Sunday Series: Asian Believers

Psalm 122:1

“I was glad when they said unto me,

Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

1.   Pray for every member of Asian congregations to be serving the Lord in one way or another, that the body of Christ may function as its Lord intends.

2.   In countries unfriendly toward the gospel, pray for the Father to grant protection to His children as they live and witness for Him, and provision of further discipleship resources and opportunities.

3.   Pray for the behind the scenes workers who prepare the Communion elements to be blessed with a renewed sense of the Savior’s love for them.

Thank you for praying!

Categorized as Asia

Saturday Morning Recap

Revelation 22:1,17

“And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”

1.   Sunday Series: African Deacons

According to, 19 of Africa’s 54 countries have very high or extreme levels of religious persecution. Pray for deacons in those countries to have the hand of God on their lives as they serve His church.

2.  Lake Tiberias (aka Lake Kinneret, Sea of Galilee): Asia

Israel, Syria, and Jordan are countries around Lake Tiberias. Pray for someone from each of those nations to come to faith in Christ today.

3.  Black Sea: Europe & Asia

Just yesterday, TGP team members prayed for people living around the Black Sea. Also yesterday, a Russian missile attack on the Black Sea’s port city Odesa killed 21 Ukrainians, and injured 75 more. Pray for those injured, and the family members of the ones killed, to know Jesus, and the hope that only He can bring in dark situations.

Thank you for praying!


Black Sea: Europe & Asia

   The Black Sea is a very interesting body of water. It has two distinct layers: the top 10% is freshwater, while the lower 90% is salt water, with almost no oxygen mixed in. The condition of this lower layer is conducive to the preservation of once living things and even ancient shipwrecks; a 2,400 year old Greek sunken ship was found there.

   Ten of Europe’s largest rivers flow into the Black Sea, whose drainage basin is two-thirds the size of Europe. The Black Sea has been in the news frequently during the past two years due to the current Russian-Ukrainian War. It is very important in facilitating commerce and trade.

1.   “Red and yellow, black and white –  they are precious in His sight…” So goes a line from the song “Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World.” Interestingly, there are also world seas named for each of those colors. Pray for the children of the world living around each of those seas to hear that Jesus loves them. Pray for Christians to go tell them this good news, and disciple the children who believe it.

2.   The two pictures above were originally part of one panoramic view of the Black Sea’s coastline near Inceburun. Pray for each member of the family in the second picture to trust Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

3.   The Greeks once called the Black Sea the “Inhospitable Sea,” due to both storms / navigational challenges, and hostile tribes along the coastline. However, after successful colonization, it was renamed the “Hospitable Sea.” Pray for the Christians who live in the drainage basin of the Black Sea to yield today to the Holy Spirit’s work in their hearts, that He may continue to transform their lives into the image of Christ, thus making them more and more hospitable to the reign of their Father.

Revelation 22:1,17

Categorized as Asia, Europe

Lake Tiberias (aka Lake Kinneret, Sea of Galilee): Asia

Photo taken on-site in summer of 2001

1.   Israel, Syria, and Jordan are countries around Lake Tiberias. Pray for someone from each of those nations to come to faith in Christ today.

2.   In addition to being Israel’s largest lake, Lake Tiberias is also the world’s lowest freshwater lake. It is fed from both the Jordan River and underground springs. As in Biblical times, fishing and agriculture continue to be important in the area today. Pray for a modern fisherman to be caught by the Great Fisher of Men.

3.   Tiberias is a town on the west of the lake with about 45,000 residents. Pray for Biblical churches to be established in Tiberias that will remain until the Lord returns.

Revelation 22:1,17

Categorized as Asia

Sunday Series: African Deacons

Psalm 122:1

I was glad when they said unto me,

Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

1. The continent of Africa contains 54 nations, 1,000 official languages, and 15% of the world’s population ( Pray for today’s African deacons to be “of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom,” as were the first deacons, described in Acts 6:3.

2.   According to, 19 of those 54 countries have very high or extreme levels of religious persecution. Pray for deacons in those countries to have the hand of God on their lives as they serve His church.

3.   Pray for African deacons to have opportunities to further grow in their understanding of God’s word, and be successful in the discipleship of their children.

Thank you for praying!

Categorized as Africa

Saturday Morning Recap

Revelation 22:1,17

“And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”

1.   Amazon River: South America

Pray that this year the gospel will reach 3 of the 100 tribes who have not interacted with the modern world.

