Bennington, USA…Take 2

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Bennington.

  1. On June 22, 2021, Bennington was TGP’s city for the day. We prayed for NEBC, a local Christian college. Today, a lady closely tied to the college is on a ventilator in the above hospital. She is critical but stable, and they are working to wean her off of it. Please pray for this to be successful over the next few days, and for a complete medical recovery, that she may return to her vital supportive role at the college. Pray also for her husband and son during this time.
  2. Pray for the last two children who played on the Stark Street Playground to have a safe and happy childhood, including knowing that Jesus loves them.
  3. Pray for encouragement and strength (physical, emotional, spiritual) for medical professionals in Bennington, as they seek to help others. Pray for the Lord to minister to their deepest needs.

John 17:25-26
