48th St., near 39th Ave., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. The pictured vehicle is a 2004 Nissan Xterra. “Everything You Need, Nothing You Don’t” was the company’s selling slogan for the vehicle. Pray for every Christian owner of a Nissan Xterra in New York City to have this statement true of his life spiritually, that he will lay aside every weight and sin, and utilize all that God has provided for life and godliness.
  2. Pray for anyone living on 48th Street who went to church yesterday and heard the gospel, but remains in the valley of decision, that today will be the day of salvation.
  3. Pray for a Christian student who is trying to live for God at Middle School 429 to make other believing friends who have the same goals, that they may encourage each other as iron sharpens iron.

Psalm 113:3


Sunday Songs Series: “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Revelation 4:8

And they do not rest day or night, saying: “Holy, holy holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”

This first Lord’s Day of March, TGP is excited to begin the Sunday Songs Series. For the next twelve Sunday posts, prayer requests will be drawn from a featured song of worship to Almighty God. A YouTube link to the song will be provided, and TGP team members are invited to follow the link to play the song. A suggested way to really let the song’s truths sink in is to start it playing and then close your eyes while listening, meditating on the words about our great God.

Our first song must of necessity reflect on the Lord’s arch attribute: absolute and perfect holiness. Isaiah 6 describes the unceasing three-fold declaration of God’s holiness that takes place before His throne. Almost 800 years later, John witnessed the same scene, and it continues even now.

Listen to “Holy, Holy, Holy”:


  1. Pray that children of God around the world gathering to worship Him today will be reminded of His awesome holiness, and join in the eternal chorus of adoration to Him for it.
  2. Pray for the Holy Spirit to have free reign in His convicting work in hearts of the lost as He shows them their need for right standing before a holy God, and for today to be the day of salvation for an individual from every people group in the world.
  3. It has been said that, “Holiness is simply the reflection of the Master in the servant.”* Pray for Christians who have seen God’s holiness to yield to His transforming work in their lives.

Psalm 113:3

*”An Alphabet to Live By” (MBH)


Saturday Morning Recap

2 Corinthians 12:9

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app

Although photos are not normally a feature of TGP’s Saturday Morning Recap, today is an opportunity to provide a bird’s eye view of our virtual prayer walk in New York City. The cross marks our current location and completed prayer walk distance. Starting at the green flag in Manhattan, we went south to Staten Island, then over to Brooklyn, and are currently in Queens. We will continue walking north to the Bronx, looping at the end to finish our course at the black and white completion flag. We have walked 46.29 miles, which is 65% of our total slated distance of 71.02 miles. With only a third of our journey to go, let us press on in prayer, with earnest pleas to our Father that Jesus would be known and loved by those for whom we pray.

Truly, each of us is part of another prayer walk as well. The site of yours may be Chattanooga, Athens, Suffolk, Minot, Parachute, Fowler, Cambridge, or Bennington. Wherever your feet walk through the day is an opportunity for prayer and the light of God to shine. Thank you for your faithfulness in both prayer walks. May the name of the Lord be forever praised through each of our lives.


Brooklyn – Queens Expressway & 48th St., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. We have crossed into our fourth New York City borough: Queens. Pray for a city bus driver whose regular route is along this road, that he himself will be on the “gospel bus”* to heaven.
  2. The pictured corner store is the Gaza Deli Grocery & Grill. Pray for an employee there to hear and understand the gospel, and accept Jesus as his Savior.
  3. Calvary Cemetery is a huge cemetery divided into four sections, to represent the four main sections of the ancient Roman catacombs. There are currently more than 1,750,000 people buried at the cemetery. Pray for any living Christian family members of believers buried there to be encouraged today by the guaranteed fact that all who trust in Jesus will one day be reunited forever.

2 Corinthians 12:9

  • This phrase used by J. V. McGee’s “Through the Bible” radio program.

Rust St., between Flushing Ave. & Grand Ave., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. Less than a block away from our map marker is United Basket, a company that makes gift baskets to sell. Pray for a lady working there to give herself fully to the Lord, as the boy gave his loaves and fishes to Jesus long ago, and then for God to use her life greatly, multiplying her gift to Him.
  2. Pray for today’s driver of the pictured red truck, that he will tune into a Christian radio station or receive a gospel tract, and believe the truth.
  3. Matthew 14:34-36 describes the incredible response the people of Gennesaret had when Jesus came to their town. When God through the Holy Spirit reaches out to convict the hearts of the people in the pictured skyline view buildings, pray for them to likewise have a faith-filled response.

