Revelation 4:8
…And they do not rest day or night, saying: “Holy, holy holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”
This first Lord’s Day of March, TGP is excited to begin the Sunday Songs Series. For the next twelve Sunday posts, prayer requests will be drawn from a featured song of worship to Almighty God. A YouTube link to the song will be provided, and TGP team members are invited to follow the link to play the song. A suggested way to really let the song’s truths sink in is to start it playing and then close your eyes while listening, meditating on the words about our great God.
Our first song must of necessity reflect on the Lord’s arch attribute: absolute and perfect holiness. Isaiah 6 describes the unceasing three-fold declaration of God’s holiness that takes place before His throne. Almost 800 years later, John witnessed the same scene, and it continues even now.
Listen to “Holy, Holy, Holy”:
- Pray that children of God around the world gathering to worship Him today will be reminded of His awesome holiness, and join in the eternal chorus of adoration to Him for it.
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to have free reign in His convicting work in hearts of the lost as He shows them their need for right standing before a holy God, and for today to be the day of salvation for an individual from every people group in the world.
- It has been said that, “Holiness is simply the reflection of the Master in the servant.”* Pray for Christians who have seen God’s holiness to yield to His transforming work in their lives.
Psalm 113:3
*”An Alphabet to Live By” (MBH)