Lenakel, Vanuatu

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lenakel.

1. Pray that many people in Lenakel would be hungry for the Word of God, and eager to gather whenever they have a chance to hear it proclaimed.

2. Vanuatu is a country in Oceania comprised of about eighty islands. On the island of Tanna, Lenakel is a major port city. Pray for a sailor coming into port there to follow the examples of other sailors who have believed in Jehovah as the only God (Jonah 1:16, John Newton, etc.).

3. Pray for a surgeon at the Lenakel Hospital to personally meet the Great Physician, and be changed forever.

Psalm 107:15

This post was originally published on April 13, 2023.


May Pen, Jamaica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of May Pen.

1. Notice the contrasting objects in the background and foreground: an unused planting box with trash thrown into it, and an architecturally appealing clock tower. Pray for someone walking on this street today who feels as valueless as trash, and for someone who views himself to be like the stately clock tower. Pray that both of them will recognize their need for the Savior and their value in His estimation, which is what really counts.

2. Pray for the current spiritual, volunteer, and financial needs of Biblical churches in Jamaica to be met.

3. May Pen was first established as a British cattle farm settlement around 1670. Pray for every living descendant of those original town settlers to hear a clear presentation of the gospel, and believe.

Psalm 67:2

This post was originally published on September 22, 2023.


Lodz, Poland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Lodz.

1. The above mirror is on the corner of a street, so that drivers can see around the sharp curve. Pray for an unsaved individual coming around the curve who pays attention to the mirror to also pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s work to convict hearts of coming judgment and the need to turn to Christ for salvation. (John 16:8-11).

2.   On the theme of mirrors, pray for a Christian in Lodz to look into the Word of God today and see His glory, allowing the Spirit to transform his life further into the image of the Son (2 Cor. 3:18).

3.   In the nineteenth century, Lodz was a major hub for the textile industry. The Central Museum of Textiles showcases different aspects of that history. Pray for a family visiting the museum this summer to trust Jesus for salvation, that each member of the family may one day wear the white robes given to heaven’s saints.

Matthew 7:7-8

Categorized as Europe

Vang Vieng, Laos

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Vang Vieng.

  1. Pray for a person going inner tubing down the Nam Song River today to ponder his standing before the God of Eternity, and yield to the Spirit’s working in his life.
  2. Pray for a Christian mom in Vang Vieng who struggles with stress paralysis to know how to appropriate the Lord’s gracious help in meeting challenges.
  3. Vang Vieng is “surrounded by striking limestone mountains and caves.” (google.com) Limestone is a soft rock easily dissolved by water, which is why many caves worldwide are made of limestone. Pray for someone in Vang Vieng to hear about and take refuge in the Rock of Ages, Who never wears down and whose power can never be eaten away by any dissolvent.

John 14:6

This post was originally published on May 26, 2022.

Categorized as Asia

Campo Grande, Brazil

1.   Pray for a mechanic at this business to become a Christian.

2.   Campo Grande is a city in central Brazil with close to a million residents. People from around the world have immigrated there, including many from Okinawa, Japan. Pray for one of these residents to hear the gospel in his heart language of Japanese, and believe it.

3.   Pray for the recovery of a missionary family in south Brazil who have been sick with the mosquito borne illness of dengue.

Matthew 7:7-8


Action Request: Prayer and a Letter

This morning at church, our pastor (Adam Love, Grace Baptist Church) shared information about a brother in Christ. As TGP members, we daily pray for Christ to be known to the peoples of the world. Sometimes, that is all we can do. Other times, there are additional action steps that can be taken. This is one of those times. Please read the short summary below, and then follow the link below for more information.

Pictured above is Zhang Wen Shi, a deacon in a Chinese church along the Chinese – North Korean border. He was kidnapped and taken to North Korea in November of 2014, and has been incarcerated there ever since. Voice of the Martyrs is requesting that many people send this short, respectful message to the UN ambassador from North Korea: “We request the return of Zhang Wen Shi to China.”

Letters may be mailed to:

Kim Song, UN Ambassador

820 2nd Ave. RM 13b

New York, NY  10017

For more of Zwang Wen Shi’s story, follow this link:


Thank you for praying & writing!

Categorized as Asia

Saturday Morning Recap

Revelation 22:13

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

1.   New Xade, Botswana: Pray for a government employee who manages New Xade’s infrastructure to become an active disciple of Jesus.

2.   Cardiff, Wales: Pray for people who pass Cardiff Castle every day to find shelter in the Rock of Ages.

3.   Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other cities featured this week:

Cordoba, Argentina

Palikir, Micronesia

Thank you for praying!


Palikir, Micronesia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Palikir.

1. Micronesia is a group of 600 islands and about 550,000 people. Pray for the good news of Jesus Christ to reach every island and family.

2. Pray for staff at the Chinese embassy in Palikir to accept the gospel, that they may one day take it home to their nation.

3. Pray for students at the College of Micronesia to meet genuine Christians who reach out to them with the love of Christ.

1 John 2:15-17

This post was originally published on July 2, 2021.


Cardiff, Wales

1. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. Pray for the Lord to give the teenagers of Cardiff a hunger to know Him.
2. The photo above is Cardiff Castle, a historical site spanning 2,000 years – from a Roman fort to a WW2 air raid shelter. Pray for the people who pass the castle every day on their way to work to find shelter in the Rock of Ages.
3. Pray for the “religious” to have a genuinely personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 45:22

This post was originally published on April 2, 2021.

Categorized as Europe

New Xade, Botswana

1.   New Xade had 1,690 residents in the 2021 census. An aerial view of the village is the best photo that Google Earth can provide. Pray for everyone living in the blue-gray roofed houses to hear a clear presentation of the gospel within the next five years.

2.   New Xade began in 1997, when Botswana’s government relocated people from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. This was the largest resettlement program in the country’s history, and another group was relocated in 2002. New Xade was the administrative name for one of two new village settlements, but the plan was for it to be called Kg’oesakene, which means “looking for life.” That name never really stuck, however, and the village has most often been called New Xade. Pray for someone living there who thinks often about life before the relocation 27 years ago, that he / she will find abundant life in the only One Who offers unchanging stability and purpose.

3.   Pray for a government employee who helps manage New Xade’s infrastructure to become an active disciple of Jesus.

Revelation 22:13

Categorized as Africa