New Xade, Botswana

1.   New Xade had 1,690 residents in the 2021 census. An aerial view of the village is the best photo that Google Earth can provide. Pray for everyone living in the blue-gray roofed houses to hear a clear presentation of the gospel within the next five years.

2.   New Xade began in 1997, when Botswana’s government relocated people from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. This was the largest resettlement program in the country’s history, and another group was relocated in 2002. New Xade was the administrative name for one of two new village settlements, but the plan was for it to be called Kg’oesakene, which means “looking for life.” That name never really stuck, however, and the village has most often been called New Xade. Pray for someone living there who thinks often about life before the relocation 27 years ago, that he / she will find abundant life in the only One Who offers unchanging stability and purpose.

3.   Pray for a government employee who helps manage New Xade’s infrastructure to become an active disciple of Jesus.

Revelation 22:13

Categorized as Africa

Cordoba, Argentina

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Cordoba.

1. Pray for both a worker and a patron of this bakery to partake of the Bread of Life.

2. “Sanwich de Miga” is a popular party sandwich purchased often in Argentina. Pray that the next customer who orders Sanwich de Miga from this bakery will hear about the most magnificent celebration a person can attend, and accept the Savior’s invitation/provision to join Him at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

3. Pray for the truths of the hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” to cause deep awe and admiration in the heart of a Christian in Cordoba today.

1 Corinthians 15:54-58

This post was originally published on February 17, 2023.


Saturday Morning Recap

Matthew 22:37-38

Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.”

1.   Rural Mongolia: Pray for the Word of God to be widely available, and for gospel outreaches from last year to continue to bring forth fruit.

2.   Akureyri, Iceland: Pray for someone who enjoyed the northern lights last week to reflect on God as Creator, that he may be led to the truth of Psalm 19.

3.  Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other cities featured this week:

Nadi, Fiji

Colonia de Refugio, Mexico

Poum, New Caledonia

Thank you for praying!


Poum, New Caledonia (France)

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Poum.

1. The Bible repeatedly declares that our God is omniscient. Because He knows everything, He knows who each person is that left a footprint in the sand pictured above. Pray for the Holy Spirit to again draw every one of their hearts to long to truly know God.

2. Pray for any Christian employees at the Poum nickel mine to have a Biblical church to attend, and in which to grow spiritually.

3. Pray for a science teacher in Poum’s boarding middle school to embrace the veracity of Scripture’s account of creation, and be willing to stand up for that truth.

Psalm 78:4

This post was originally published on August 25, 2023.


Rural Mongolia

Eight days ago the TGP city featured was Arvaikheer, Mongolia. It was the first time a city from Mongolia had been featured. The goal of TGP is to pray for cities in every country of the world, and although I thought this had been accomplished for the first time a couple years ago, I realized on May 8 that I had overlooked Mongolia unintentionally.

Two days ago I came across a 2023 edition of ABWE’s magazine, the Message. I was leafing through it to see if there were any articles I wanted to cut out and save, and the first article featured rural Mongolia, so it caught my attention due to the recent TGP feature.

“How can I know how to ask God for help?” one Mongolian girl questioned. The country as a whole is 98% unreached, and there is little access to the Bible. Two Americans and their national partners were visiting a town and holding a children’s summer outreach program along the riverbank. There are no known Christians in the town.

There is an app with a free audio Bible in the Mongolian language, so the workers were able to share that.

Today’s three requests will once again focus on Mongolia, but with specific needs mentioned in the article:

1.   Pray for the Word of God to be widely available to the people of Mongolia, both in its printed and audio forms.

2.   The development of a discipleship booklet is in progress, so pray for its successful completion and distribution.

3.   Pray for safety of believers, and for opportunities for fellowship with other Christians.

Matthew 22:37-38

To read the article in its entirety, email

Categorized as Asia

Colonia de Refugio, Mexico

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Colonia de Refugio.

1. Pray for the people who live in this small Refuge Colony to find refuge in Christ from the storms of life.
2. The city’s weather forecast shows sunny days with highs in the upper 80s from now through June 1. Pray that the sunshine of God’s love will warm cold hearts.
3. Pray for everyone in Colonia de Refugio who will make tortillas, or other bread items today, to have an opportunity to hear about and personally come to know the Bread of Life. Pray that as they work the dough, the Holy Spirit will convict their hearts with any seeds of the gospel they have already come across.

Revelation 5:9-10

This post was originally published on May 28, 2021. The weather forecast in request two is from that day.


Akureyri, Iceland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Akureyri.

1.   Pray for every child who will ride a bicycle in Akureyri today to find out Who Jesus is and what He has done to provide salvation.

2.   Akureyri is known as “Iceland’s Capital to the North,” and offers many attractions. Unfortunately, the country as a whole is known for its “social progressiveness” and flagrant disregard for traditional, conservative family values, including sanctity of life. One business headlined at is a spa that offers patrons the chance to bathe in beer. Pray for the most recent customer at that establishment to come to know Jesus.

3.   Over the last three nights, the Northern Lights have been more visible than usual, due to solar activity. Pray for someone in Akureyri who has enjoyed seeing them to confess the truth of Psalm 19.

Matthew 22:37-38

Categorized as Europe

Nadi, Fiji

1. There is a large Hindu temple in Nadi. Pray for those who worship there to turn to the one true and living God.
2. Pray for any Christians who pass by these trees this week to remember Psalm 1, and be like the tree described there.
3. Pray for there to be many Fijian grandmas who love Jesus, and are like Lois in making an eternal difference in the lives of their grandchildren.
Mark 16:15

This post was originally published on April 17, 2021.


Success, Guyana

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Success.

  1. Pray for every seven year old living in the Felicity Apartments to hear, understand, and accept the plan of salvation.
  2. Pray for anyone in Success with a birthday today to also be born again, that he / she may enter the kingdom of heaven.
  3. Pray for a person living in the Felicity Estates to attain true spiritual success, as defined in Joshua 1:8.

Galatians 6:9-10

This post was originally published on May 10, 2022.


Lyon, France

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lyon.

1. The above cathedral is dedicated to John the Baptist. Construction began in 1180 and lasted 300 years, but the site’s religious history extends back to the sixth century, when a church was first built there. Pray for an attendee this month to understand and trust that “the just shall live by faith.” (Rom. 1:17)

2. Pray for a Christian family in Lyon to apply John the Baptist’s words “He must increase, but I must decrease” in their interactions with each other. (John 3:30)

3. Pray for a first grader attending the International School of Lyon to become a Christian today.

Acts 4:29

This post was originally published on September 1, 2023.

Categorized as Europe