2 Corinthians 12:9


Morgan Ave., near Meserole St., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. Pray for the pictured man to be saved, and for God to use him in a great way to reach his family and community with the gospel.
  2. Across the street from the above screenshot is Afghan Food Papers, a supplier to fast food restaurants typically owned by individuals of Middle Eastern descent. Pray for an employee of this business to meet a Christian who will share the love of Christ and give him a copy of the Afghan Bible.
  3. Pray for the Our Wicked Lady establishment to close down, and righteousness to flourish in its place.

2 Corinthians 12:9


Grand St., between Leonard St. & Manhattan Ave., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app

Having crossed the Williamsburg Bridge back into Brooklyn, we are currently in the Williamsburg community. Williamsburg has a large Jewish population: 36,000 adults and 32,000 children, with 74% of households adhering to Orthodox Judaism.

  1. Under inspiration, Paul penned a very good summary about religious Jews in Romans 10:1-4. Pray that an orthodox family in Williamsburg fitting this description will come to know Jesus their Messiah in 2025.
  2. The center business in the picture above is H&R Block. Pray that a client today coming to get tax advice will follow Jesus’ advice to “render unto God that which is God’s.” (Matt. 22:21)
  3. Pray for residents of Williamsburg who have been touched deeply by the deaths of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas (at the hands of Hamas) to turn to Christ for peace and hope that outlasts this life.

2 Corinthians 12:9


Grand St., near Henry St., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. The map marker / photo above is pointed toward the triangular shaped Rheba Liebowitz Square. New York City has fifty-four squares named after individuals. Some of these people are well known historical figures, such as John Jay (the first US Supreme Court Justice who also negotiated a treaty with Great Britain in 1794 to avoid war). Others are relatively unknown, even by Google, but yet they made a contribution that city residents deemed was significant enough to memorialize. Such is the case with Rheba Liebowitz. It seems she was Polish Jew (1916-1964) who was a community activist, but that is all that can be surmised from a Google search of her life. Likewise, many ordinary citizens are working to make a difference in their families and communities today. Pray that the Lord will bless the efforts of those who are working to promote His kingdom, even if little is known about them by the public in general. Jesus said that one day the Father Who sees what is done in secret will reward His children openly.
  2. Pray for a firefighter who works in the above area to personally accept the offer of rescue that Jesus has made to escape the worst fire of eternity.
  3. Pray for any Christian kids who frequent the Henry Jackson Playground to have people in their lives who will help them grow in their walk with the Lord.

2 Corinthians 12:9


Barcelona, Spain

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Barcelona.

1. Pictured above is “The Call,” literally meaning “Narrow Street.” It was the place where the Jewish community of medieval Barcelona lived, and was able to maintain their traditions. There are currently about 3,500 Jewish residents in Barcelona, the most living in any of Spain’s cities. Pray for one of those 3,500 to receive Jesus as his/her personal Messiah today.

2. Pray that a soccer player in the Barcelona Football Club will meet a Christian who explains what’s even better than scoring a winning goal: receiving God’s free gift of eternal life through Christ.

3. Pray that Christians across Barcelona will grow in their faith as they spend time in church today.

Psalm 96:4

This post was originally published on May 7, 2023.

Categorized as Europe

Saturday Morning Recap

Isaiah 40:25

To whom then will you liken Me,
Or to whom shall I be equal?” says the Holy One.

  1. Special Request: Pray for the Lord to use passages such as Psalm 46 to comfort those who grieve the loss of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas.
  2. Brooklyn Bridge Promenade: An average of 32,000 pedestrians cross the Brooklyn Bridge every day. Pray for a Bible preaching church in Brooklyn to plan an outreach to the bridge’s pedestrians, and for it to be successful spiritually.
  3. Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other locations featured this week:

Krakow, Poland

Hamilton Ave., near the merger of Hwy. 27 & I 278, NYC

Court St. & Butler St., NYC

Chinatown (Worth St. in Manhattan), NYC

Chinatown (E. Broadway & Pike St., Manhattan), NYC

Thank you for praying!