2.   Congo (Zaire) River: Africa

Pray for many African Pygmies to be “accepted in the Beloved.”

3.   Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other locations featured this week:

Mississippi River: North America

Lake Vostok: Antarctica

Lake Toba (Indonesia): Asia

South American Church Musicians

Thank you for praying!


Lake Vostok: Antarctica

Images from

Lake Vostok is 2.5 miles under Antarctica’s surface, and may contain layers of both fresh and salt water. Russian scientists at Vostok Station drilled for 20 years before reaching the lake in 2012.

1.   About 30 Russian scientists live in Vostok Station in Antarctica’s summer, but only 15 during winter months. Pray for a Christian to be in the next group transferring in, and that at least 2 other people will trust Christ during his/her tenure at Vostok Station.

2.   It is commonly thought that Lake Vostok has been buried for 14 million years. Pray for a team member in Russia who receives and interprets data regarding the lake to genuinely consider the truth in relation to how the lake’s history is dated. Pray that this consideration will be the first step in turning to the light of truth as revealed in the Word of God.

3.   Vostok Lake lies beneath the Pole of Cold, where earth’s coldest naturally occurring temperature was recorded. However, geothermal heating keeps the lake’s water liquid. Pray for Christians around the world who face a spiritually cold climate to themselves remain warm-hearted to the things of God. This can occur because of the Spirit’s work below the surface.

Revelation 22:1,17


Mississippi River: North America

Most, if not all, of the readers of this post have probably crossed the “Mighty Mississip’.” From Lake Itasca in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi has been very influential in the history and culture of the United States. The drainage basin of the river is home to 70 million people, and both livestock and crops grown in this area are highly productive.

1.   Though obviously a camera effect and not an actual representation of the boat’s position in the water, the picture above does illustrate how many people feel in life – like they are struggling to stay afloat, almost overwhelmed (in the literal definition of that word) by life’s challenges. Pray for someone living along the Mississippi River struggling to make it through the day to know the sustaining strength and peace that only Christ can give.

2.   The Mississippi River runs through New Orleans to drain into the Gulf of Mexico. On June 12, 2023, TGP members prayed for someone living in the city’s French Quarter to receive Christ. The June 14 TGP post reported that nine people there had accepted Jesus as Savior. Pray for those nine people today, that the Lord will continue to bless their growth and walk with Him.

3.   Pray for a vacationer enjoying the beautiful scenery at Lake Itasca to personally know and honor the Creator Who made all such beauty.

Revelation 22:1,17


Congo (Zaire) River: Africa

The Congo River is Africa’s second longest river, and the world’s third largest river by discharge volume. With a maximum depth of 720 feet, the Congo River is the deepest river in the world. It provides 30% of the continent’s freshwater, and close to 80 million people live in the Congo River basin.

1.   Praying for the nine pictured people who are shipping wood on the Congo River to hear and believe the gospel before the end of this year.

2.   Around 500,000 African Pygmies (very short people) live in the Congo basin. Sadly, many African countries consider these tribal groups to be second class humans, and they don’t enjoy the same access to citizenship, education, and property ownership. Pray for several pygmies who are keenly feeling that rejection today to be introduced to the Father’s love, and accept His invitation to become “accepted in the Beloved.”,health%20care%20and%20education%20access.&text=There%20are%20roughly%20500%2C000%20Pygmies%20remaining%20in%20the%20rainforest%20of%20Central%20Africa

3.   Pray for a person living in close proximity to the Congo River who shares your name (or a translation with the same meaning as your name) to become a child of God, that he or she may one day receive a special new name in glory (Rev. 2:17).

Revelation 22:1,17

Categorized as Africa

Lake Toba (Indonesia): Asia

Lake Toba holds the distinction of being the world’s largest volcanic lake. It is also the largest lake in Southeast Asia, and one of the world’s deepest lakes. Presumably the largest explosion in earth’s history took place there.

1.   Pray for evolutionists who have bought into lies  about the island’s origin to embrace the Truth.

2.   Pray that the Lord will open the eyes of the person living by Lake Toba who is most religious, yet far away from salvation.

3. Pray that someone from tribal descent will hear about the nature of the one, true God, and trust in Him.

Revelation 22:1,17

Categorized as Asia