1. New Xade had 1,690 residents in the 2021 census. An aerial view of the village is the best photo that Google Earth can provide. Pray for everyone living in the blue-gray roofed houses to hear a clear presentation of the gospel within the next five years.
2. New Xade began in 1997, when Botswana’s government relocated people from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. This was the largest resettlement program in the country’s history, and another group was relocated in 2002. New Xade was the administrative name for one of two new village settlements, but the plan was for it to be called Kg’oesakene, which means “looking for life.” That name never really stuck, however, and the village has most often been called New Xade. Pray for someone living there who thinks often about life before the relocation 27 years ago, that he / she will find abundant life in the only One Who offers unchanging stability and purpose.
3. Pray for a government employee who helps manage New Xade’s infrastructure to become an active disciple of Jesus.
Revelation 22:13