Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Skun.

1. Pray for Jesus to shine into the lives of the motorcycle drivers who will use this road today.

2. Skun is known locally as “Spiderville” because of its inescapable 8-legged population. Pray for God’s protection from spider bites, and that residents will recognize His providential hand.

3. Pray for first-year schoolteachers in Skun to meet and come to love the Master Teacher.

1 John 2:15-17

This post was originally published on July 4, 2021.

Categorized as Asia

Clorinda, Argentina

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Clorinda.

1. Clorinda has many dirt roads with potholes and muddy patches. Pray for the next driver whose vehicle gets stuck in such a spot to get “unstuck” quickly, and also be spiritually able to personally testify of the truth of Psalm 40:1-3.

2. Clorinda is located on Argentina’s border with Paraguay. Pray for someone who frequently crosses between the two countries to hear the gospel and be born again, and have opportunities for continuing discipleship.

3. The woman of John 4 was an outcast among outcasts, but Jesus reached out to her with compassion. Pray for the most ostracized person in Clorinda to meet the Savior Who has promised to never cast out anyone who comes to Him.

Psalm 96:12-13

This post was originally published on July 3, 2023.


Sunday Series: North American Church Custodians

1. Pray for the people responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of God’s houses of worship in North America. Pray that they themselves will have a clean heart before God.

2. The average custodian age (of both secular and religious facilities) is 48. Pray for a child to tell the church custodian “thank you!” today.

3. Pray for a visitor to a Bible preaching church in every North American country to feel welcomed and valued by, among other things, the way the church facilities are kept in order.

Psalm 122:1


Saturday Morning Recap

Revelation 21:5

“Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

1. Charleston, USA: Pray for every person named “Charlie” in Charleston, WV, to receive God’s gift of salvation.

2. European Pastors: Planting and maintaining churches in Europe can often be difficult because of the callousness of people’s hearts toward religion in general. Pray for pastors to walk with God and be encouraged in Him as they lead their congregations.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other cities featured this week:

Senj, Croatia

True Blue, Grenada

Omoka Village, Cook Islands

Thank you for praying!


Senj, Croatia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Senj.

1. Above is the Nehaj Fortress, whose name means “don’t care.” Built in the sixteenth century by the Uskoks, the name was given as a reassurance to the townspeople of Senj that they did not have to worry about the security of the fortress, because the Uskoks would never let it be captured. Pray for the Lord to encourage a Christian in Senj today with the truth that His kingdom is eternally unshakable, beyond what any earthly army could ever claim.

2. The Nehaj Fortress is now a museum. Pray for someone who will walk this brick path today to also begin walking the straight and narrow road to the Celestial City.

3. Senj has a population of around ten thousand people. A basic internet search does not produce the names of any Baptist (or baptistic type in doctrine) churches in the city. Pray for this to change.

Romans 10:17

This post was originally published on January 30, 2023.

Categorized as Europe

Omoka Village, Cook Islands

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Omoka Village.

1.  Omoka Village is on the Penrhyn Atoll, one of the fifteen islands that form the Cook Islands. Omoka Village has between 100 – 200 residents, and is the larger of Penrhyn’s two settlements. Pray for the salvation of the next person who enters the Penrhyn Island Council building.

2.   Pray for a young man in Omoka Village to be saved and discipled, and one day start a Biblical church there.

3.   Pray for a worker at the Penrhyn Hospital, located in Omoka Village, to meet the Great Physician and be made new from the inside out (2 Cor. 5:17).

Psalm 96:7

This post was originally published on May 30, 2023.


True Blue, Grenada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of True Blue.

  1. Pray for each person ordering a meal from this fast food restaurant today to hear about the free food of Isaiah 55:1-2.
  2. True Blue is on an island nicknamed “Spice Isle” because of its many nutmeg plantations. Pray for a plantation worker with a disability to hear about / receive the compassion of Christ.
  3. Pray for Christians to exhibit “true blue” loyalty to the Word of God.

John 17:3

This post was originally published on March 22, 2022.


Charleston, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Charleston.

1. Pray for the next person who exits this parking garage to find out and choose the only Way to exit a life dominated by sin.

2. Pray for all the kids in Charleston, West Virginia, who will lose a pet this week to know God’s comfort in the process.

3. Pray for every person named “Charlie” in Charleston to receive God’s gift of salvation.

Revelation 21:5


Sunday Series: European Pastors

For the next seven weeks, every Sunday morning one category of church workers from a particular continent will be featured. Feel free to also pray for your own corresponding church workers by name as well.

1. Planting and maintaining churches in Europe can often be difficult because of the callousness of people’s hearts toward religion in general. Pray for pastors to walk with God and be encouraged in Him as they lead their congregations this week.

2. Pray for these men of God to be faithful to boldly proclaim the whole counsel of His Word, and not give in to societal peer pressure and the politically correct ideologies that permeate European culture.

3. Pray for European pastors to have and make time for their most important ministry: discipleship of their personal families. Pray also for pastors’ wives to love God with all their minds.

Psalm 122:1

Categorized as Europe

Saturday Morning Recap

2 Corinthians 2:14

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

1. Pokrovsk, Ukraine: Just a few days ago, Russian missiles killed eleven people and injured ten more in the Ukrainian city Pokrovsk. Pray for firefighters who were involved in rescue efforts to themselves be rescued from the spiritual calamity that sins brings.

2. Kathmandu, Nepal: Pray for one of Kathmandu’s ambulance drivers who has seen a lot of hard things to meet the Father Who can heal hearts, and promises to one day make all things new (Rev. 21:4-5).

3. Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other cities featured this week:

Lelydorp, Suriname

Jakarta, Indonesia

Kamina, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Thank you for praying!
