait today for a bus in the gray enclosure to accept Christ.
  2. Pray for a Christian to give a gas station attendant a gospel tract, and for the attendant to read/understand/believe/grow.
  3. Pray for churches to be planted in Republiek that will shine God’s light until He returns.

Psalm 24

This post was originally published on January 30, 2022.


Saturday Morning Recap

Mark 16:15

And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

1.  Webuye, Kenya: Pray for each of the children at the Encouragement Children’s Home to know the Father’s love.

2.   Remote Areas of Kyrgyzstan: Pray for the distribution of the Kyrgyz Bible to increase, and be received with open hearts.

3.   Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other cities featured this week:

Aura, Finland

Havana, Cuba

Popondetta, Papua New Guinea

Thank you for praying!
